
    Define two layers of boundary cells

    This is a rather ugly solution. The boundary number idintifier b is out of scope, so each dimension gets its own formulation.

    Note that this does not work for Cartesian grids, use MG or Tree instead.

    #define BGHOSTS 2
    @define n_x neighbor.i
    @define n_y neighbor.j
    @define n_z neighbor.k
    foreach_dimension() {
      @define layer_nr_x (n_x < GHOSTS ? (GHOSTS - n_x) : n_x - (1 << level) - GHOSTS + 1) 
      @define dirichlet_x(a) (val(_s,0,0,0) + layer_nr_x*2.*(a - val(_s,0,0,0)))
      @define neumann_x(a)   (val(_s,0,0,0) + layer_nr_x*Delta*a)
    int main() {
      scalar s[];

    The price to pay is that you must use _x etc. eventough the boundary’s name already implies this info.

      s[left]   = neumann_x   (1.);
      s[right]  = dirichlet_x (1.);
      s[bottom] = dirichlet_y (2.);
      s[top]    = neumann_y   (1.);
        s[] = 1.;

    We print the cells and their values:

      output_cells (stdout);
        fprintf (stderr, "%g %g %g\n", x, y, s[]);
        for (int i = -BGHOSTS; i < 0; i++)
          fprintf (stderr, "%g %g %g\n", x + (i + 0.5)*Delta, y, s[i]);
        for (int i = 1; i <= BGHOSTS; i++)
          fprintf (stderr, "%g %g %g\n", x + (i - 0.5)*Delta, y, s[i]);
        for (int i = -BGHOSTS; i < 0; i++)
          fprintf (stderr, "%g %g %g\n", x , y + (i + 0.5)*Delta, s[0,i]);
        for (int i = 1; i <= BGHOSTS; i++)
          fprintf (stderr, "%g %g %g\n", x, y + (i - 0.5)*Delta, s[0,i]);
    set terminal @PNG enhanced size 500,500 font "times,20"
    set output 'boundary.png'
    unset key 
    unset border
    unset tics
    unset xlabel
    unset ylabel
    set size ratio -1
    plot 'out' w l lw 2 lc rgb "#7F7F7F", \
         'log' u 1:2:3 with labels tc rgb blue
    Second row of ghost cells seems OK (script)

    Second row of ghost cells seems OK (script)