
    Generate a fractal tree

    Stem parameters:

    coord stem_pos; 
    double stem_rad = 1.; //Base size

    Length-over-radius ratio, and number of fractal levels. The stem is at level = 0.

    double LoR = 20., LoR_spread = 5.; //LoR_i = LoR + noise()*LoR_spread
    int levels = 1;

    Branch parameters: Number of branches will be rounded to the nearest integer after the spreading randomization. The new_angle parameter is the angle relative to the parent branch (100% randomized rotation).

    double fractal_factor = 0.7, fractal_factor_spread = 0.1; 
    double split_branches = 2.1, split_branches_spread = 0.5; //Starting at the end of parent  
    double side_branches  = 4.1, side_branches_spread = 0.5;  //Starting along the parent
    double side_start = 0.65, side_start_spread = .3;         //Relative along-parent position 
    double new_angle = 40.*pi/180., new_angle_spread = 10.*pi/180.;

    That concludes the inputs.

    typedef struct {
      coord start, end;
      double R;
      int parent;
    } Branch;
    unsigned int nb = 0; //Number of segments
    coord cross (coord a, coord b) {
      coord new;
      new.x = a.y*b.z - a.z*b.y;
      new.y = a.z*b.x - a.x*b.z;
      new.z = a.x*b.y - a.y*b.x;
      return new;
    void normalize3 (coord * n)
      double norm = 0.;
        norm += sq(n->x);
      norm = sqrt(norm);
        n->x /= norm;
    unsigned int add_bones (Branch * branches, unsigned int p, unsigned int j) {
      Branch par = branches[p];
      int indp = j;
      int sidenr  = (int)round(side_branches + side_branches_spread*noise()) + 0.5;
      double rndm_ngl = pi*noise();
      coord  randomvec = {noise(), noise(), noise()};
      for (int m = 0; m < sidenr; m++) {
        branches[j].parent = indp;
        double sd_strt = side_start + noise()*side_start_spread;
          branches[j].start.x = par.start.x + sd_strt*(par.end.x-par.start.x);
        double frcl_fctr = fractal_factor + fractal_factor_spread*noise();
        branches[j].R = par.R*frcl_fctr;
        double length = (LoR + noise()*LoR_spread)*branches[j].R;
        double ngl = new_angle + new_angle_spread*noise();
        rndm_ngl += 2.*pi/((double)sidenr) + new_angle_spread*noise();
        coord vec;
        foreach_dimension(3) {
          vec.x = (par.end.x - par.start.x);

    We need to rotate this vector with angle ngl and rndm_ngl (pitch and yaw)

    This was helpfull:

    tparker, Rotate a vector by a randomly oriented angle, URL (version: 2017-09-30):

        normalize3 (&vec);
        coord vecx = cross (vec, randomvec);
        normalize3 (&vecx);
        coord vecy = cross (vec, vecx);
        coord vecn;
          vecn.x = (sin(ngl)*cos(rndm_ngl)*vecx.x +
    		sin(ngl)*sin(rndm_ngl)*vecy.x +
          branches[j].end.x = branches[j].start.x + vecn.x*length;
          branches[j].start.x += vecn.x*par.R; //away from parent center line
        int splitnr = (int)round(split_branches + split_branches_spread*noise()) + 0.5;
        rndm_ngl = pi*noise();
        for (int m = 0; m < splitnr; m++) {
        branches[j].parent = indp;
        branches[j].start = par.end;
        double frcl_fctr = fractal_factor + fractal_factor_spread*noise();
        branches[j].R = par.R*frcl_fctr;
        double length = (LoR + noise()*LoR_spread)*branches[j].R;
        double ngl = new_angle + new_angle_spread*noise();
        rndm_ngl += 2*pi/((double)splitnr) + new_angle_spread*noise();
        coord vec;
          vec.x = (par.end.x - par.start.x);
        normalize3 (&vec);
        coord vecx = cross (vec, randomvec);
        normalize3 (&vecx);
        coord vecy = cross (vec, vecx);
        coord vecn;
          vecn.x = (sin(ngl)*cos(rndm_ngl)*vecx.x +
    		cos(ngl)*sin(rndm_ngl)*vecy.x +
          branches[j].end.x = branches[j].start.x + vecn.x*length;
          branches[j].start.x += vecn.x*par.R; //away from parent center line
      return splitnr + sidenr;
    Branch * tree_skeleton () {
      Branch * branches;
      //array or branches
      int maxb = (round(split_branches + split_branches_spread) +
    	      round(side_branches  + side_branches_spread));
      unsigned int maxnl = (unsigned int)(pow(maxb, levels + 1) + 3);
      branches  = (Branch*) malloc(sizeof(Branch)*maxnl);
      // init stem
      int j = 0;
      branches[j].start = stem_pos;
      branches[j].R = stem_rad;
      coord ey = {0, 1, 0};
      double length = (LoR + noise()*LoR_spread)*branches[j].R;
        branches[j].end.x = stem_pos.x + length*ey.x;
      branches[j].parent = 0;
      nb ++;      
      int pc = 0; 
      for (int l = 0 ; l < levels; l++) {
        // At this level, all branches are parents
        while (pc < nb) {
          int n = add_bones (branches, pc, j); //parent pc to child j 
          j += n;
        nb = j + 1;
      return branches;	      

