
    The curvature of a circle with a normalized radius (R)

    #include "grid/quadtree.h"
    #include "fractions.h"
    #include "curvature.h"
    #include "utils.h"
    #include "interface_iterator.h"
    #define func (sq((x-0.01))+sq(y+(M_PI/100.))-1.) 
    scalar f[], curv[];
    int main(){

    First we try an equidistant grid with \frac{\Delta}{R} = 3/256

      init_grid (256);
      L0 = 3.;
      X0 = Y0 = -L0/2.;
      f.prolongation = f.refine = fraction_refine;
      fraction (f,func);
      boundary ({f});
      FILE * fp1 = fopen ("facets1","w");
      output_facets (f,fp1);
      fclose (fp1);
      curvature (f, curv);
      FILE * fp2 = fopen ("curvature1","w");
      double xyn[2];
      xyn[0] = X0;
      xyn[1] = Y0 + L0;
      loop_interfacial_cells (fp2, f, curv, xyn);
      fclose (fp2);
    set size square
    plot 'facets1' w lines lw 3
    The interface (script)

    The interface (script)

     set xlabel 'length along circle'
    plot 'curvature1' u 4:5 w lines lw 2 t 'curvature',\
      'curvature1' u 4:2 w lines lw 2 t 'x-coordinate' ,\
      'curvature1' u 4:3 w lines lw 2 t 'y-coordinate'
    The interface (script)

    The interface (script)

    Second, the left half of the domain is coarsend.

      unrefine (x<0);
      fraction (f,func);
      boundary ({f});
      FILE * fp3 = fopen ("facets2","w");
      output_facets (f,fp3);
      fclose (fp3);
      curvature (f, curv);
      FILE * fp4 = fopen ("curvature2","w");
      loop_interfacial_cells (fp4, f, curv, xyn);
      fclose (fp4);
     unset xlabel
    plot 'facets2' w lines lw 3
    The interface (script)

    The interface (script)

    set xlabel 'length along circle'
    plot 'curvature2' u 4:5 w lines lw 2 t 'curvature',\
     'curvature2' u 4:2 w lines lw 2 t 'x-coordinate' ,\
     'curvature2' u 4:3 w lines lw 2 t 'y-coordinate'
    Curvature and location (script)

    Curvature and location (script)

    Third, the bubble is initialized consistent with the wavelet-based adaptation algorithm.

      astats s;
      do {
        fraction (f, func);
        boundary ({f});
        s = adapt_wavelet ({f}, (double []){0.005}, maxlevel = 9);
      } while ( > 15 || > 15);
      fraction (f, func);
      boundary ({f});
      FILE * fp5 = fopen ("facets3","w");
      output_facets (f,fp5);
      fclose (fp5);
      curvature (f, curv);
      FILE * fp6 = fopen ("curvature3","w");
      loop_interfacial_cells (fp6, f, curv, xyn);
      fclose (fp6);
      scalar lev[];
      FILE * fp7 = fopen ("level3","w");
      loop_interfacial_cells(fp7, f, lev, xyn);
    unset xlabel
    plot 'facets3' w lines lw 3
    The interface (script)

    The interface (script)

    set yr [-2 : 11]
    set xlabel 'length along circle'
    set key box
    plot 'curvature3' u 4:5 w lines lw 2 t 'curvature',\
    'curvature3' u 4:2 w lines lw 2 t 'x-coordinate' ,\
    'curvature3' u 4:3 w lines lw 2 t 'y-coordinate' ,\
      'level3' u 4:5 w lines lw 2 t 'Refinement level' 
    Curvature, location and level of refinement (script)

    Curvature, location and level of refinement (script)

    Finally, we compare the fidelity of the curvature estimation for the three different grids directly

    set yr [-1.6 : -0.4]
    set ylabel 'Curvature'
    set xlabel 'length along circle (not corresponding in locations)'
    set key box
    plot 'curvature1' u 4:5 w lines lw 3 t 'Level = 8 equidistant',\
    'curvature2' u 4:5 w lines lw 2 t 'Partially Coarsened' ,\
    'curvature3' u 4:5 w lines lw 1 t 'Max Level = 9 Adaptive grid'
    Curvature, location and level of refinement (script)

    Curvature, location and level of refinement (script)

    Adaptation seems to behave a bit strange?
