
    Periodic free surface flow of a Plastic fluid


    An example of 2D granular flow along an inclined plate (angle -\alpha) with a free surface is presented here. The configuration is periodic what is injected to the left comes from the right. On the bottom solid wall there is a no slip boundary condition, on the top fixed free surface a slip condition is imposed (and zero pressure). We use the centered Navier-Stokes solver with regularization for viscosity. This flow is a simple model for rock/gravels/ sand avalanches along a slope (see Lagrée et al.).

    Equations for a granular fluid: \mu(I) rheology

    The \mu(I) rheology supposes that the tangential and normal stress are proportional (GDR MiDi): \displaystyle \tau = \mu(I ) p with a coefficient of proportionality that is a function of a single dimensionless number, called the inertial number I (square root of Savage Number…): \displaystyle I = \frac{d_g\dot \gamma}{\sqrt{p/\rho}} where d_g grain diameter and \dot \gamma reduces to \partial u/\partial y for a unidirectional flow.

    To write this in tensorial form, \tau_{ij} is linked with D_{ij} the shear strain rate tensor (tenseur de taux de déformation) D_{ij}=(u_{i,j}+u_{j,i})/2, whose components in 2D are:

    D_{11}=\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}, D_{12} =\frac{1}{2}( \frac{\partial u}{\partial y}+ \frac{\partial v}{\partial x}), D_{21} =D_{12} =\frac{1}{2}( \frac{\partial u}{\partial y}+ \frac{\partial v}{\partial x}), D_{22}=\frac{\partial v}{\partial y}

    And where the second invariant is D_2=\sqrt{D_{ij}D_{ij}} hence \displaystyle D_2^2= D_{ij}D_{ij}= ( \frac{\partial u}{\partial x})^2 + (\frac{\partial v}{\partial y})^2 + \frac{1}{2}( \frac{\partial u}{\partial y}+ \frac{\partial v}{\partial x})^2

    for a unidirectional flow \partial u/\partial y is \sqrt{2} D_2

    The total stress is written in a pressure part and a dissipative part \displaystyle \sigma_{ij}= - p \delta_{ij} + \tau_{ij}

    By GDR MiDi, in a scalar analysis \tau = \mu(I ) p, by Jop et al hypothesis, this is generalized : tangential stress is linked to the shear rate tensor by \displaystyle \tau_{ij} = \sqrt{2}\mu(I) p \frac{D_{ij}}{D_2} where the friction law compatible with the experiments is: \displaystyle \mu(I)= \mu_0 + \frac{\Delta \mu}{\frac{I_0}{I}+1} the coefficients depend on the nature of the granular media \mu_0=0.38 \Delta \mu = 0.26 and I_0=0.3

    Equivalent rheology

    From this, one can exhibit an equivalent viscosity if we write: \displaystyle \tau_{ij} = 2 \mu_{eq} D_{ij} we the define \displaystyle \mu_{eq}= \frac{\mu(I) p}{\sqrt{2} D_2 } This equivalent viscosity will be coded next (with a regularisation to avoid infinite viscosity at rest).

    Exact solution in the proposed case

    This problem admits an analytical solution called “Bagnold” profile in a steady case. It corresponds to the equivanlent of the half Poiseuille or Nusselt flow in Newtonian flow. This is a steady flow invariant in x. We look at an unidirectional flow, a pure shear flow u(y), v=0, so D_{11}=D_{22}=0 and D_{12}=D_{21}=(1/2)(\partial u/\partial y), this gives (mind square root of 2): D_2=\sqrt{D_{ij}D_{ij}} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\frac{\partial u}{\partial y}.

    so that we have, as we wish: \displaystyle \tau_{12} = 2 \mu(I) p \frac{D_{12}}{ \sqrt{2}D_2} = \mu(I)p The component \tau_{12} is as we wish $(I)p $.

    Equilibrium between pressure gradient and viscosity (writing \tau for a shorthand of \tau_{12}), the projection of the equations \displaystyle 0=\rho g \sin(\alpha) + \frac{\partial \tau}{\partial y} \displaystyle 0=-\rho g \sin(\alpha) -\frac{\partial p}{\partial y} as there is no stress and no pressure at the free surface y=h, the stress is \displaystyle \tau = \rho g \sin(\alpha) (h-y) and the pressure is \displaystyle p = \rho g \cos(\alpha) (h-y) the stress \tau and the pressure increase from the free surface, and by the Coulomb fricton \tau = \mu(I) p, hence \mu(I) = \tan(\alpha) as \displaystyle \mu(I)= \mu_0 + (\Delta \mu) I/(I_0 + I) = \tan (\alpha) this gives teh constant value of I_\alpha across the layer : I_\alpha = (-I_0 \mu_0 + I_0 \tan( \alpha) )/(\Delta \mu + \mu_0 - tan (\alpha)) but remember I = d_g \sqrt{2} D_2 /\sqrt{p/\rho} so that \displaystyle I_\alpha = d_g \frac{\partial u}{\partial y}/\sqrt{g (h-y) cos(\alpha)} this allows to find $ $ and the velocity by integration.

