
    A test for the Poisson solver on an adapted grid

    Inspired by the centered Navier-Stokes solver, we aim to find the cell-centered values of f_x, where f statisfies a Poisson problem:

    \displaystyle f_{xx} = s,

    with s a known source term. On this page we test with s = e^{-x^2}, supplemented with boundary conditions for f.

    #include "grid/bitree.h"
    #include "poisson.h"
    scalar f[], s[];
    f[left] = neumann (0.);
    f[right] = dirichlet (0.);
    #define SOURCE  (sqrt(pi)*(erf(x + Delta/2) - erf(x - Delta/2))/(2*Delta))
    #define sol(x, c1, c2) ((c1*(x)) + c2 + sqrt(pi)*x*erf(x)/2. + exp(-sq(x))/2.)
    #define DER ((1/Delta)*(sol((x + Delta/2.), c1, c2) - sol((x - Delta/2.),c1, c2)))
    double c1, c2;

    We look at how the error convergens when we naively adapt the grid based on s with a decreasing limit on the so-called wavelet-based discretization error estimate \chi (\zeta).

    int main() {
      FILE * fp = fopen ("data", "w");
      L0 = 10.;
      X0 = -5.;

    The constants c1 and c2 are determined by the boundary conditions

      c1 = sqrt(pi)/2.;
      c2 = -sol (5, c1, 0);
      for (double zeta = 0.1; zeta > 0.0001; zeta /= 2){
        init_grid (1 << 3);
    	s[] = SOURCE;
        }while (adapt_wavelet({s}, (double[]){zeta}, 19).nf);
        poisson (f, s);

    We compute the cell-centered derivative (as is also done in centered.h) and evaluate L1 error norm for the solution and the derivative field.

        double L1 = 0, L = 0;
        boundary ({f});
        foreach() {
          L1 += fabs((f[1] - f[-1])/(2*Delta) - DER)*Delta;
          L += fabs(f[] - sol(x ,c1, c2))*Delta;
        fprintf (fp, "%ld\t%g\t%g\n", grid->n, L1, L);

    We can study the convergence as a function of the used cells:

    set logscale xy
    set xlabel 'Cells'
    set ylabel 'Error'
    plot 'data' u 1:2 t 'Err. Derivative', 'data' u 1:3 t 'Err. Norm', 20*x**(-2) t 'second order convergence'
    There appear to exist unfortunate grid structures (script)

    There appear to exist unfortunate grid structures (script)

    The results improve when f is chosen to adapt upon rather than s. In the future, it will be shown how this bahaviour arises and how it may be mitigated.