    Skeleton to volume fractions

    #include "PointTriangle.h" //PointSegmentDistance exists!
    #include "fractions.h"
    struct tree_int {
      Branch * branches;
      scalar c;
      face vector fs;
      scalar J;
      double smooth;
      scalar * alist;  //For adaptation
      double * crit;   //...
      int minlevel;
      int maxlevel;
      scalar * ulist;
      int stop;
      double stopc;
    #define SMOOTHR ((d - branches[j].R) > 0 ?exp (-sq((d - branches[j].R)/(branches[j].R*ti.smooth))) : 1)
    //#define SMOOTHR ((d - branches[j].R) > 0 ? ((d - branches[j].R)/branches[j].R < pi/2 ? (cos (d - branches[j].R)/branches[j].R) : 0) : 1)
    void tree_interface (struct tree_int ti) {
      Branch * branches = ti.branches;
      vertex scalar phi[], phiR[];
      scalar J = automatic (ti.J);
      if (!ti.smooth) {
        foreach_vertex() {
          phi[] = HUGE;
          for (int j = 0; j < nb; j++) {
    	coord pos = (coord){x, y, z};
    	coord p0 = branches[j].start;
    	coord p1 = branches[j].end;
    	coord Sc;
    	double  sP;
    	double d = sqrt(PointSegmentDistance (&pos, &p0, &p1, &Sc, &sP))
    	  - branches[j].R;
    	if (d < phi[]) {
    	  phi[] = d;
    	  if (ti.J.i)
    	    J[] = j;
      } else {
        foreach_vertex() {
          phi[] = 0;
          double mind = HUGE, phiR = 0;
          for (int j = 0; j < nb; j++) {
    	coord pos = (coord){x, y, z};
    	coord p0 = branches[j].start;
    	coord p1 = branches[j].end;
    	coord Sc;
    	double sP;
    	double d = sqrt(PointSegmentDistance (&pos, &p0, &p1, &Sc, &sP));
    	phi[] += d > 0 ? sq(1/d) : HUGE ;
    	phiR  += SMOOTHR*branches[j].R;
    	if (ti.J.i)
    	  if (d < mind) {
    	    mind = d;
    	    J[] = j;
          phi[] = sqrt(1./phi[]) - phiR;
      boundary ({phi});
      fractions (phi, ti.c, ti.fs);

    Skeleton to fractions with refinement

    void refine_vertex (Point point, scalar s) {
      for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) 
        for (int j = 0; j < 1 + (dimension > 1); j++) 
          for (int k = 0; k < 1 + (dimension > 2); k++) { 
    	fine (s, 2*i, 2*j, 2*k) = s[i, j, k];
    	fine (s, 2*i + 1, 2*j    , 2*k)     = nodata; //1
    #if (dimension > 1)
    	fine (s, 2*i    , 2*j + 1, 2*k)     = nodata; //1
    	fine (s, 2*i + 1, 2*j + 1, 2*k)     = nodata; //2
    #if (dimension > 2)
    	fine (s, 2*i    , 2*j    , 2*k + 1) = nodata; //1
    	fine (s, 2*i + 1, 2*j    , 2*k + 1) = nodata; //2
    	fine (s, 2*i    , 2*j + 1, 2*k + 1) = nodata; //2
    	fine (s, 2*i +1 , 2*j + 1, 2*k + 1) = nodata; //3
    void tree_interface_adapt (struct tree_int ti) {
      Branch * branches = ti.branches;
      vertex scalar phi[];
      phi.refine = refine_vertex;
        phi[] = nodata;
      scalar * update = NULL;
      if (!ti.ulist)
        update = list_copy (all);
      else {
        update = list_copy (ti.ulist);
        update = list_add(update, phi);
      int it = 0, computed;
      do {
        computed = 0;
        if (ti.stopc)
          ti.stop = grid->tn/(int)ti.stopc;
        if (!ti.smooth) {
          foreach_vertex(reduction (+:computed)) {
    	if (phi[] == nodata) {
    	  for (int j = 0; j < nb; j++) {
    	    coord pos = (coord){x, y, z};
    	    coord p0 = branches[j].start;
    	    coord p1 = branches[j].end;
    	    coord Sc;
    	    double  sP;
    	    double d = sqrt(PointSegmentDistance (&pos, &p0, &p1, &Sc, &sP))
    	      - branches[j].R;
    	    if (d < phi[]) 
    	      phi[] = d;
        } else {
          foreach_vertex(reduction (+:computed)) {
    	if (phi[] == nodata) {
    	  phi[] = 0;
    	  double phiR = 0;
    	  for (int j = 0; j < nb; j++) {
    	    coord pos = (coord){x, y, z};
    	    coord p0 = branches[j].start;
    	    coord p1 = branches[j].end;
    	    coord Sc;
    	    double sP;
    	    double d = sqrt(PointSegmentDistance (&pos, &p0, &p1, &Sc, &sP));
    	    phi[] += d > 0 ? sq(1/d) : HUGE;
    	    phiR  += SMOOTHR*branches[j].R;
    	  phi[] = sqrt(1./phi[]) - phiR;
        boundary ({phi});
        fractions (phi, ti.c, ti.fs);
        scalar c = ti.c;
        face vector fss = ti.fs;
        boundary ({c, fss});
    #if EMBED
        if (fractions_cleanup (ti.c, ti.fs))
          boundary ({c, fss});
        if (pid() == 0)
          printf ("# Tree Reconstruction Adapt Iteration %d: %ld cells\n"
    	      "#      and %d newly computed vertices\n", ++it, grid->tn, computed);
      } while (adapt_wavelet (ti.alist, ti.crit, ti.maxlevel, ti.minlevel, update).nf > ti.stop);
      scalar c = ti.c;
      face vector fss = ti.fs;
      boundary ({c, fss});
      // Last time for R
      if (ti.J.i) {
        tree_interface (ti);
        boundary ({c, fss});
    #if EMBED
        if (fractions_cleanup (ti.c, ti.fs))
          boundary ({c, fss});