
    A solver for the Two-layer equations

    The Saint-Venant equations can be written in integral form as the hyperbolic system of conservation laws

    \displaystyle \partial_t \int_{\Omega} \mathbf{q} d \Omega + \int_{\partial \Omega} \mathbf{f} ( \mathbf{q}) \cdot \mathbf{n}d \partial \Omega + \int_{\Omega} \mathbf{F} d \Omega= 0

    where \Omega is a given subset of space, \partial \Omega its boundary and \mathbf{n} the unit normal vector on this boundary. For conservation of mass and momentum in the shallow-water context, \Omega is a subset of bidimensional space and \mathbf{q} and \mathbf{f} are written

    \displaystyle \mathbf{q} = \left(\begin{array}{c} h\\ h u_x\\ h u_y\\ h_s\\ h_s u_{sx}\\ h_s u_{sy}\\ \end{array}\right), \;\;\;\;\;\; \mathbf{f} (\mathbf{q}) = \left(\begin{array}{cc} h \ u_x & h \ u_y\\ h \ u_x^2 + \frac{1}{2} g h^2 & h \ u_x u_y\\ h \ u_x u_y & h u_y^2 + \frac{1}{2} g h^2\\ h_s \ u_{sx} & h_s \ u_{sy}\\ h_s \ u_{sx}^2 + \frac{1}{2} g h_s^2 & h_s \ u_{sx} u_{sy}\\ h_s \ u_{sx} u_{sy} & h_s \ u_{sy}^2 + \frac{1}{2} g h_s^2 \end{array}\right), \;\;\;\;\;\; \mathbf{F} = \left(\begin{array}{c} 0\\ g h \frac{\partial}{\partial x} \left( h_s + z_b \right)\\ g h \frac{\partial}{\partial y} \left( h_s + z_b \right)\\ 0\\ g h_s \frac{\partial}{\partial x} \left( z_b + \frac{\rho}{\rho_s} h \right)\\ g h_s \frac{\partial}{\partial y} \left( z_b + \frac{\rho}{\rho_s} h \right) \end{array}\right),

    where h the water depth, h_s is the landslide thickness, \mathbf{u} is the velocity vector of the water, \mathbf{u_s} is the velocity vector of the landslide, and z_b the height of the topography. See also Popinet, 2011 for a more detailed introduction.

    User variables and parameters

    The primary fields are the water depth h, the landslide thickness h_s, the bathymetry z_b and the flow speeds of water and landslide respectively \mathbf{u} and \mathbf{u_s}. \eta is the water level i.e. z_b + h + h_s. Note that the order of the declarations is important as z_b needs to be refined before h_s, before h, before \eta.

    scalar zb[], hs[], h[], eta[];
    vector us[], u[];
    double default_sea_level=0.;

    The only physical parameter is the acceleration of gravity G and the densities of the two fluids. Cells are considered “dry” when the water depth is less than the dry parameter (this should not require tweaking).

    double G = 1.;
    double dry = 1e-10;
    double RHOratio = 0.5;



    Time integration will be done with a generic predictor-corrector scheme.

    The generic time-integration scheme in predictor-corrector.h needs to know which fields are updated.

    scalar * evolving = NULL;

    We need to overload the default advance function of the predictor-corrector scheme, because the evolving variables (h, $, h_s and \mathbf{u_s}) are not the conserved variables h, $h, h_s and h_s\mathbf{u_s}.

    static void advance_two_layer (scalar * output, scalar * input, 
    			       scalar * updates, double dt)
      // recover scalar and vector fields from lists
      scalar hi = input[0], ho = output[0], dh = updates[0];
      scalar hsi = input[1], hso = output[1], dhs = updates[1];
      vector uo = vector(output[2]), uso = vector(output[2+dimension]);
      Order within the scalar lists e.g. input, output, updates, evolving, [h, hs, u, us]
      Note that this differs from what I previously did...  But this should all occur within this so as long as it is self consistent it should be fine
      // new fields in ho[], uo[]
      foreach() {
        double hold = hi[];
        double hsold = hsi[];
        ho[] = hold + dt*dh[];
        hso[] = hsold + dt*dhs[];
        eta[] = ho[] + hso[] + zb[];
        if (hso[] > dry){
          //      fprintf(stderr,"HS wet");
          vector usi = vector(input[2+dimension]);
          vector dhus = vector(updates[2+dimension]);
    	uso.x[] = (hsold*usi.x[] + dt*dhus.x[])/hso[];}
          //fprintf(stderr,"HS dry");
          //hs[]=0.;  // Sometimes hs is negative - will this stop that or will it cause issues?
    	uso.x[] = 0.;}
        if (ho[] > dry){
          //fprintf(stderr," H wet\n");
          vector ui = vector(input[2]);
          vector dhu = vector(updates[2]);
    	uo.x[] = (hold*ui.x[] + dt*dhu.x[])/ho[];}
          //fprintf(stderr," H dry\n");
          //      h[]=0.;  // Sometime h is negative - will this stop that or will it cause issues?
    	uo.x[] = 0.;}
      //  fprintf(stderr,"boundary\n");
      //ho.prolongation = refine_linear;
      scalar * list = list_copy({hso, ho, eta, uso, uo});
      boundary (list);
      free (list);
      //  fprintf(stderr,"done\n");

