
    We plot an “isoline” for the stream function with Bview2D.

    # include "view.h"
    # include "poisson.h"
    scalar omega[], psi[]; 
    # include "fractions.h"
    void iso_contour (scalar s, double isoval){
      vertex scalar vs[];
      scalar il[];
      boundary ({s}); // Just in case ... 
        vs[] = interpolate (s, x , y) - isoval;
      boundary ({vs});
      fractions (vs, il);
      boundary ({il});
      draw_vof("il", lw = 3);

    A dipolar vortex structure is initialized according to a vorticity (\omega) distribution, and a corresponding stream function (\psi) is found by solving the associated Poisson problem.

    int main(){
      psi[bottom] = dirichlet(0.); //The bottom boundary is a stream line
      L0 = 2*pi;
      X0 = Y0 = -L0/2;
      init_grid (512);
      double k = 3.83170597;
        double r = pow(pow((x),2)+(pow((y),2)),0.5);
        double s = (x)/r;
        omega[] =  ((r<1)*((-2*j1(k*r)*s/(k*j0(k)))))*sq(k);
      boundary ({omega});
      poisson(psi, omega);
      squares ("omega", map = cool_warm);
      //isosurface ("s", 1); //<- Doesn't naively work in 2D

    We plot a few isolines for \psi.

      for (double iv = -1; iv <= 1; iv += .25) 
        iso_contour(psi, iv);

    The resulting figure:

    Vorticity distribution and a few streamlines

    Vorticity distribution and a few streamlines

    We now realize that the stream function is not Gallilean invariant. We decide to study the streamlines in the frame that co-moves with the theoretical dipole.

        psi[] += x;
      squares ("omega", map = cool_warm);
      for (double iv = -1; iv <= 1; iv += .25) 
        iso_contour(psi, iv);

    the resulting file is called result2.png;

    Vorticity distribution and a few stream lines in the co-moving frame

    Vorticity distribution and a few stream lines in the co-moving frame

    It reveals that there exists as closed circular streamline around the two vortex structures. This means that fluid inside this so-called atmosphere will be entrained by the dipole.