
    Turbulent Neutral Ekman layer

    Here we test some closures in a Single-Column model model of the Neutral turbulent Ekman layer.

    We follow the LES set-up of Qingfang Jiang et al. (2018) somewhat.

    #include "grid/multigrid1D.h"
    #include "diffusion.h"
    #include "run.h"
    #define Y_0 (0.2)
    double k = 0.41;
    double lut[20];
    scalar u[], v[];
    int maxlevel = 9;
    double Ugeo =  1;
    double f = 0.0001;
    face vector muc[];
    int main(){
      init_grid( 1 << maxlevel);
      L0 = 2000;
    event init(t=0){
        u[] = Ugeo;
      lut[0] = 0.; //level > 0
      for (int m = 1; m <= 19; m++)
        lut[m] = sq(k/(log(L0/((double)(1<<m)*Y_0))-1.));
      DT = 0.1;
    #define dvdt(u) (sign(u)*lut[level]*sq(u)/Delta)
    event step(i++){
      dt = dtnext(DT);
      double S;
      scalar rx[],ry[];
        S = sqrt(sq((u[]-u[-1])/(Delta))+sq((v[]-v[-1])/(Delta)));
        muc.x[] = sq(min(k*x, 70))*S;
        rx[] = f*v[];
        ry[] = f*(Ugeo-u[]);
      double ui; //scratch for the mid-point-value estimate
        ui = u[] + (dt*dvdt(u[])/2.); 
        rx[] -= dvdt(ui);
        ui = v[] + (dt*dvdt(v[])/2.);
        ry[] -= dvdt(ui);
      diffusion(u, dt, muc, r = rx);
      diffusion(v, dt, muc, r = ry);
      DT *= 1.0004;


    We validate if we retrieve a log profileā€¦

    event stop(t = 3600*24){
      FILE * fp = fopen("prof", "w");
        fprintf(fp, "%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\n", x, u[], v[], sqrt(sq(u[]+sq(v[]))));
      return 1;

    Here is a plot of the profile of the absolute velocity (U = \sqrt{u^2 + v^2}):

    set yr [0.2: 4000]
    set xr [0:1.2]
    set ylabel 'Height'
    set xlabel 'U'
    set logscale y; set ytics 0.2, 10, 2000
    set key off
    set size ratio 1
    plot 'prof' u 4:1 w l lw 3


    The results looks OK, most notably, we have a log layer with a vanishing velocity at height=y_0.

    We also plot a Hodographic projection:

    unset logscale y
    set ytics 0, 0.5, 1
    set xtics 0, 0.1, 0.3
    set yr [-0.01: 1.1]
    set xr [-0.01: 0.3]
    set size ratio -1
    set ylabel 'u.y'
    set xlabel 'u.x'
    plot 'prof' u 3:2 


    that is quite a funky nearsurface-velocity angle?