    When using an adaptive discretisation (i.e. a quadtree)., we need to make sure that \eta is maintained as z_b + h + h_s whenever cells are refined or coarsened.

    #if TREE
    static void refine_eta (Point point, scalar eta)
        eta[] = zb[] + h[] + hs[];
    static void restriction_eta (Point point, scalar eta)
      eta[] = zb[] + h[] + hs[];

    Computing fluxes

    Various approximate Riemann solvers are defined in riemann.h.

    #include "riemann.h"
    double update_two_layer (scalar * evolving, scalar * updates, double dtmax)

    We first recover the currently evolving fields (as set by the predictor-corrector scheme). NOTE change in order as mentioned above

      scalar h = evolving[0], dh = updates[0];
      scalar hs = evolving[1], dhs = updates[1];
      vector u = vector(evolving[2]);
      vector us = vector(evolving[2+dimension]);

    Fh, Fhs Fq and Fqs will contain the fluxes for h, h_s, h\mathbf{u} and h_s\mathbf{u_s} respectively and S1 and S2 are necessary to store the asymmetric topographic source terms.

      face vector Fh[], Fhs[], S1[], S2[];
      tensor Fq[], Fqs[];

    The gradients are stored in locally-allocated fields. First-order reconstruction is used for the gradient fields.

      vector gh[], ghs[], geta[];
      tensor gu[], gus[];
      for (scalar s in {gh, ghs, geta, gu, gus}){
        s.gradient = zero;
    #if TREE   //Is this where the problem is?  Do I need to refine some other way?
          s.prolongation = refine_linear;
      gradients ({h, hs, eta, u, us}, {gh, ghs, geta, gu, gus});
      //fprintf(stdout,"%% updates\n");

    The faces which are “wet” on at least one side are traversed. First we see whether “wet” in bottom fluid - if so look for lake at rest solution h_s+z_b=C_0 h=C If hs is dry look for lake at rest solution h_s=0 h+z_b=C_0

      int hswet;
      foreach_face (reduction (min:dtmax)) {
        // First the bottom layer
        double hi = hs[], hn = hs[-1];
        if (hi > dry || hn > dry) {
          //      fprintf(stderr,"HS wet");

    Left/right state reconstruction

    The gradients computed above are used to reconstruct the left and right states of the primary fields h, \mathbf{u}, z_b. The “interface” topography z_{lr} is reconstructed using the hydrostatic reconstruction of Audusse et al, 2004

          double dx = Delta/2.;
          double zi = eta[] - hi - h[];
          double zl = zi - dx*(geta.x[] - ghs.x[]- gh.x[]);
          double zn = eta[-1,0] - hn - h[-1,0];
          double zr = zn + dx*(geta.x[-1,0] - ghs.x[-1,0] - gh.x[-1,0]);
          double zlr = max(zl, zr);
          double hl = hi - dx*ghs.x[];
          double up = us.x[] - dx*gus.x.x[];
          double hp = max(0., hl + zl - zlr);
          double hr = hn + dx*ghs.x[-1,0];
          double um = us.x[-1,0] + dx*gus.x.x[-1,0];
          double hm = max(0., hr + zr - zlr);

    Riemann solver

    We can now call one of the approximate Riemann solvers to get the fluxes.

          double fh, fu, fv;
          kurganov (hm, hp, um, up, Delta*cm[]/fm.x[], &fh, &fu, &dtmax);
          fv = (fh > 0. ? us.y[-1,0] + dx*gus.y.x[-1,0] : us.y[] - dx*gus.y.x[])*fh;