    just before, let us include the NS code, define the precision 2^N, define the angle 24.64 degrees

    #include "navier-stokes/centered.h"
    #define LEVEL 4
    double mumax;
    double dg;
    # define alpha 0.43
        scalar mu_eq[],foo[];

    now, come back to the velocity shear which is \displaystyle \frac{\partial u}{\partial y} = \frac{I_\alpha}{d_g} \sqrt{g cos(\alpha)} \sqrt{(h-y)} note the numerical value (0.114 - 0.3 tan(alpha))/(-0.64 + 1. tan(alpha)) of I_\alpha where \mu_0=0.38 \Delta \mu = 0.26 and I_0=0.3, so the exact Bagnold shear velocity is:

    double dUb( double y){
        double U0=(sqrt(cos(alpha))*(-0.114 + 0.3*tan(alpha))/(dg*(0.64 - tan(alpha))));
        return ((pow(1. - y, .5))*U0) ;

    This gives the Bagnold’s solution \displaystyle u = \frac{2}{3} \frac{I_\alpha}{d_g} \sqrt{g h^3 cos(\alpha)} (1 - (1 - \frac{y}{h})^{3/2}) (note the numerical value for alpha=0.43, dg=0.04 U0 = 2.06631)

    double Ub( double y){
        double U0=(sqrt(cos(alpha))*(-0.114 + 0.3*tan(alpha))/(dg*(0.64 - tan(alpha))));
        return ((1. - pow(1. - y, 1.5))*2./3.*U0) ;

    The domain is one unit long. 0<x<1 0<y<1

    int main() {
      L0 = 1.;
      origin (0., 0);

    Values of grain size

    //  alpha = 0.43;
      dg = 0.04;

    the regularisation value of viscosity


    Boundary conditions are periodic

        periodic (right);

    slip at the top

        u.t[top] = neumann(0);
      //  uf.t[top] = neumann(0);
        u.n[top] = dirichlet(0);
     //   uf.n[top] = neumann(0);
        /* u.t[top] = neumann(0);
        u.n[top] = neumann(0);
        uf.n[top] = neumann(0);*/

    no slip at the bottom

        u.n[bottom] = dirichlet(0);
       // uf.n[bottom] = dirichlet(0);
        u.t[bottom] = dirichlet(0);

    note the pressure

        p[top] = dirichlet(0);
     //   pf[top] = dirichlet(0);
     // with NO BC it works!
       // p[bottom] = neumann(0);
       // pf[bottom] = neumann(0);
       // p[bottom] = neumann(cos(alpha));
       // pf[bottom] = neumann(cos(alpha));

    the \Delta t_{max} should be enough small

     // DT = 0.1;
      stokes = true; // because U=u(y)⇤e_x. stokes true > no CFL condition
    face vector muv[];
    event init (t = 0) {

    prepare viscosity

      mu = muv;

    pressure gradient, gravity acceleartion mdpdx \displaystyle -\frac{\partial p}{\partial x} = \sin(alpha) \displaystyle -\frac{\partial p}{\partial y} = -\cos(alpha)

        const face vector mdpdx[] = {sin(alpha),-cos(alpha)};
      a = mdpdx;

    Initialy at rest

      foreach() {
        u.x[] = Ub(y);
        u.y[] = 0;

    We check the number of iterations of the Poisson and viscous problems.

    //event logfile (i++)
    // fprintf (stderr, "%d %g %d %d\n", i, t, mgp.i, mgu.i);

    old value of the velocity is saved

    scalar un[];
    event init_un (i = 0) {
        un[] = u.x[];

    so that when it does not more change we are converged

    event conv (t += 1; i <= 100000) {
        double du = change (u.x, un);
        fprintf(stdout,"t= %g %g %g \n",t,interpolate (u.x, L0/2, .999)/Ub(1),interpolate (u.x, L0/2, .999));
        if (i > 0 && du < 1.0e-6)
            return 1; /* stop */

    Implementation of the Bagnold viscosity

    event bagnold(i++) {

    Compute D_{11}=\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}, D_{12} =\frac{1}{2}( \frac{\partial u}{\partial y}+ \frac{\partial v}{\partial x}), D_{21} =D_{12} =\frac{1}{2}( \frac{\partial u}{\partial y}+ \frac{\partial v}{\partial x}), D_{22}=\frac{\partial v}{\partial y}

