
    Simulated Navier-Stokes trefoil

    The evolution of a trefoil vortex knot is simulated as in Kerr (2015). The goal of the physical space initialisation is to map an analytically defined trefoil vortex onto an Eulerian (static) numerical mesh. The trefoil trajectory discussed in here is defined by: \displaystyle x = \sin{(t)} + 2 \sin{(2t)} \displaystyle y = \cos{(t)} - 2 \cos{(2t)} \displaystyle z = -3 \sin{(3t)} where t ranges between 0 and 2\pi.

    For this example, we use the (compressible) Navier-Stokes equations inside a triple periodic box.

    Space-curve of a trefoil vortex relative to the domain size

    Space-curve of a trefoil vortex relative to the domain size

    Which results in something like this

    The movie shows a \lambda_2=0 isosurface

    The movie shows a \lambda_2=0 isosurface on top of a slice of \omega_z

    #include "grid/octree.h"
    #include "navier-stokes/centered.h"
    #include "PointTriangle.h"
    #define MINLEVEL 4
    int n_seg = 128;
    double as = 0.1;
    int main() {
      L0 = 16;
      X0 = Y0 = Z0 = -L0/2;
      DT = 0.01;
      N = 1<<MINLEVEL;
    event adapt (i++){
      adapt_wavelet ((scalar*){u}, (double[]){1e-5, 1e-5, 1e-5}, MAXLEVEL, MINLEVEL);


    For the initialisation process, we proceed as follows.

    1. The position of the vortex segments is given by a space-curve c parametrized as function of t0. We also require the first and second derivatives of c, as to define a local Serret-Frenet frame (\vec{t},\vec{n},\vec{b}). \displaystyle \vec{t} = \frac{d\vec{c}}{dt_0}/\|\frac{d\vec{c}}{dt_0}\| \displaystyle \vec{n} = \frac{d^2\vec{c}}{dt_0^2}/\|\frac{d^2\vec{c}}{dt_0^2}\| \displaystyle \vec{b} = \vec{t} \times \vec{n}

    2. Each position \vec{p} is projected into the local Frenet-Serret frame to obtain a set of local coordinates, such that: \displaystyle (\vec{p} - \vec{c}(t_0)) \cdot \vec{t} = 0 \displaystyle (\vec{p} - \vec{c}(t_0)) \cdot \vec{n} = x_n \displaystyle (\vec{p} - \vec{c}(t_0)) \cdot \vec{b} = x_b which is done through a minization process.

    3. We use the local coordinates (x_n, x_b) to define a radial coordinate \rho required to compute the vorticity of a Lamb-Oseen vortex as \displaystyle \vec{\omega} = \Gamma/(\pi a^2) \exp(-\rho^2/a^2) \cdot \vec{t} where \Gamma is the circulation and a the core size.

    4. We consider the flow is expressed as a vector potential, \displaystyle \vec{u} = \nabla \times \vec{\psi} such that \displaystyle \nabla^2 \vec{\psi} = -\vec{\omega} which requires solving a Poisson problem for each vorticity component.

