
    Equidistant Grid Diagnosis

    int diaglevel = 6;

    Here is a function that should interpolate the equidistant-grid-diagosis points that lay within a coarse cell. For now it only returns the number of required interpolations.

    int upsample_points(Point point){
      return  1 << ((diaglevel - point.level) * (dimension));
    scalar s[];
    int main(){
      X0 = Y0 = -L0/2.;

    There are cells at level 5, 6 and 7 and we aim to diagnose the solution at a resolution corresponding to level 6

      init_grid(1 << 5);
      refine (x + y < -0.5 && level < 6);
      refine (sq(x - 0.25) + sq(y - 0.25) < sq(0.25) && level < 7);
      int cells = 0;
      for (int l = 1; l <= diaglevel; l++){ // This is Vincent's idea

    The tree cells may be coarser or equal in size with respect to the resolution of diagnosis. We do not iterate over the finer ones.

          if (l < diaglevel){
    	if (is_leaf(cell)){ // A Coarse leaf
    	  cells += upsample_points(point);
    	  printf("%d points should be interpolated\n", upsample_points(point));
          }else{               // l == diaglevel, we can directly access s[]. 
    	  printf("%g %g %g\n", x, y, s[]);
      printf("We should have diagnosed %d cells out off %d that were requested.\n", cells,
    	 (1 << (diaglevel * (dimension)))); 