
    Solution estimates at faces

    We use the finite volume discretization technique for a centered scalar field s. The aim is to estimate the corresponding solution values at the location of a cell’s face. The discretized signal and its derivatives are:

    \displaystyle s = \mathrm{cos}(x), \displaystyle \frac{\mathrm{d}s}{\mathrm{d}x}=-\mathrm{sin}(x), \displaystyle \frac{\mathrm{d}^2s}{\mathrm{d}x^2}=-\mathrm{cos}(x).

    #include "grid/multigrid1D.h"
    scalar s[];
    face vector fs2[], fs4[], fs[];

    We use an exact definition of the cell-averaged value of s to define s[].

    #define sol ((sin(x + Delta/2) - sin(x - Delta/2))/Delta)
    int main (){
      FILE * fp = fopen("cs" , "w"); // This will be handy later.
      FILE * fp4 = fopen("cs4", "w"); 
      FILE * fpxx = fopen("cxx", "w"); 
      L0 = 2*pi;
      periodic (left);
      for (N = 4; N <= 2048; N *= 2){
        init_grid (N);
          s[] = sol;
        double err20 = 0, err40 = 0, err21 = 0, err41 = 0, err22 = 0, err42 = 0;
          // Interpolated value
          fs2.x[] = (s[] + s[-1])/2.;
          fs4.x[] = (7.*(s[] + s[-1]) - (s[-2] + s[1]))/12.;
          // The errors are weighted with the grid-cell size
          err20 += fabs(fs2.x[] - cos(x))*Delta;
          err40 += fabs(fs4.x[] - cos(x))*Delta;
          // The first derivative
          fs2.x[] = (s[] - s[-1])/Delta;
          fs4.x[] = (15.*(s[] - s[-1]) - (s[1] - s[-2]))/(12.*Delta);
          err21 += fabs(fs2.x[] + sin(x))*Delta;
          err41 += fabs(fs4.x[] + sin(x))*Delta;

    And finally, the second derivative. Note that both methods use a four-point stencil. Can you spot the difference?

          fs.x[] = (fs2.x[1] - fs2.x[-1])/(2*Delta);
          fs4.x[] = (s[-2] - s[-1] - s[] + s[1])/(2.*sq(Delta));
          err22 += fabs(fs.x[] + cos(x))*Delta;
          err42 += fabs(fs4.x[] + cos(x))*Delta;
        printf("%d\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\n", N, err20,
    	   err40, err21, err41, err22, err42);


    We plot the convergence data for the interpolation;

    set xr[2 : 4096]
    set logscale xy 2
    set xlabel 'N'
    set ylabel 'L1 Error'
    set size square
    set key box outside 
    plot 'out' u 1:2 t 'Two Cell Stencil',\
     'out' u 1:3 t 'Four Cell Stencil',\
     10*x**(-2) w l lw 3 t 'Second order',\
     100*x**(-4) w l lw 3 t 'Fourth order'
    Atleast something went OK (script)

    Atleast something went OK (script)

    Also we can plot the convergence of the error for the first derivative;

    set xr[2 : 4096]
    set logscale xy 2
    set xlabel 'N'
    set ylabel 'L1 Error'
    set size square
    set key box outside 
    plot 'out' u 1:4 t 'Two Cell Stencil',\
     'out' u 1:5 t 'Four Cell Stencil',\
     10*x**(-2) w l lw 3 t 'Second order',\
     100*x**(-4) w l lw 3 t 'Fourth order'
    Atleast two things went OK (script)

    Atleast two things went OK (script)

    Finally, we check the error-convergence properties for the second derivative;

    set xr[2 : 4096]
    set logscale xy 2
    set xlabel 'N'
    set ylabel 'L1 Error'
    set size square
    set key box outside 
    plot 'out' u 1:6 t 'Naive Weights',\
     'out' u 1:7 t 'Proper Weights',\
     10*x**(-1) w l lw 3 t 'First order',\
     100*x**(-2) w l lw 3 t 'Second order'
    We obtain 1st and 2nd order accuracy (script)

    We obtain 1st and 2nd order accuracy (script)

    It is tempting to conclude that the implementations are correct, but we should really be more thorough. Since we know, from dimensional analysis, an estimate of s_i ([s_i]) with Zth order accuracy,

    \displaystyle [s_i]_{Z} - s_i = c \frac{\mathrm{d}^Zs}{\mathrm{d}x^Z}\Delta^Z + \mathcal{O}\left(\Delta^{Z+1}\right)

    We are curions to check if c does indeed exist. Therefore we recall the Z=2 estimation of s and compute c at each face location,

          fprintf(fp, "%g\t%g\n", x, ((s[] + s[-1])/2. - cos(x)) / (-cos(x)*sq(Delta))); //Singed!
       set xr [0:6.29]
       set yr [-0.33:0.33]
       set key off
       set grid
       set ylabel 'c'
       set xlabel 'x'
       set size square
       plot 'cs' u 1:2


    It appears that for all grids, and at virtually all locations, c\approx 1/6. This value can also be derived analytically from the Taylor expansion. In fact, the Taylor expansion was used to derive the heigher order estimates. There also exist some outlayers when we devide two small numbers.

    We can carry out the same excersize for the 4th order approximations of s:

          fprintf(fp4, "%g\t%g\n", x, ((7.*(s[] + s[-1]) - (s[-2] + s[1]))/12. - cos(x)) / (cos(x)*sq(sq(Delta))));
        set xr [0:6.29]
        set yr [-0.1:0.1]
        set key off
        set grid
        set ylabel 'c'
        set xlabel 'x'
        set size square
        plot 'cs4' u 1:2
    The theoretical value is -1/30 = -0.0333.. (script)

    The theoretical value is -1/30 = -0.0333.. (script)

    Finally we compute c for the second order accurate estimate of the second derivative:

          fprintf(fpxx, "%g\t%g\n", x, ((s[-2] - s[-1] - s[] + s[1])/(2.*sq(Delta)) + cos(x)) / (cos(x)*sq(Delta)));
       set xr [0:6.29]
       set yr [-0.5:0.5]
       set key off
       set grid
       set ylabel 'c'
       set xlabel 'x'
       set size square
       plot 'cxx' u 1:2
    The theoretical value is 1/4 = 0.25 (script)

    The theoretical value is 1/4 = 0.25 (script)
