
    The Rayleigh-Taylor instability and the ‘Black body’ colourbar

    Inspired by the reference for the so-called ‘cool-warm’ colourbar, I visited the website of Kenneth Moreland and found that the ‘black body’ colour bar is simply stunning. We examplify it with the Rayleigh-Taylor instability:

    A nice colourbar not only helps with the interpretation of data, it can also help expand the artistic freedom for visualizations

    A nice colourbar not only helps with the interpretation of data, it can also help expand the artistic freedom for visualizations

    This looks an awfull lot like this \mu-HH based video, which puts the artistic ‘freedom’ argument into its perspective.

    #include "navier-stokes/centered.h"
    #include "tracer.h"
    #include "diffusion.h"
    scalar b[];
    scalar * tracers = {b};
    face vector av[];
    int maxlevel = 11;
    long unsigned int n;


    We follow Stephane’s implementation of the ‘cool-warm’ diverging colour map and use the colour codes from Kenneth’s website.

    void black_body (double cmap[NCMAP][3])
      /* black body color map from:
      static double basemap[33][3] = {
      for (int i = 0; i < NCMAP; i++) {
        double x = i*(31 - 1e-10)/(NCMAP - 1);
        int j = x; x -= j;
        for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
          cmap[i][k] = (1. - x)*basemap[j][k] + x*basemap[j+1][k];

    Simulating the Rayleigh-Taylor instability

    All steps are rather straight forward.

    int main(){
      a = av; //Link gravity acceleration
      init_grid (32);
      b.gradient = minmod2; //Sharp interface advection
      const face vector muc[] = {1E-6, 1E-6};
      mu = muc;
    event init (t = 0){
      DT = 0.01;
      do{ // Initialize an unstable stratification with a sharp interface.
          b[] = (y < Y0 + L0/2.);
          u.y[] = 0.001*noise(); // Add noise to kick-off the growth of the instability
      }while (adapt_wavelet({b}, (double[]){0.01}, maxlevel).nf);
    event acceleration (i++){ //The effect of Gravity
        av.y[] = (b[] + b[0,-1])/2.;
    event tracer_diffusion (i++)
      diffusion (b, dt, mu);
    event adapt (i++)
      adapt_wavelet ((scalar*){b,u}, (double[]){0.01, 0.01, 0.01}, maxlevel);
    event output (t += 0.01; t <= 1.001){ // Output a .mp4 movie and a .png image, then stop the simulation
      boundary ({b});
      scalar db[];
        db[] = 0.;
          db[] += sq((b[1] - b[-1])/(2*Delta));
        if (db[] > 0.)
          db[] = log (sqrt (db[]) + 1.);
      output_ppm(db, file = "rt.mp4", n = (1 << (maxlevel)), map = black_body,
    	     linear = true, box = {{0., 0.45}, {1., 0.55}}, min = 0., max = 6.);
      if (t > 0.999){
        output_ppm(db, file = "rt.png", n = (1 << (maxlevel)), map = black_body,
    	       linear = true, box = {{0., 0.45}, {1., 0.55}}, min = 0., max = 6.);
          db[] *= - 1;
        output_ppm(db, file = "rt_banner.png", n = (1 << (maxlevel)), map = black_body,
    	       linear = true, box = {{0., 0.47}, {1., 0.53}}, min = -6.5, max = -1);

    The banner with inverted colors looks like this:

    event stop (t = 1.001){
      return 1;

    The movie reveals how the solution got into the state depicted above. The original rendering is 2048 pixels wide, we display it with half (or 1/4-th) of the pixels.