
    Checking implementations for their intended convergence rate.

    One may believe it is sufficient to test a solver implementation for it’s convergence properties. One this page we provide a counter example. The aim is to numerically compute paths of particles in a (2D) rotational flow field (i.e. \nabla \times \mathbf{u} = \omega \neq 0). Here we test a few time integration schemes for the equations,

    \displaystyle \frac{\partial x}{\partial t} = u_x(x,y), \displaystyle \frac{\partial y}{\partial t} = u_y(x,y).

    The test case concerns a particle in a flow field that is described by a solid-body rotation (\omega = 1):

    \displaystyle \frac{\partial x}{\partial t} = -y, \displaystyle \frac{\partial y}{\partial t} = x,

    subject to initial conditions \{x_0, y_0\} = \{1, 0\}. The analytical solution is a circular path x = \mathrm{cos}(t), y = \mathrm{sin}(t).

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <math.h>
    #define sq(x) ((x)*(x))
    #define distance(xp) (pow(sq(xp[0] - 1.) + sq(xp[1]), 0.5))
    void dxdt (double x[2], double v[2]){ // Velocities from position
      v[0] = -x[1];
      v[1] = x[0];
    void advance (double x[2], double v[2], double dt){
      x[0] += dt*v[0];
      x[1] += dt*v[1];
    int main(){
      FILE * fp = fopen("data", "w"); // File for the convergence data

    We conduct a convergence study where we increase the number of time steps per revolution. (N).

      for (int N = 20; N <= 1280; N *= 2){

    We initialize the particle positions for the two different approaches and start the time loop.

        double xfe[2] = {1, 0}; // Forward Euler
        double xmp[2] = {1, 0}; // Mid-point method
        double dt = 2.*M_PI/(double)N;
        for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++){

    Forward Euler

    Forward Euler is straight forward:

          double v[2];
          dxdt(xfe, v); //Compute velocities
          advance(xfe, v, dt);

    The mid-point method

    We choose not to implement the mid-point method correctly, i.e. we introduce a bug here. We “forget” to compute the velocity at t_n for the mid-point-method’s location. Rather, we use the one that is obtained from the forward-Euler method. Since this path is diverging, one may expect the result to be totally wrong.

          double xs[2] = {xmp[0], xmp[1]}; //A scratch
          //dxdt(xs, v);                   // <- This should be uncommented.
          advance(xs, v, dt/2.);           //Advance to the mid point
          dxdt(xs, v);                     //Compute velocity there
          advance(xmp, v, dt);             //Update original position

    At the end of the run we compute the distance from the position corresponding ot the analytical solution.

        fprintf(fp, "%d\t%g\t%g\n", N, distance(xfe), distance(xmp));

    We can view the result of our convergence study:

           set logscale xy 2
           set xr [10 : 2400] 
           set xlabel 'timesteps'
           set ylabel 'Distance Error'
           set grid
           set key outside
           set size square
           plot 'data' u 1:2 t 'Forward Euler',		\
           'data' u 1:3 t 'Mid-point method' ,		\
           10*x**(-1) lw 2 t 'First order',		\
           100*x**(-2) lw 2 t 'Second order'
    Error convergence (script)

    Error convergence (script)

    Eventough the implementaiton of the mid-point method makes no sense, it still converges with second order. As such, one should use a more critical test for checking implementations.

    See also

    The proper implementation:
