
    This function writes one XML VTK file per PID process of type unstructured grid
    (*.vtu) which can be read using Paraview. File stores scalar and vector fields
    defined at the center points. Results are recorded on binary format. If one
    writes one *.vtu file per PID process this function may be combined with
    output_pvtu() above to read in parallel. Tested in (quad- and oct-)trees using
    MPI. Also works with solids (when not using MPI).
    struct OutputFieldsVTU {
      scalar * list;
      vector * vlist;
      char * subname;
    // For periodic boxes, the last cell is not written due to a difference in the
    // vertex points. We define a macro for readability
    #define shortcut_periodic()     \
      if (Period.x)                 \
        foreach()                   \
          if (x + Delta > X0 + L0)  \
            per_mask[] = 0.;        \
      if (Period.y)                 \
        foreach()                   \
          if (y + Delta > Y0 + L0)  \
            per_mask[] = 0.;        \
      if (Period.z)                 \
        foreach()                   \
          if (z + Delta > Z0 + L0)  \
            per_mask[] = 0.;        \
    void output_vtu_pid (struct OutputFieldsVTU p )
      char name[80];
      sprintf(name, "%s.vtu", p.subname);
      FILE * fp = fopen(name, "w");
    #if defined(_OPENMP)
      int num_omp = omp_get_max_threads();
      // This a diry way to match the number of points and vertices when using
      // periodic conditions since vertex are not defined in that case.
      scalar per_mask[];
      foreach ()
        per_mask[] = 1.;
      // We obtain the number of points, cells and a marker used to recover the
      // connectivity.
      vertex scalar marker[];
      long no_points = 0, no_cells=0 ;
      foreach_vertex(serial, noauto){
    #if TREE
        marker[] = _k;
    # if dimension == 2
        marker[] = (point.i-2)*((1 << point.level) + 1) + (point.j-2);
    # else
        marker[] = (point.i-2)*sq((1 << point.level) + 1) + (point.j-2)*((1 << point.level) + 1) + (point.k-2);
    # endif
      foreach (serial, noauto)
        if (per_mask[])
      // We write the light data of the VTU file. Since data is appended at the end
      // of the file, we must specify the starting position of each datablock using
      // a counter.
      long count = 0;
      fputs("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n", fp);
      fputs("<VTKFile type=\"UnstructuredGrid\" version=\"1.0\" byte_order=\"LittleEndian\" header_type=\"UInt64\">\n", fp);
      fputs("\t <UnstructuredGrid>\n", fp);
      fprintf(fp, "\t\t <Piece NumberOfPoints=\"%ld\" NumberOfCells=\"%ld\">\n", no_points, no_cells);
      fputs("\t\t\t <CellData Scalars=\"scalars\">\n", fp);
      for (scalar s in p.list)
        fprintf(fp, "\t\t\t\t <DataArray type=\"Float64\" Name=\"%s\" format=\"appended\" offset=\"%ld\"/>\n",, count);
        count += (no_cells * sizeof(double)) + sizeof(long);
      for (vector v in p.vlist)
        fprintf(fp, "\t\t\t\t <DataArray type=\"Float64\" Name=\"%s\" NumberOfComponents=\"3\"  format=\"appended\" offset=\"%ld\"/>\n",, count);
        count += (3 * no_cells * sizeof(double)) + sizeof(long);
      fputs("\t\t\t </CellData>\n", fp);
      fputs("\t\t\t <Points>\n", fp);
      fprintf(fp, "\t\t\t\t <DataArray type=\"Float64\" NumberOfComponents=\"3\"  format=\"appended\" offset=\"%ld\"/>\n", count);
      fputs("\t\t\t </Points>\n", fp);
      fputs("\t\t\t <Cells>\n", fp);
      count += (3 * no_points * sizeof(double)) + sizeof(long);
    #if dimension == 2
      char type = 9, noffset = 4;
    #elif dimension == 3
      char type = 12, noffset = 8;
      long offset, connectivity[noffset];
      fprintf(fp, "\t\t\t\t <DataArray type=\"Int64\" Name=\"offsets\" format=\"appended\" offset=\"%ld\"/>\n", count);
      count += (no_cells * sizeof(long)) + sizeof(long);
      fprintf(fp, "\t\t\t\t <DataArray type=\"Int8\" Name=\"types\" format=\"appended\" offset=\"%ld\"/>\n", count);
      count += (no_cells * sizeof(char)) + sizeof(long);
      fprintf(fp, "\t\t\t\t <DataArray type=\"Int64\" Name=\"connectivity\" format=\"appended\" offset=\"%ld\"/>\n", count);
      count += (no_cells * noffset * sizeof(long)) + sizeof(long);
      fputs("\t\t\t </Cells>\n", fp);
      fputs("\t\t </Piece>\n", fp);
      fputs("\t </UnstructuredGrid>\n", fp);
      fputs("\t <AppendedData encoding=\"raw\">\n", fp);
      fputs("_", fp);
      // Finally we write the heavy data, where each block is preceded by the block
      // lenght.
