
    A test for the Poisson solver on an adapted grid

    Inspired by the centered Navier-Stokes solver, we aim to find the cell-centered values of f_x, where f statisfies a Poisson problem:

    \displaystyle f_{xx} = s,

    with s a known source term. On this page we test with s = e^{-x^2}, supplemented with boundary conditions for f.

    #include "grid/bitree.h"
    #include "poisson.h"
    #include "adapt_field.h"
    scalar f[], s[];
    f[left] = neumann (0.);
    f[right] = dirichlet (0.);
    #define SOURCE  (sqrt(pi)*(erf(x + Delta/2) - erf(x - Delta/2))/(2*Delta))
    #define sol(x, c1, c2) ((c1*(x)) + c2 + sqrt(pi)*x*erf(x)/2. + exp(-sq(x))/2.)
    #define DER ((1/Delta)*(sol((x + Delta/2.), c1, c2) - sol((x - Delta/2.),c1, c2)))
    double c1, c2;
    int main() {
      TOLERANCE = 1e-6;
      FILE * fp = fopen ("data", "w");
      L0 = 10.;
      X0 = -5.;

    The constants c1 and c2 are determined by the boundary conditions

      c1 = sqrt(pi)/2.;
      c2 = -sol (5, c1, 0);
      for (double zeta = 0.1; zeta > 0.0001; zeta /= 2){
        init_grid (1 << 3);
        scalar m[];
    	s[] = SOURCE;
            m[] = sq(Delta)*s[];
        }while (adapt_field(m, zeta, zeta/1.5, 19).nf);
        poisson (f, s);

    We compute the cell-centered derivative (as is also done in centered.h) and evaluate L1 error norm for the solution and the derivative field.

        double L1 = 0, L = 0;
        boundary ({f});
        foreach() {
          L1 += fabs((f[1] - f[-1])/(2*Delta) - DER)*Delta;
          L += fabs(f[] - sol(x ,c1, c2))*Delta;
        fprintf (fp, "%ld\t%g\t%g\n", grid->n, L1, L);

    We can study the convergence as a function of the used cells:

    set logscale xy
    set xlabel 'Cells'
    set ylabel 'Error'
    plot 'data' u 1:2 t 'Err. Derivative', 'data' u 1:3 t 'Err. Norm', 20*x**(-2) t 'second order convergence'
    The results are different from the naive adaptation (script)

    The results are different from the naive adaptation (script)

    We can still improve the convergence properties, this requires to modify the workings of the poisson solver a bit.
