
    Algoritmic botany

    Space colonization algortihm of Runions et al. (2007).

    The relevant variables (and types)

    We want to have a list of branch sections that define a tree (or a root?).

    #include "treegen.h"

    These are based on a set of tree nodes, consisting of the centered location, their index, the index of the parent, and possible child node indices.

    typedef struct{
      double x;
      double y;
      double z;
      int j;    //index
      int p;    //Parent index
      int nrc;  //nr of children (0, 1 or 2)
      int c[2]; //child indices
    } Tnode;

    User interface

    These tnodes are computed from a set of attraction-point coordinates, following the space colonisation alghorithm of Runions et al. (2017). The function returns the number of computed tree nodes.

    struct Cnodes {     //Input structure for node computation
      coord * atr;      //Attraction point coordinates
      int na;           //Number of attraction points
      Tnode ** tnodes;  //The tree nodes (input and output)
      int tni;          //Number of initial tree nodes
      double di;        //radius of influence
      double D;         //displacement length 
      double dk;        //kill distance
      coord g;          //Biassing vector 
      int hnr;          //Halting number of tree nodes
      void (* myfun) (Tnode * tnodes, int tn, coord * atr, int na); //Analize growth
    int coloninze (struct Cnodes C); //prototype

    Helper functions

    The algorithm employs the following helper functions:

    • Couple influencing atr. points to nearest node, mark influenced nodes and mark atr. points to be removed. Returns the number of influenced nodes.
    • Compute the vectors for each influencing attraction point.
    • Add new nodes to the tree based on a list of vectors and the displacement distance.
    • Kill nearby attraction points.

    Starting with an \mathcal{O}\left(\mathtt{na}\times\mathtt{tn}\right) approach:

    int get_ind_atr (Tnode * nodes, int tn,          //tree nodes
    		 coord * atr, int na, double di, //atr. points and d_i
    		 int * inda,                     //nearest node foreach atr. p.
    		 int * indn,                     //nr atr p. per node (if zero array input)
    		 int * toremove, int * rp, double dk) {//remove indices and d_k  
      int ni = 0;    //Counter for nodes being influenced (i.e. new nodes)
      rp[0] = 0;     //counter for atr. points to remove 
      di = sq(di);   //squared distances are used
      dk = sq(dk);
      for (int a = 0;  a < na; a++) {    //for all atr. points
        double dm = HUGE;
        int nn = -1;
        for (int n = 0; n < tn; n++) {   //For all tree nodes
          double d = 0;
    	d += sq(nodes[n].x - atr[a].x);
          if (d < dm && nodes[n].nrc != 2) {
    	dm = d;
    	nn = n;
        if (dm < dk) {
          toremove[rp[0]] = a;
        if (dm < di && nn != -1) {
          inda[a] = nn;
          if (indn[nn] == 1)
        } else
          inda[a] = -1; //Not influencing, maybe killed...
      return ni;
    int get_vectors (Tnode * nodes, int tn, coord * atr, int * inda, coord * ni, int na) { 
      int nr = 0;
      for (int a = 0; a < na; a++)  //Foreach atr. points
        if (inda[a] != -1){         //that is influencing node inda[a]
    	ni[a].x = atr[a].x - nodes[inda[a]].x;
          normalize (&ni[a]);
      return nr;
    int add_nodes (Tnode * nodes,int * indn, int tn, coord * ni, int * inda, int na, double D) {
      coord * V = calloc (tn, sizeof(coord));
      for (int a = 0; a < na; a++) {  //Foreach atr. points
        if (inda[a] != -1) {          //that is influencing node inda[a]
          foreach_dimension() {
    	V[inda[a]].x += ni[a].x;
      int nn = 0; //new node counter
      for (int n = 0; n < tn; n++) { //Foreach node
        if (indn[n] > 0) {           //That is being influenced by indn[n] atr. points
          normalize (&V[n]);
    	nodes[tn + nn].x = nodes[n].x + D*V[n].x;
          nodes[tn + nn].p = n;
          nodes[n].c[nodes[n].nrc++] = tn + nn;
          nodes[tn + nn].nrc = 0;
      free (V);
      return nn;
    int kill_atr (coord * atr, int na, int * toremove, int rp) {
      int j = 0;
      int m = 0;
      while (j < na - rp) {
        while (m < rp ? j + m == toremove[m] : 0)
        while (m < rp ? j < na - rp && j + m != toremove[m] : j < na - rp) {
          atr[j]   =  atr[j + m];
      return rp;