      long block_len=no_cells*sizeof (double);
      for (scalar s in p.list)
        fwrite(&block_len, sizeof(long), 1, fp);
        foreach ()
          if (per_mask[])
            fwrite(&val(s), sizeof(double), 1, fp);
      block_len = no_cells * 3 * sizeof(double);
      for (vector v in p.vlist)
        fwrite(&block_len, sizeof(long), 1, fp);
        foreach (){
          if (per_mask[])
            fwrite(&val(v.x), sizeof(double), 1, fp);
            fwrite(&val(v.y), sizeof(double), 1, fp);
    #if dimension == 2
            double vz = 0;
            fwrite(&vz, sizeof(double), 1, fp);
    #elif dimension == 3
            fwrite(&val(v.z), sizeof(double), 1, fp);
      block_len = no_points * 3 * sizeof(double);
      fwrite(&block_len, sizeof(long), 1, fp);
      foreach_vertex() {
        fwrite(&x, sizeof(double), 1, fp);
        fwrite(&y, sizeof(double), 1, fp);
        fwrite(&z, sizeof(double), 1, fp);
      block_len = no_cells * sizeof(long);
      fwrite(&block_len, sizeof(long), 1, fp);
      for (int i = 0; i < no_cells; i++)
        offset = (i + 1) * noffset;
        fwrite(&offset, sizeof(int64_t), 1, fp);
      block_len = no_cells * sizeof(char);
      fwrite(&block_len, sizeof(long), 1, fp);
      for (int i = 0; i < no_cells; i++)
        fwrite(&type, sizeof(char), 1, fp);
      block_len = no_cells * noffset * sizeof(long);
      fwrite(&block_len, sizeof(long), 1, fp);
      foreach (serial, noauto){
        if (per_mask[])
          connectivity[0] = (long)marker[];
          connectivity[1] = (long)marker[1];
          connectivity[2] = (long)marker[1, 1];
          connectivity[3] = (long)marker[0, 1];
    #if dimension == 3
          connectivity[4] = (long)marker[0, 0, 1];
          connectivity[5] = (long)marker[1, 0, 1];
          connectivity[6] = (long)marker[1, 1, 1];
          connectivity[7] = (long)marker[0, 1, 1];
          fwrite(&connectivity, sizeof(long), noffset, fp);
      fputs("\t\n", fp);
      fputs("\t </AppendedData>\n", fp);
      fputs("</VTKFile>\n", fp);
    #if defined(_OPENMP)
      fclose (fp);
    This function writes one XML file which allows to read the *.vtu files generated
    by output_vtu() when used in MPI. Tested in (quad- and oct-)trees
    using MPI.