    And where the second invariant is D_2=\sqrt{D_{ij}D_{ij}} hence \displaystyle D_2^2= D_{ij}D_{ij}= D_{11}D_{11} + D_{12}D_{21} + D_{21}D_{12} + D_{22}D_{22}

    with I = d_g \sqrt{2} D_2 /\sqrt{p/\rho}, and as \displaystyle \mu(I)= \mu_0 + (\Delta \mu) I/(I_0 + I)

    the equivalent viscosity is \displaystyle \mu_{eq}= \frac{\mu(I) p}{\sqrt{2} D_2 } the final one is the min of of \mu_{eq} and a large \mu_{max}, then the fluid flows always, it is not a solid, but a very viscous fluid.

        foreach() {
            mu_eq[] =    mumax;
            if (p[] > 0.) {
            double D2 = 0.,In,muI;
            foreach_dimension() {
                double dxx = u.x[1,0] - u.x[-1,0];
                double dxy = (u.x[0,1] - u.x[0,-1] + u.y[1,0] - u.y[-1,0])/2.;
                D2 += sq(dxx) + sq(dxy);
            if (D2 > 0.) {
                D2 = sqrt(D2)/(2.*Delta) ;
                In = sqrt(2.)*dg*D2/sqrt(fabs(p[]));
                muI = .38 + (.26)*In/(.3 + In);
                foo[] = D2;
                mu_eq[] =  min(muI*fabs(p[])/(sqrt(2.)*D2) , mumax );}
             mu_eq[] =  mumax;
        boundary ({mu_eq});
        foreach_face() {
            muv.x[] = (mu_eq[] + mu_eq[-1,0])/2.;
        boundary ((scalar *){muv});

    Save profiles

    event profiles (t += 1)
        FILE * fp = fopen("xprof", "w");
        scalar shear[];
        shear[] = (u.x[0,1] - u.x[0,-1])/(2.*Delta);
        boundary ({shear});
        for (double y = 0.; y < 1.0; y += 1./pow(2.,LEVEL))
            fprintf (fp, "%g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g \n", y, interpolate (u.x, L0/2, y), interpolate (shear, L0/2, y),
                      Ub(y), cos(alpha)*(1-y),interpolate (p, L0/2, y),
                     interpolate (mu_eq, L0/2, y), interpolate (foo, L0/2, y),dUb(y) );
        fclose (fp);

    We adapt according to the error on the velocity field.

    event adapt (i++) {
     // adapt_wavelet ({u}, (double[]){3e-3,3e-3}, 8, 6);

    Results and plots

    To run the program

     qcc -g -O3 -o bagnold_periodic bagnold_periodic.c -lm
     lldb bagnold_periodic

    Plots of the velocity, \tau and p, the two last are linear as expected:

     set xlabel "y"
     set xlabel "U, tau, p"
     p'xprof' u 1:2 t'U computed' ,''u 1:($7*$3) t'tau comp.','' u 1:6 t'p'

    Velocity, pressure and $= _ (script){eq}

    We check the pressure p is cos(alpha)*(1-y)

     set xlabel "y"
     set xlabel "p"
     p[][0:]'xprof' u 1:6 t'Pression',''u 1:($5) t'cos(alpha)*(1-y)' w l
    pressure profiles compared to the lithostatic for Bagnold flow (script)

    pressure profiles compared to the lithostatic for Bagnold flow (script)

    we verify that (\mu_{eq} \partial u/ \partial y)/tan(\alpha) is p and that the computed velocity is the Bagnold one.

     set xlabel "y"
     p[][0:2.5]'xprof' u 1:($2*1.) t'U computed',''u 1:4 t'U Bangold exact' w l linec 1,''u 1:($7*$3/tan(.43)) t'tau/tan(alpha)  comp.','' u 1:($6) t'pressure' w l
    Velocity and stress profiles computed and exact for Bagnold flow (script)

    Velocity and stress profiles computed and exact for Bagnold flow (script)

    We check that (\partial u/ \partial y) is \sqrt{2}D_2 and that the computed gradient of velocity is the Bagnold one.

     set xlabel "y"
      p[][0:]'xprof' u 1:3 t'Computed dU/dy',''u 1:($8*sqrt(2))t'Sqrt(2)*D2' ,''u 1:($9) t' d Ubagnold/dy'w l linec 1
    shear velocity profiles for Bagnold flow (script)

    shear velocity profiles for Bagnold flow (script)


    Paris Avril 2015 Avril 2016