
    Pressure-gradient force in a rotating frame of reference

    This file implements both a Coriolis force (F_{c} = \mathbf{f} \times \mathbf{v}) and and a large-scale pressure-gradient force \nabla_h p. Assuming that \mathbf{f} points in the vertial direction (zenith) with f_y= f_cor >0. Then we can associate a so-called geostrophic velocity vector with the aforementionted focings.

    \displaystyle \mathbf{U_g} = \frac{e_z}{\rho f}\times\nabla_h p

    and \mathbf{U_g} = \{U_GEO, V_GEO, 0\}, which are two macros that should be #defined before including this file, which should happen later than the inclusion of the centered slover.

    note that the meteorological convention is rotated: \{u,v,w\} = `{u.z, u.x, u.y}.

    #ifndef U_GEO
    #define U_GEO 0.      
    #ifndef V_GEO
    #define V_GEO 0.
    double  f_cor = 1e-4; //A non-zero constant


    in case of a two dimensional setup, we add a perpendicular velocity field for the above equations to make sense. The positive direction is e_z = e_x \times e_y (towards you in typical visualizations).

    #if dimension == 2
    #include "diffusion.h"
    #include "tracer.h"
    scalar uz[];
    event tracer_diffusion (i++)
      diffusion (uz, dt, mu);

    Inspired by other pages, we possibly need to allocate the acceleration field in an early event.

    event defaults (i = 0) {
      if (is_constant(a.x)) {
        a = new face vector;
          a.x[] = 0;
        boundary ((scalar*){a});
    #if dimension == 2
        tracers = list_append (tracers, uz);

    The “geostrophic velocity” gives a convinient basis to implement the pressure gradient force.

    event acceleration (i++) {
      face vector av = a;
      boundary (all);
    #if dimension == 3   // u.z should be available
        av.x[] += -f_cor*((u.z[] + u.z[-1])/2.     - U_GEO);
        av.z[] +=  f_cor*((u.x[] + u.x[0,0,-1])/2. - V_GEO);
    #else                // we use uz
        av.x[] +=   -f_cor*((uz[] + uz[-1])/2. - U_GEO);
        uz[]   += dt*f_cor*(u.x[]              - V_GEO);