
    The Steady Heat Equation in a square

    The Steady Heat Equation in a square for T, written without dimension \displaystyle \nabla^2 T = 0 with mixed condition on the wall y=0 for any x \displaystyle - \frac{\partial T }{\partial n} = Bi\; T where n is in the direction of the external normal, Bi is the Biot number, it is the ratio of the heat transfer coefficient h by conductivity k multiplied by the reference length L. So, if the boundary is at the bottom, the normal direction is reversed compared to the y direction \displaystyle \frac{\partial T }{\partial y} (x,0)= Bi\; T (x,0)

    and at the top a fixed temperature T(x,top)=1, right and left are periodic conditions (or infinite domain),

    Note that if Bi>>1 this gives the fixed wall temperature T=0.

    This system can be solved with the Poisson solver.

    #include "grid/multigrid.h"
    #include "run.h"
    #include "poisson.h"

    Temperature and flux, and some obvious variables

    scalar T[],flux[];
    double Bi,tmax,dy;

    The generic time loop needs a timestep. We will store the statistics on the diffusion solvers in mgdpoi.

    mgstats mgpoi;

    the exact solution without mask

    double Texact(double y)
    { double Te;
       Te = (Bi*y+1)/(Bi*L0+1);	 	 	
     return Te;	

    Boundary conditions: a given temperature at the top, a mixed convection at the bottom \partial T/\partial y = Bi\; T this mixed condition is written (T[0,0]-T[bottom])/Delta = Bi (T[0,0] + T[bottom])/2

    T[top]    =  dirichlet(1);
    T[bottom] =  T[]*(2.-Bi*Delta)/(2.+Bi*Delta) ;
    T[right]  =  neumann(0);
    T[left]   =  neumann(0);


    The size of the domain L0.

    int main() {
      L0 = 10.;
      X0 = -L0/2;
      Y0 = 0;
      N =  32;
      tmax = 500;
      Bi = .5;

    Initial conditions

    a constant amount of concentration

    event init (i = 0) {
        T[] = 0.;
      boundary ({T});


    prepare Poisson solver with zero source

      scalar source[]; 
      foreach() {
        source[] = 0;
      mgpoi = poisson (T,source);

    The flux along y is -{\partial c}/{\partial y}

        flux[] =  - ( T[0,0] - T[0,-1] )/Delta;
      boundary ({flux});


    print data, saves along the center

    event printdata ( i++) {
       FILE *  fpx = fopen("T.txt", "w");
       for (double y = 0 ; y < L0; y += L0/N){
        fprintf (fpx, "%g %g %g \n", 
          y, interpolate (T, 0, y) , interpolate (flux, 0, y));}

    At the end of the simulation, we create snapshot images of the field, in PNG format.

    event pictures (i++) {
      output_ppm (T, file = "T.png", min=0, max = 1,  spread = 2, n= 128, linear = true);


    Then compile and run:

    rm heat2D; qcc  -g -O2 -DTRASH=1 -Wall heat2D.c -o heat2D ; ./heat2D 

    or with make

     ln -s ../../Makefile Makefile
     make heat2D.tst;make heat2D/plots    
     make heat2D.c.html ; open heat2D.c.html 


    compare a cut in x=0, exact solution and computed

    set output 'plot.png'
    set xlabel "y"
    set key left
    p[][-1:1]'T.txt't 'T'w lp,(Bi*x+1)/(Bi*L0+1) t'(Bi y+1)/(Bi*L0+1)','T.txt'u 1:3 t'-dT/dy',1 not,-Bi/(Bi*L0+1.) t '-Bi/(Bi L0+1)'
    cut in x=0 (script)

    cut in x=0 (script)

    Field of T:



    More on the heat equation by PYL

    Version 1: may 2014

    ready for new site 09/05/19