    The implementation of the algorithm

    The algorithm is readily implemented with the help of the helper functions.

    int colonize (struct Cnodes C) {
      if (!C.hnr)
        C.hnr = INT_MAX;
      int tn = C.tni, na =;
      while (tn < C.hnr && na > 0) {      
        int inda[], toremove[];
        int * indn = calloc(tn, sizeof(int));
        int rp = 0;
        int nn = get_ind_atr (*C.tnodes, tn,
    			  C.atr, na, C.di,
    			  toremove, &rp,;
        if (nn) {
          coord * ni = calloc (na, sizeof(coord));
          get_vectors (*C.tnodes, tn,  C.atr, inda, ni, na);
          *C.tnodes = realloc (*C.tnodes, (tn + nn)*sizeof(Tnode));
          add_nodes (*C.tnodes, indn, tn, ni, inda, na, C.D);
          free (ni);
          free (indn);
          tn += nn;
        } else  //done
        if (rp)
          na -= kill_atr (C.atr, na, toremove, rp);
        if (C.myfun)
          C.myfun (*C.tnodes, tn, C.atr, na);
      return tn; 


    Further utilities include:

    • A function that computes the path length to the farrest leaf (growing age).
    • Create a Branch list from nodes.

    A recursive approach is used to get the distance to leaves.

    int path_length (Tnode * nodes, int n, int * path) {
      if (nodes[n].nrc == 0) // a leaf
        return path[n] = 0;
      if (nodes[n].nrc == 1) {//Follow children
        int ind = nodes[n].c[0];
        if (path[ind] != -1)
          return path[n] = path[ind] + 1;
          return path[n] = path_length(nodes, ind, path) + 1;  
      if (nodes[n].nrc == 2) {// Follow longest branch
        int ind1 = nodes[n].c[0];
        int ind2 = nodes[n].c[1];
        return path[n] = max(path_length(nodes, ind1, path), path_length(nodes, ind2, path)) + 1;
      fprintf (stderr, "#This should not happen...\n");
      return 0;
    void path_lengths (Tnode * nodes, int * path, int tn) {
      for (int n = 0; n < tn; n++) 
        path[n] = -1;
      for (int n = 0; n < tn; n++) //There could be many roots.. 
        path[0] = path_length (nodes, 0, path);
    void putdata (Tnode * nodes,int n, Branch * l,int b, int j, int * d, double Rstem) {
      foreach_dimension() {
        l[b].start.x = nodes[n].x;
        l[b].end.x = nodes[nodes[n].c[j]].x;
      // For the radius is a fraction of the stem size
      l[b].R = Rstem*max(sqrt((double)d[nodes[n].c[j]]/d[0]), 1./4.);
    int nodestotree (Tnode * nodes, int tn, Branch ** l, double rstem) {
      int s = 0;
      for (int n = 0; n < tn; n++)
        s += nodes[n].nrc;
      *l = realloc (*l, s*sizeof(Branch));
      int d[tn];
      path_lengths (nodes, d, tn);
      int b = 0;
      for (int n = 0; n < tn; n++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < nodes[n].nrc; j++) {
          putdata (nodes, n, *l, b, j, d, rstem);
      return s;


    Runions, Adam, Brendan Lane, and Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz. Modeling Trees with a Space Colonization Algorithm. NPH 7 (2007): 63-70.