
    A So-called p-adaptive method

    Rather than using grid refinement, the accuracy of the spatial approximations can locally be improved by using a higher order polynominal method. As such, we adaptively switch between a second and fourth order accuracte formulation based on a wavelet-based error estimate.

    #define BGHOSTS 2
    #include "grid/multigrid.h"
    #include "runge-kutta.h"
    #include "run.h"

    Advection Diffusion.

    The advection-diffusion equation is solved on a 2D equidistant grid, according to a advection velocity face field (uf) and diffusivity (mudiff)

    (const) face vector mudiff;
    (const) face vector uf;

    The p refimenement criterion is \zeta and the error estimated is stored in field w.

    scalar w[];
    double zeta = 0.01;

    Functions are defined for 2nd and 4th order accurate representations of the netto flux for advection and diffusion.

    double adv2 (Point point, scalar s) {
      double adv = 0;
      foreach_dimension() {
        adv += (uf.x[]*(s[] + s[-1]) -
    	    uf.x[1]*(s[1] + s[0]))/2.;
      return adv;
    double adv4 (Point point, scalar s) {
      double adv = 0;
      foreach_dimension() {
        adv += (uf.x[]*(7.*(s[] + s[-1]) - (s[-2] + s[1])) -
    	    uf.x[1]*(7.*(s[1] + s[]) - (s[-1] + s[2])))/12.;
      return adv;
    double diff2 (Point point, scalar s) {
      double diff = 0;
      foreach_dimension() {
        diff +=  (-mudiff.x[]*(s[] - s[-1]) +
    	      mudiff.x[1]*(s[1] - s[]))/Delta; 
      return diff;
    double diff4 (Point point, scalar s) {
      double diff = 0;
      foreach_dimension() {
        diff +=   (-mudiff.x[]*(15.*(s[] - s[-1]) - (s[1] - s[-2])) +
    	       mudiff.x[1]*(15.*(s[1] - s[]) - (s[2] - s[-1])))/(12.*Delta); 
      return diff;

    The update function is formulated such that it can be used with the Runge-Kutta solver.

    static void adv_diff_update (scalar * s, double t, scalar *kl) {
      boundary (s);
      for (int j = 0; j < list_len(s); j++) {
        scalar m = s[j];
        scalar k = kl[j];
        wavelet (m, w);
        foreach() {
          if (fabs(w[]) < zeta)
    	k[] = (adv2 (point, m) + diff2 (point, m))/Delta;
    	k[] = (adv4 (point, m) + diff4 (point, m))/Delta;
    struct Adv_Diff{
      scalar s;       
      double dt;      // timestep
      face vector D;  // diffusivity, default 0
      face vector uf; // Advection velocity, default 0
    double PECLET = 0.4; // Default Cell Peclet Number
    int adv_diff (struct Adv_Diff p) {
      scalar f = p.s;
      double dtmin = p.dt;
      if (p.D.x.i) mudiff = p.D;
      else mudiff = zerof;
      if (p.uf.x.i) uf = p.uf;
      else uf = zerof;

    The forward-in-time integrator is porne to numerical instabiliy. Therefore we introduce and ensure a limited cell-Peclet number (Pe,PECLET) and a maximum Courant number (Co, CFL);

    \displaystyle \mathrm{d}t_{\mathrm{Diff}}<Pe\frac{\Delta^2}{\kappa},

    \displaystyle \mathrm{d}t_{\mathrm{Adv}}<Co\frac{\Delta}{u},

    by cutting the requested time step dt into it equal parts. The default values of the global doubles PECLET=0.4 and CFL =0.6 (see src/common.h).

      if (!is_constant(mudiff.x) && !is_constant(uf.x)){
        foreach_face() {
          double DTmin = min(PECLET*sq(Delta)/mudiff.x[], CFL*Delta/fabs(uf.x[]));
          if (DTmin < dtmin)
    	dtmin = DTmin;
      } else { 
        foreach_face (reduction(min:dtmin)) {
          double kappa = max(mudiff.x[], 1E-30);
          double ufx = max(fabs(uf.x[]), 1E-30);
          double delt = (double)L0/(1 << grid->maxdepth);
          dtmin = min(PECLET*sq(delt)/kappa, CFL*delt/ufx);
      int it = 1;
      if (dtmin < p.dt)
        it = (int)((dt/dtmin) + .99);
      double dtD = dt/(double)(it);
      for (int m = 0; m < it; m++) 
        runge_kutta ({f}, t, dtD, adv_diff_update, 4);
      return it;


    We consider a scalar field s (s).

    scalar s[];
    int main() {
      s.prolongation = refine_injection;
      L0 = 10;
      X0 = Y0 = -L0/2;

    On a 128 \times 128 grid, we perform the computations with various runs using a decreasing refinement criterion.

      N = 128;
      for (zeta = 0.01; zeta > 0.001; zeta /= 2)

    The solution is initialized…

    event init (t = 0) {
        s[] = exp(-sq(x + 1));
      DT = 0.01;
      boundary ({s});
      wavelet (s, w);

    Time integration is performed along side with update to the error-estimate field.

    event advance (i++) {
      dt = dtnext(DT);
      printf("%g %d %d\n",t, i, adv_diff (s, dt, unityf, unityf));


    There is only visual output

    event movie (i += 2; t < 1) {
      output_ppm (s, file = "s.mp4", n = 256);
      output_ppm (w, file = "w.mp4", n = 256);
      scalar c[];
        c[] = fabs(w[]) > zeta ? 1. : 0.;
      output_ppm (c, file = "c.mp4", n = 256, min = 0, max = 1);


    The 1D solutions look like this:

    The cells that are update with 4th order methods are marked red in the movie below: