

    This page is part of the Plantenna project.

    #include "distance.h"
    #include "view.h"
    #define BVIEW 1
    int n_part;
    #include "../scatter.h"
    #include "colonization.h"

    A movie-making function is defined below:.

    void movie_maker (Tnode * tnodes, int tn, coord * atr, int na) {
      coord * nlocs = (coord*)malloc (sizeof(coord)*tn);
      for (int j = 0; j < tn; j++) 
          nlocs[j].x = tnodes[j].x;
      n_part = tn;
      scatter (nlocs, s = 10);
      save ("letters.mp4");
      free (nlocs);
    int main() {
      init_grid (8);
      size (350);
      origin (50, 350);

    Letters are read following this test case.

      coord * p = input_xy (fopen ("plantenna.gnu", "r"));
      scalar d[];
      distance (d, p);
      while (adapt_wavelet ({d}, (double[]){1e-2}, 9).nf);
      boundary ({d});

    The atraction points are seeded inside the letters.

      int nam = 3000, na = 0;
      coord * atr = malloc (sizeof(coord)*nam);
      while (na < nam) {
        coord a = {X0 + L0*(noise() + 1)/2., Y0 + L0/2 + 50*noise()};
        if (interpolate (d, a.x, a.y) > 0)
          atr[na++] = a;

    Nine seed nodes are also initialized.

      int tn = 9;
      Tnode * nodes = calloc (tn, sizeof(Tnode));
      nodes[0].x = 100;
      nodes[0].y = 530;
      nodes[1].x = 130;
      nodes[1].y = 530;
      nodes[2].x = 160;
      nodes[2].y = 530;
      nodes[3].x = 200;
      nodes[3].y = 540;
      nodes[4].x = 220;
      nodes[4].y = 530;
      nodes[5].x = 240;
      nodes[5].y = 530;
      nodes[6].x = 270;
      nodes[6].y = 550;
      nodes[7].x = 300;
      nodes[7].y = 540;
      nodes[8].x = 340;
      nodes[8].y = 530;

    The camera is set and the nodes are computed with a link to the movie_maker function.

      view (fov = 3., width = 900, height = 180,
    	tx = -0.65, ty = -1.56);
      colonize (atr, na, &nodes, tn, 4.2, 0.2, 0.5, myfun = movie_maker);
      free (atr);
      free (nodes);