    @if _MPI
    void output_pvtu(struct OutputFieldsVTU p){
      char name[112];
      FILE *fp;
      if (pid() == 0)
        sprintf(name, "%s.pvtu", p.subname);
        fp = fopen(name, "w");
        fputs("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n", fp);
        fputs("<VTKFile type=\"PUnstructuredGrid\" version=\"1.0\" byte_order=\"LittleEndian\" header_type=\"UInt64\">\n", fp);
        fputs("\t <PUnstructuredGrid GhostLevel=\"0\">\n", fp);
        fputs("\t\t\t <PCellData Scalars=\"scalars\">\n", fp);
        for (scalar s in p.list)
          fprintf(fp, "\t\t\t\t <PDataArray type=\"Float64\" Name=\"%s\" format=\"appended\">\n",;
          fputs("\t\t\t\t </PDataArray>\n", fp);
        for (vector v in p.vlist)
          fprintf(fp, "\t\t\t\t <PDataArray type=\"Float64\" NumberOfComponents=\"3\" Name=\"%s\" format=\"appended\">\n",;
          fputs("\t\t\t\t </PDataArray>\n", fp);
        fputs("\t\t\t </PCellData>\n", fp);
        fputs("\t\t\t <PPoints>\n", fp);
        fputs("\t\t\t\t <PDataArray type=\"Float64\" NumberOfComponents=\"3\" format=\"appended\">\n", fp);
        fputs("\t\t\t\t </PDataArray>\n", fp);
        fputs("\t\t\t </PPoints>\n", fp);
        for (int i = 0; i < npe(); i++)
          fprintf(fp, "\t\t <Piece Source=\"%s_n%3.3d.vtu\"/> \n", p.subname, i);
        fputs("\t </PUnstructuredGrid>\n", fp);
        fputs("</VTKFile>\n", fp);
      sprintf(name, "%s_n%3.3d", p.subname, pid());
      output_vtu_pid(p.list, p.vlist, name);
    void output_vtu (struct OutputFieldsVTU p)
      @if _MPI
      output_pvtu (p);
      output_vtu_pid (p);

    This function writes a slice defined by n={n_x, n_y, n_z} and \alpha using a similar approach to view.h into one XML VTK file per PID process of type unstructured grid (*.vtu) in binary format which can be read using Paraview. Only works for x, y, and/or z planes. Here, _alpha is assumed to intersect a cell face and must be a multiple of L0/1<<MINLEVEL. This also means that scalar and vector fields are written at the corresponding face values.

    struct OutputSlicesVTU {
      scalar * list;
      vector * vlist;
      char * subname;
      coord n;
      double _alpha;
    // We define a macro for readability
    #define shortcut_slice(n,_alpha)				                \
      double alpha = (_alpha - n.x*x - n.y*y - n.z*z)/Delta;\
      if (fabs(alpha) > 0.87)                               \
        continue;                                           \
    #if dimension > 2
    void output_vtu_plane_pid (struct OutputSlicesVTU p){
    #if defined(_OPENMP)
      int num_omp = omp_get_max_threads();
      char name[80];
      sprintf(name, "%s.vtu", p.subname);
      FILE * fp = fopen(name, "w");
      // Find the cells in the plane (minus edges if periodic)
      coord n = p.n;
      double _alpha = p._alpha;
      scalar per_mask[];
        per_mask[] = 0.;
        if (alpha > 0.)
          per_mask[] = 1.;
      // Count number of points and cells (per domain) and a marker for connectivity
      vertex scalar marker[];
      long no_points = 0, no_cells=0 ;
      foreach_vertex(serial, noauto){
        marker[] = 0.;
        marker[] = no_points;
        no_points += 1;
      foreach(serial, noauto)
        if (per_mask[])
          no_cells += 1;
      // Write the light data. Every time we write someting we increase the counter
      // to track where the data array starts. Cells are defined as VTK_QUAD(=9)
      // defined by 4 points.