    Topographic source term

    In the case of adaptive refinement, care must be taken to ensure well-balancing at coarse/fine faces (see notes/

    #if TREE
          if (is_prolongation(cell)) {
    	hi = coarse(hs);
    	zi = coarse(zb);
          if (is_prolongation(neighbor(-1,0))) {
    	hn = coarse(hs,-1);
    	zn = coarse(zb,-1);
          double sl = G/2.*(sq(hp) - sq(hl) + (hl + hi)*(zi - zl+dx*RHOratio*gh.x[]));
          double sr = G/2.*(sq(hm) - sq(hr) + (hr + hn)*(zn - zr-dx*RHOratio*gh.x[-1,0]));

    Flux update

          Fhs.x[]   = fm.x[]*fh;
          Fqs.x.x[] = fm.x[]*(fu - sl);
          S2.x[]    = fm.x[]*(fu - sr);
          Fqs.y.x[] = fm.x[]*fv;
          //fprintf(stdout,"2 %g %g %g %g %g\n",x,y,fh,fu,fv);
        else {//h_s is dry - Note that h_s is not necessarily dry in the neighbouring cell...
          Fhs.x[] = Fqs.x.x[] = S2.x[] = Fqs.y.x[] = 0.;
          //fprintf(stderr,"HS dry");

    Now we must calculate fluxes for h. If h_s>dry then we must satisfy h_s+z_b=C_0 h=C; If h_s=0 then we must satisfy h+z_b=C_0

          hi = h[], hn = h[-1];
          if (hi > dry || hn > dry) {
    	//	fprintf(stderr," H wet\n");

    Left/right state reconstruction

    The gradients computed above are used to reconstruct the left and right states of the primary fields h, \mathbf{u}, z_b. The “interface” topography z_{lr} is reconstructed using the hydrostatic reconstruction of Audusse et al, 2004

    	double dx = Delta/2.;
    	double zi = eta[] - hi;
    	double zl = zi - dx*(geta.x[] - gh.x[]);
    	double zn = eta[-1,0] - hn;
    	double zr = zn + dx*(geta.x[-1,0] - gh.x[-1,0]);
    	double zlr = max(zl, zr);
    	double hl = hi - dx*gh.x[];
    	double up = u.x[] - dx*gu.x.x[];
    	double hp = max(0., hl + zl - zlr);
    	double hr = hn + dx*gh.x[-1,0];
    	double um = u.x[-1,0] + dx*gu.x.x[-1,0];
    	double hm = max(0., hr + zr - zlr);

    Riemann solver

    We can now call one of the approximate Riemann solvers to get the fluxes.

    	double fh, fu, fv;
    	kurganov (hm, hp, um, up, Delta*cm[]/fm.x[], &fh, &fu, &dtmax);
    	fv = (fh > 0. ? u.y[-1,0] + dx*gu.y.x[-1,0] : u.y[] - dx*gu.y.x[])*fh;

    Topographic source term

    In the case of adaptive refinement, care must be taken to ensure well-balancing at coarse/fine faces (see notes/

    #if TREE
    	if (is_prolongation(cell)) {
    	  hi = coarse(h);
    	  zi = hswet?coarse(zb) + coarse(hs):coarse(zb);
    	if (is_prolongation(neighbor(-1,0))) {
    	  hn = coarse(h,-1);
    	  zn = hswet?coarse(zb,-1) + coarse(hs,-1):coarse(zb,-1);
    	double sl = G/2.*(sq(hp) - sq(hl) + (hl + hi)*(zi - zl));
    	double sr = G/2.*(sq(hm) - sq(hr) + (hr + hn)*(zn - zr));

    Flux update

    	Fh.x[]   = fm.x[]*fh;
    	Fq.x.x[] = fm.x[]*(fu - sl);
    	S1.x[]    = fm.x[]*(fu - sr);
    	Fq.y.x[] = fm.x[]*fv;
    	//fprintf(stdout,"1 %g %g %g %g %g\n",x,y,fh,fu,fv);
          else {// dry
    	Fh.x[] = Fq.x.x[] = S1.x[] = Fq.y.x[] = 0.;
    	//fprintf(stderr," H dry\n");
      boundary_flux ({Fh, Fhs, S1, S2, Fq, Fqs});

    Updates for evolving quantities

    We store the divergence of the fluxes in the update fields. Note that these are updates for h and h\mathbf{u} (not \mathbf{u}).

