
    Particle advection test

    The order of accuracy with a time-dependent flow field is diagnosed for two cases.

    • The timestep is highly variable, to represent a worst-case scenario (\alpha \in \langle0.01, 0.99\rangle).
    • The timestep is fixed to represent the best-case scenario

    An approximated particle path

    set xr [100:3000]
      set logscale y
      set logscale x 2 
      set xlabel '#Steps'
      set ylabel 'Error' 
      set grid 
      set size square    
    set key right outside
      plot 'rk2log' t 'Rk2 fixed step', 'rk2out' t 'RK2 variable step',\
            9e3*x**(-2) lw 2 t '2nd order', 'log' t 'RK3 fixed step',\
            'out' t 'RK3 variable step', 2e5*x**(-3) lw 2 t '3rd order'
    Error convergence is at the intended order (script)

    Error convergence is at the intended order (script)

    vector u[];
    #include "tracer-particles.h"
    #include "view.h"
    #include "scatter2.h"
    int its;
    double Ub = 1, amp = 1.5, periods = 2.412;
    bool fixed = false;
    int roundUp (int num, int mult) {
      int rem = num % mult;
      if (rem == 0)
        return num;
      return num + mult - rem;
    FILE * fp;
    int main () {
      L0 = 3;
      X0 = Y0 = -L0/2;
      P_RK2 = true;
      fp = fopen ("rk2out", "w");
      for (DT = 0.1; DT > 0.005; DT /= 2) {
        its = roundUp (periods*2*pi/DT, 2);
      fixed = true;
      fclose (fp);
      fp = fopen ("rk2log", "w");
      for (DT = 0.1; DT > 0.005; DT /= 2) {
        its = roundUp (periods*2*pi/DT, 2);
      fclose (fp);
      fixed = false;
      P_RK2 = false;
      fp = stdout;
      for (DT = 0.1; DT > 0.005; DT /= 2) {
        its = roundUp (periods*2*pi/DT, 2);
      fixed = true;
      fp = stderr;
      for (DT = 0.1; DT > 0.005; DT /= 2) {
        its = roundUp (periods*2*pi/DT, 2);
    event init (t = 0) {
      new_tracer_particles (1);
      foreach_particle() {
        p().x  = 1.;
        p().y  = 0.;
      set_particle_attributes (0);
      dt = dtnext (DT);
    event set_dtmax (i++) {
      if (fixed)
        dt = dtnext (DT);
        dt = dtnext ((0.99*noise() + 1)*DT);
    event velocity (i++) {
      foreach() {
        coord v = {y, -x};
          u.x[] = (amp*sin(t) + Ub)*v.x;
      boundary (all);
    event movie (i += 4) {
    if (DT < 0.06 && DT > 0.03 && fixed && !P_RK2) {
        scatter (0);
        save ("mov.mp4");

    Diagnose the approximate particle locations

    loc_n only represents the approximate particle positions corresponding to t=\mathtt{t} at even iterations. loc stores intermediate RK-related guesses.

    event stop (i = its, last) {
      double theta = amp + t*Ub - amp*cos(t);
      coord sol = (coord){cos(theta) , -sin(theta)};
        fprintf (fp, "%d %g\n",i,
    	     sqrt(sq(p().locn.x - sol.x) + sq(p().locn.y - sol.y)));
      return 1;