      long count = 0;
      char type=9, noffset=4;
      fputs ("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n"
      "<VTKFile type=\"UnstructuredGrid\" version=\"1.0\" byte_order=\"LittleEndian\" header_type=\"UInt64\">\n", fp);
      fputs ("\t <UnstructuredGrid>\n", fp);
      fprintf (fp,"\t\t <Piece NumberOfPoints=\"%ld\" NumberOfCells=\"%ld\">\n", no_points, no_cells);
      fputs ("\t\t\t <CellData Scalars=\"scalars\">\n", fp);
      for (scalar s in p.list) {
        fprintf (fp,"\t\t\t\t <DataArray type=\"Float64\" Name=\"%s\" format=\"appended\" offset=\"%ld\"/>\n",, count);
        count += (no_cells * sizeof (double)) + sizeof (long);
      for (vector v in p.vlist) {
        fprintf (fp,"\t\t\t\t <DataArray type=\"Float64\" Name=\"%s\" NumberOfComponents=\"3\"  format=\"appended\" offset=\"%ld\"/>\n",, count);
        count += (3 * no_cells * sizeof (double)) + sizeof (long);
      fputs ("\t\t\t </CellData>\n", fp);
      fputs ("\t\t\t <Points>\n", fp);
      fprintf (fp,"\t\t\t\t <DataArray type=\"Float64\" NumberOfComponents=\"3\"  format=\"appended\" offset=\"%ld\"/>\n", count);
      fputs ("\t\t\t </Points>\n", fp);
      fputs ("\t\t\t <Cells>\n", fp);
      count += (3 * no_points * sizeof (double)) + sizeof (long);
      long offset ;
      fprintf (fp,"\t\t\t\t <DataArray type=\"Int64\" Name=\"offsets\" format=\"appended\" offset=\"%ld\"/>\n", count);
      count +=  (no_cells * sizeof (long)) + sizeof (long);
      fprintf (fp,"\t\t\t\t <DataArray type=\"Int8\" Name=\"types\" format=\"appended\" offset=\"%ld\"/>\n", count);
      count +=  (no_cells * sizeof (char)) + sizeof (long);
      fprintf (fp,"\t\t\t\t <DataArray type=\"Int64\" Name=\"connectivity\" format=\"appended\" offset=\"%ld\"/>\n", count);
      count +=  (no_cells * noffset * sizeof (long)) + sizeof (long);
      fputs ("\t\t\t </Cells>\n", fp);
      fputs ("\t\t </Piece>\n", fp);
      fputs ("\t </UnstructuredGrid>\n", fp);
      fputs ("\t <AppendedData encoding=\"raw\">\n", fp);
      fputs ("_", fp);
      // Write the heavy data in the same order. We write the lenght of each block
      // before writing the actual data.
      long block_len=no_cells*sizeof (double);
      for (scalar s in p.list) {
        fwrite (&block_len, sizeof (long), 1, fp);
          if (per_mask[]){
            double sval;
            if (n.x == 1)
              sval = 0.5*(val(s) + val(s,1,0,0));
            else if (n.y == 1)
              sval = 0.5*(val(s) + val(s,0,1,0));
              sval = 0.5*(val(s) + val(s,0,0,1));
            fwrite (&sval, sizeof (double), 1, fp);
      block_len=no_cells*3*sizeof (double);
      for (vector v in p.vlist) {
        fwrite (&block_len, sizeof (long), 1, fp);
          if (per_mask[]){
            double xval, yval, zval;
            if (n.x == 1) {
              xval = 0.5*(val(v.x) + val(v.x,1,0,0));
              yval = 0.5*(val(v.y) + val(v.y,1,0,0));
              zval = 0.5*(val(v.z) + val(v.z,1,0,0));
            else if (n.y == 1) {
              xval = 0.5*(val(v.x) + val(v.x,0,1,0));
              yval = 0.5*(val(v.y) + val(v.y,0,1,0));
              zval = 0.5*(val(v.z) + val(v.z,0,1,0));
            else {
              xval = 0.5*(val(v.x) + val(v.x,0,0,1));
              yval = 0.5*(val(v.y) + val(v.y,0,0,1));
              zval = 0.5*(val(v.z) + val(v.z,0,0,1));
            fwrite (&xval, sizeof (double), 1, fp);
            fwrite (&yval, sizeof (double), 1, fp);
            fwrite (&zval, sizeof (double), 1, fp);
      block_len=no_points*3*sizeof (double);
      fwrite (&block_len, sizeof (long), 1, fp);
        fwrite (&x, sizeof (double), 1, fp);
        fwrite (&y, sizeof (double), 1, fp);
        fwrite (&z, sizeof (double), 1, fp);
      fwrite (&block_len, sizeof (long), 1, fp);
      for (int i = 0; i < no_cells; i++){
        offset = (i+1)*noffset;
        fwrite (&offset, sizeof (int64_t), 1, fp);
      fwrite (&block_len, sizeof (long), 1, fp);
      for (int i = 0; i < no_cells; i++)
        fwrite (&type, sizeof (int8_t), 1, fp);
      fwrite (&block_len, sizeof (long), 1, fp);
        long connectivity[noffset];
        if (per_mask[]){
          if (n.x == 1) {
            connectivity[0] = (long)marker[1,0,0];
            connectivity[1] = (long)marker[1,1,0];
            connectivity[2] = (long)marker[1,1,1];
            connectivity[3] = (long)marker[1,0,1];
          else if (n.y == 1) {
            connectivity[0] = (long)marker[0,1,0];
            connectivity[1] = (long)marker[1,1,0];
            connectivity[2] = (long)marker[1,1,1];
            connectivity[3] = (long)marker[0,1,1];
          else {
            connectivity[0] = (long)marker[0,0,1];
            connectivity[1] = (long)marker[1,0,1];
            connectivity[2] = (long)marker[1,1,1];
            connectivity[3] = (long)marker[0,1,1];
          fwrite (&connectivity, sizeof (long), noffset, fp);
      fputs ("\t\n", fp);
      fputs ("\t </AppendedData>\n", fp);
      fputs ("</VTKFile>\n", fp);
      fflush (fp);
    #if defined(_OPENMP)
    @if _MPI
    void output_pvtu_plane (struct OutputSlicesVTU p) {
      scalar * list  = p.list;
    	vector * vlist = p.vlist;
      char name[99];
      FILE * fp;
      if (pid() == 0) {
        sprintf(name, "%s.pvtu", p.subname);
        fp = fopen(name, "w");
        fputs ("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n"
        "<VTKFile type=\"PUnstructuredGrid\" version=\"1.0\" byte_order=\"LittleEndian\" header_type=\"UInt64\">\n", fp);
        fputs ("\t <PUnstructuredGrid GhostLevel=\"0\">\n", fp);
        fputs ("\t\t\t <PCellData Scalars=\"scalars\">\n", fp);
        for (scalar s in list) {
          fprintf (fp,"\t\t\t\t <PDataArray type=\"Float64\" Name=\"%s\" format=\"appended\">\n",;
          fputs ("\t\t\t\t </PDataArray>\n", fp);
        for (vector v in vlist) {
          fprintf (fp,"\t\t\t\t <PDataArray type=\"Float64\" NumberOfComponents=\"3\" Name=\"%s\" format=\"appended\">\n",;
          fputs ("\t\t\t\t </PDataArray>\n", fp);
        fputs ("\t\t\t </PCellData>\n", fp);
        fputs ("\t\t\t <PPoints>\n", fp);
        fputs ("\t\t\t\t <PDataArray type=\"Float64\" NumberOfComponents=\"3\" format=\"appended\">\n", fp);
        fputs ("\t\t\t\t </PDataArray>\n", fp);
        fputs ("\t\t\t </PPoints>\n", fp);
        for (int i = 0; i < npe(); i++)
          fprintf (fp, "<Piece Source=\"%s_n%3.3d.vtu\"/> \n", p.subname, i);
        fputs ("\t </PUnstructuredGrid>\n", fp);
        fputs ("</VTKFile>\n", fp);
        fflush (fp);
        fclose (fp);
      sprintf(name, "%s_n%3.3d", p.subname, pid());
      output_vtu_plane_pid (p.list, p.vlist, name, p.n, p._alpha);
    void output_slice_vtu (struct OutputSlicesVTU p)
    @if _MPI
      output_pvtu_plane (p);
      output_vtu_plane_pid (p);
    #undef shortcut_slice
    #undef shortcut_periodic