    5. We use the vector potential to evaluate the velocity field.

    #include "view.h"
    #include "filaments.h"
    #include "filaments.c"
    event init (t = 0) {
      refine  (sqrt(sq(x) + sq(y) + sq(z)) < 5 && level < MAXLEVEL);
      // Step 1
      double delta_t0 = 6*pi/((double)n_seg-1);
      double t0[n_seg];
      coord c[n_seg], dc[n_seg], d2c[n_seg];
      for (int i = 0; i < n_seg; i++){
        t0[i] = delta_t0 * (double)i - 2*pi;
        c[i].x = sin(t0[i]) + 2*sin(2*t0[i]);
        c[i].y = cos(t0[i]) - 2*cos(2*t0[i]);
        c[i].z = -sin(3*t0[i]);
        dc[i].x =  cos(t0[i]) + 4*cos(2*t0[i]);
        dc[i].y = -sin(t0[i]) + 4*sin(2*t0[i]);
        dc[i].z = -3*cos(3*t0[i]);
        d2c[i].x = -sin(t0[i]) - 8*sin(2*t0[i]);
        d2c[i].y = -cos(t0[i]) + 8*cos(2*t0[i]);
        d2c[i].z = 9*sin(3*t0[i]);
      view (theta = pi/6, phi = pi/6, fov=40);
      draw_space_curve(n_seg, c);
      save ("trefoil0.png");
      coord tvec[n_seg], nvec[n_seg], bvec[n_seg];
      for (int i = 0; i < n_seg; i++){
          tvec[i].x =  dc[i].x/sqrt(vecdot( dc[i],  dc[i]));
          nvec[i].x = d2c[i].x/sqrt(vecdot(d2c[i], d2c[i]));
        bvec[i] = vecdotproduct(tvec[i], nvec[i]);
      // Steps 2 and 3
      vector omega[];
        coord pcar = {x,y,z};
        coord val_omega = get_vorticity_filament(pcar, n_seg, as, t0, c, tvec, nvec, bvec, 1);
          omega.x[] = val_omega.x;
      // Step 4
      vector psi[];
          psi.x[] = 0.;
      boundary ((scalar*){psi,omega});
      poisson (psi.x, omega.x);
      poisson (psi.y, omega.y);
      poisson (psi.z, omega.z);
      // Step 5
        u.x[] = ((psi.z[0,1,0] - psi.z[0,-1,0]) - (psi.y[0,0,1] - psi.y[0,0,-1]))/(2.*Delta);
        u.y[] = ((psi.x[0,0,1] - psi.x[0,0,-1]) - (psi.z[1,0,0] - psi.z[-1,0,0]))/(2.*Delta);
        u.z[] = ((psi.y[1,0,0] - psi.y[-1,0,0]) - (psi.x[0,1,0] - psi.x[0,-1,0]))/(2.*Delta);
      boundary ((scalar *){u});
      FILE * fp = fopen("trefoil_x0.asc", "w");
      fputs ("[1]t\t [2]tag\t [3]Gamma\t [4]mu_x\t [5]mu_y\t [6]mu_z\t [7]M20\t [8]M02\t [9]M11\t [10]a\t [11]b\t [12]c\t [13]e\t [14]maxvor \n", fp);
      fp = fopen("trefoil_y0.asc", "w");
      fputs ("[1]t\t [2]tag\t [3]Gamma\t [4]mu_x\t [5]mu_y\t [6]mu_z\t [7]M20\t [8]M02\t [9]M11\t [10]a\t [11]b\t [12]c\t [13]e\t [14]maxvor \n", fp);
      fp = fopen("trefoil_z0.asc", "w");
      fputs ("[1]t\t [2]tag\t [3]Gamma\t [4]mu_x\t [5]mu_y\t [6]mu_z\t [7]M20\t [8]M02\t [9]M11\t [10]a\t [11]b\t [12]c\t [13]e\t [14]maxvor \n", fp);


    For this example, we track the evolution of the kinetic energy, the viscous enery dissipation rate, as well as the total helicity \displaystyle H = \int \vec{u} \cdot \vec{\omega} dV

    #include "lambda2.h"
    #include "3d/ellipticity.h"
    event logfile (t += 0.1) {
      scalar l2[];
      lambda2 (u, l2);
      vector omega[];
      vorticity3d(u, omega);
      scalar m[];
        m[] = l2[] < 0;
      FILE * fp = fopen("trefoil_x0.asc", "a");
      vorticity_moments_plane(omega.z, m, fp, (coord){1,0,0}, 0.);
      fp = fopen("trefoil_y0.asc", "a");
      vorticity_moments_plane(omega.z, m, fp, (coord){0,1,0}, 0.);
      fp = fopen("trefoil_z0.asc", "a");
      vorticity_moments_plane(omega.z, m, fp, (coord){0,0,1}, 0.);
    event movie (t += 0.2) {
      scalar l2[];
      lambda2 (u, l2);
      vector omega[];
      vorticity3d(u, omega);
      view (theta = pi/6, phi = pi/6, fov=35);
      isosurface ("l2", 0);
      squares ("omega.z", linear = false, alpha=-L0/2);
      save ("lambda2.mp4");
    #include "../output_fields/output_vtu_foreach.h"
    event snapshots (t += 20.0) {
      scalar l2[];
      lambda2 (u, l2);
      stats f = statsf (l2);
      vector omega[];
      vorticity3d(u, omega);
      stats s = statsf (omega.z);
      static int nf = 0;
      char name[80];
      sprintf(name, "trefoil_%3.3d", nf);
      output_vtu ((scalar *) {l2}, (vector *) {u, omega}, name);
    event slices (t += 1.0) {
      scalar l2[];
      lambda2 (u, l2);
      vector omega[];
      vorticity3d(u, omega);
      static int ns = 0;
      char name[80];
      sprintf(name, "trefoil_x0_%3.3d", ns);
      output_vtu_plane ((scalar *) {l2}, (vector *) {u, omega}, name, (coord){1,0,0}, 0.0);
      sprintf(name, "trefoil_y0_%3.3d", ns);
      output_vtu_plane ((scalar *) {l2}, (vector *) {u, omega}, name, (coord){0,1,0}, 0.0);
      sprintf(name, "trefoil_z0_%3.3d", ns);
      output_vtu_plane ((scalar *) {l2}, (vector *) {u, omega}, name, (coord){0,0,1}, 0.0);
      view (theta = pi/6, phi = pi/6, fov=35);
      isosurface ("l2", 0);
      squares ("omega.z", linear = false, alpha=-L0/2);
      sprintf(name, "omegaz_%3.3d.png", ns);
      save (name);
    event stop (i = 5)