      //scalar dh = updates[0], dhs = updates[1];
      vector dhu = vector( updates[2]), dhus = vector(updates[2+dimension]);
      foreach() {
        dh[] = (Fh.x[] + Fh.y[] - Fh.x[1,0] - Fh.y[0,1])/(cm[]*Delta);
        dhs[] = (Fhs.x[] + Fhs.y[] - Fhs.x[1,0] - Fhs.y[0,1])/(cm[]*Delta);
          dhu.x[] = (Fq.x.x[] + Fq.x.y[] - S1.x[1,0] - Fq.x.y[0,1])/(cm[]*Delta);
          dhus.x[] = (Fqs.x.x[] + Fqs.x.y[] - S2.x[1,0] - Fqs.x.y[0,1])/(cm[]*Delta);

    We also need to add the metric terms. They can be written (see eq. (8) of Popinet, 2011) \displaystyle S_g = h \left(\begin{array}{c} 0\ \ \frac{g}{2} h \partial_{\lambda} m_{\theta} + f_G u_y\ \ \frac{g}{2} h \partial_{\theta} m_{\lambda} - f_G u_x \end{array}\right) with \displaystyle f_G = u_y \partial_{\lambda} m_{\theta} - u_x \partial_{\theta} m_{\lambda}


        double dmdl = (fm.x[1,0] - fm.x[])/(cm[]*Delta);
        double dmdt = (fm.y[0,1] - fm.y[])/(cm[]*Delta);
        double fG1 = u.y[]*dmdl - u.x[]*dmdt;
        double fG2 = us.y[]*dmdl - us.x[]*dmdt;
        dhu.x[] += h[]*(G*h[]/2.*dmdl + fG1*u.y[]);
        dhu.y[] += h[]*(G*h[]/2.*dmdt - fG1*u.x[]);
        dhus.x[] += hs[]*(G*hs[]/2.*dmdl + fG2*us.y[]);
        dhus.y[] += hs[]*(G*hs[]/2.*dmdt - fG2*us.x[]);
      return dtmax;
    // XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXUP TO HERE XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX need to add in initialisation page 7 of new sain venant...

    We use the main time loop (in the predictor-corrector scheme) to setup the initial defaults.

    event defaults (i = 0){
      evolving = list_copy({h, hs, u, us});
        for (scalar s in evolving)

    We overload the default ‘advance’ and ‘update’ function of the predictor-corrector scheme and setup the refinement and coarsening methods on quadtrees.

      advance = advance_two_layer; 
      update = update_two_layer;  
    #if TREE
      for (scalar s in {zb,hs,eta,h,us,u}) {
        s.refine = s.prolongation = refine_linear;
        s.restriction = restriction_volume_average;
      eta.refine  =refine_eta;
      eta.restriction = restriction_eta;
      eta.prolongation = refine_linear;

    The event below will happen after all the other initial events to take into account user-defined field initialisations.

    event init (i = 0)
        eta[] = zb[] + h[] + hs[];
      boundary (all);
    event cleanup (i = end, last) {
      free (evolving);

    Conservation of water surface elevation

    When using the default adaptive reconstruction of variables, the Saint-Venant solver will conserve the water depth when cells are refined or coarsened. However, this will not necessarily ensure that the “lake-at-rest” condition (i.e. a constant water surface elevation) is also preserved. In what follows, we redefine the refine() and coarsen() methods of the water depth h so that the water surface elevation \eta is conserved.

    We start with the reconstruction of fine “wet” cells:

    #if TREE
    static void refine_elevation1 (Point point, scalar h)
      //struct { double x, y; } g; // gradient of eta
      if (h[] >= dry) {
        //fprintf(stderr,"Before: zb=%g, hs=%g, h=%g\n",zb[],hs[],h[]);
        double eta1 = hs[] >= dry ? zb[] + h[] + hs[]:zb[] + h[];   // water surface elevation  
        //fprintf(stderr,"After: eta=%g, zb=%g, hs=%g, h=%g\n",eta1,zb[],hs[],h[]);
            coord g; // gradient of eta
        if (gradient)
        	g.x = gradient (zb[-1] + h[-1] + hs[-1], eta1, zb[1] + h[1]+ hs[1])/4.;
    	g.x = (zb[1] - zb[-1])/(2.*Delta);
        	//g.x = (zb[1] + hs[1] + h[1] - zb[-1] - hs[-1] - h[-1])/(2.*Delta);
        // reconstruct water depth h from eta and zb
        foreach_child() {
          double etac = eta1;
        	etac += g.x*child.x;
          h[] = max(0, etac - zb[] - hs[]);
      else {

