
    Contact angles on an embedded body

    This file is used to impose contact angles on arbitrary embedded bodies described using [EMBED] (embed.h).

    //#include "fractions.h"
    #include "embed.h"
    #include "geometrical_tools.h"
    #define Pi 3.14159265358979323846
    extern scalar tag, triple_cell, f1, Alpha;

    We compute the normal corresponding to the angle we want to impose on the contact cell knowing the initial volume fraction in that cell.

    coord normal_contact (coord ns, coord nf1, double angle){
      double det = ns.x*nf1.y - ns.y*nf1.x; // 2D cross product
      coord n;
      if ( det > 0){
        n.x = ns.x*cos(angle)-ns.y*sin(angle); // new fluid normal with the right contact angle
        n.y = ns.x*sin(angle)+ns.y*cos(angle);
        n.x =  ns.x*cos(angle)+ns.y*sin(angle);
        n.y = -ns.x*sin(angle)+ns.y*cos(angle);
      return n;
    void triple_cell_dectection(double angle, scalar f, scalar cs, vector ns, vector nf1, vector nf){
      scalar alpha1[],alpha2[];
        tag[] = triple_cell[] = 0;
        int n=0;
          if(cs[]<1. && cs[]>0. && f[]<1.  && f[]>0. ){

    We locate the exact cell containing the triple point

            coord b, ntemp, ntemp1, ntemp2, p_vof[2], p_embed[2];

    vof geometry

            ntemp1 = interface_normal (point, f); // normal to the fluid interface
            foreach_dimension() nf1.x[] = ntemp1.x ; 
            //alpha1[] = line_alpha(f[], ntemp1);
    				alpha1[] = line_alpha(f[],(coord){nf1.x[], nf1.y[]});

    embed solid geometry

            embed_geometry (point, &b, &ntemp2);//ntemp = facet_normal(point, cs, fs);
            //embed_geometry (point, &b, (coord*){ns.x[], ns.y[]});
            //embed_geometry (point, &b, &ns[]);
           	foreach_dimension() ns.x[] = -ntemp2.x ; 
            alpha2[] = line_alpha(cs[], ntemp2);

    Does VOF interface intersects the embed solid in this cell ?

            if ( facets (ntemp1, alpha1[], p_vof)==2 && facets (ntemp2, alpha2[], p_embed)==2  ){
              if (Intersect(p_vof[0],p_vof[1],p_embed[0],p_embed[1])) {

    Then the triple point lies in here

                  triple_cell[]=1; n++;
                  double piangle = (angle*Pi)/180. ;
                  //foreach_dimension() ntemp2.x = ns.x[] ; 
                  ntemp = normal_contact((coord){ns.x[], ns.y[]}, (coord){nf1.x[], nf1.y[]}, piangle);
                  foreach_dimension() nf.x[] = ntemp.x;
                  Alpha[] = line_alpha(f[], ntemp); // fictive alpha is stored
              else nf.x[] = nf.y[] = ns.x[] = ns.y[] = nodata;
        if(n && cs[]==0.) tag[] =1.;
    void fraction_reconstruction(scalar f, vector nf){
          int stencil=2; 
          for (int i1 = -stencil; i1 <= stencil; i1++){
            for (int j1 = -stencil; j1 <= stencil; j1++){
              if(triple_cell[i1,j1] ){
                coord a, b;
                a.x = -0.5 - i1; 
                a.y = -0.5 - j1;
                b.x =  0.5 - i1;
                b.y =  0.5 - j1;
              	f1[] = rectangle_fraction ((coord){nf.x[i1,j1], nf.y[i1,j1]}, Alpha[i1,j1], a, b);
        if (tag[]){  