    The “dry” case is a bit more complicated. We look in a 3x3 neighborhood of the coarse parent cell and compute a depth-weighted average of the “wet” surface elevation \eta. We need to do this because we cannot assume a priori that the surrounding wet cells are necessarily close to e.g. \eta = 0.

        double v = 0., eta = 0.; // water surface elevation
        // 3x3 neighbourhood - 1 symbolises this rather than 5x5
          if (h[] >= dry) {
    	eta += hs[] > dry ? h[]*(zb[] + h[] + hs[]) : h[]*(zb[] + h[]);
    	v += h[];
        if (v > 0.)
          eta /= v; // volume-averaged eta of neighbouring wet cells

    If none of the surrounding cells is wet, we assume a default sealevel at zero.

          //eta = 0.;
          eta = default_sea_level;
          //eta = min( default_sea_level, zb[]);

    We then reconstruct the water depth in each child using \eta (of the parent cell i.e. a first-order interpolation in contrast to the wet case above) and z_b of the child cells.

        // reconstruct water depth h from eta and zb
          h[] = max(0., eta - zb[] - hs[]);

    Cell coarsening is simpler. We first compute the depth-weighted average of \eta over all the children…

    static void restriction_elevation (Point point, scalar h)
      double eta = 0., v = 0.;
        if (h[] > dry) {
          eta += hs[] > dry ? h[]*(zb[] + hs[] + h[]) :  h[]*(zb[] + h[]);
          v += h[];

    … and use this in combination with z_b (of the coarse cell) to compute the water depth h.

      if (v > 0.)
        h[] = max(0., eta/v - zb[] - hs[]);
      else // dry cell
        h[] = 0.;

    We also need to define a consistent prolongation function. For cells which are entirely surrounded by wet cells, we can use the standard linear refinement function, otherwise we use straight injection from the parent cell.

    static void prolongation_elevation (Point point, scalar h)
      bool wet = true;
        if (h[] <= dry)
          wet = false, break;
      if (wet)
        refine_linear (point, h);
      else {
        //fprintf(stderr,"prolongation: x=%g, y=%g, h[]=%g, zb[]=%g\n",x,y,h[],val(zb));
        double hc = h[], zc = zb[];
        foreach_child() {
          h[] = hc;
          zb[] = zc;

    Finally we define a function which will be called by the user to apply these reconstructions.

    void conserve_elevation (void)
      h.refine  = refine_elevation1;
      h.prolongation  = prolongation_elevation;
      h.restriction = restriction_elevation;
    #else // Cartesian
    void conserve_elevation (void) {}

    “Radiation” boundary conditions

    This can be used to implement open boundary conditions at low Froude numbers. The idea is to set the velocity normal to the boundary so that the water level relaxes towards its desired value (ref).

    #define radiation1(ref) (sqrt (G*max(h[],0.)) - sqrt(G*max((ref) - zb[], 0.)))
    #define radiation2(ref) (sqrt (G*max(hs[],0.)) - sqrt(G*max((ref) - zb[], 0.)))

    Tide gauges

    An array of Gauge structures passed to output_gauges() will create a file (called name) for each gauge. Each time output_gauges() is called a line will be appended to the file. The line contains the time and the value of each scalar in list in the (wet) cell containing (x,y). The desc field can be filled with a longer description of the gauge.

      typedef struct {
        char * name;
        double x, y;
        char * desc;
        FILE * fp;
      } Gauge;
    void output_gauges (Gauge * gauges, scalar * list)
      scalar * list1 = list_append (NULL, h);
      for (scalar s in list)
        list1 = list_append (list1, s);
      for (Gauge * g = gauges; g->name; g++);
      for (Gauge * g = gauges; g->name; g++) {
        if (!g->fp) {
          g->fp = fopen (g->name, "w");
          if (g->desc)
    	fprintf (g->fp, "%s\n", g->desc);
        double xp = g->x, yp = g->y;
        unmap (&xp, &yp);
        Point point = locate (xp, yp);
        if (point.level >= 0 && h[] > dry) {
          fprintf (g->fp, "%g", t);
          for (scalar s in list)
    	fprintf (g->fp, " %g", s[]);
        else {
          fprintf (g->fp, "%g", t);
          for (scalar s in list)
    	fprintf (g->fp, " NaN");
        fputc ('\n', g->fp);
        fflush (g->fp);