/** # *input_pgm()*: Importing Portable Gray Map (PGM) images This function reads in the [PGM](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netpbm_format) file in file *fp* and imports the corresponding values into field *s*. The grayscale is normalised and inverted so that the maximum value in field *s* is one (black) and the minimum value is zero (white). By default the origin of the image (lower-left corner) is assumed to be at (0,0) and the width of the image is set to `L0`. This can be changed using the optional *ox*, *oy* and *width* parameters. */ #include "utils.h" void input_pgm (scalar s, FILE * fp, double ox = 0., double oy = 0., double width = L0) { char line[81]; if (!fgets (line, 81, fp)) { fprintf (stderr, "input_pgm: could not read magic number\n"); exit (1); } if (strcmp (line, "P2\n") && strcmp (line, "P5\n")) { fprintf (stderr, "input_pgm: magic number '%s' does not match PGM\n", line); exit (1); } int binary = !strcmp (line, "P5\n"); if (!fgets (line, 81, fp)) { fprintf (stderr, "input_pgm: could not read width and height\n"); exit (1); } int W, H; while (line[0] == '#' && fgets (line, 81, fp)); if (line[0] == '#' || sscanf (line, "%d %d", &W, &H) != 2) { fprintf (stderr, "input_pgm: could not read width and height\n"); exit (1); } if (!fgets (line, 81, fp)) { fprintf (stderr, "input_pgm: could not read maxval\n"); exit (1); } int maxval; if (sscanf (line, "%d", &maxval) != 1) { fprintf (stderr, "input_pgm: could not read maxval\n"); exit (1); } if (maxval < 256) { unsigned char * a = qmalloc (W*H, unsigned char); size_t n = 0; if (binary) n = fread (a, 1, W*H, fp); else { int v; while (n < W*H && fscanf (fp, "%d ", &v) == 1) a[n++] = v; } if (n != W*H) { fprintf (stderr, "input_pgm: read only %ld values\n", n); exit (1); } foreach() { int i = (x - ox)*W/width, j = (y - oy)*W/width; if (i >= 0 && i < W && j >= 0 && j < H) s[] = 1. - a[(H - 1 - j)*W + i]/(double)maxval; else s[] = 0.; } free (a); } else { unsigned short * a = qmalloc (W*H, unsigned short); size_t n = 0; if (binary) n = fread (a, 2, W*H, fp); else { int v; while (n < W*H && fscanf (fp, "%d ", &v) == 1) a[n++] = v; } if (n != W*H) { fprintf (stderr, "input_pgm: read only %ld values\n", n); exit (1); } foreach() { int i = (x - ox)*W/width, j = (y - oy)*W/width; if (i >= 0 && i < W && j >= 0 && j < H) s[] = 1. - a[(H - 1 - j)*W + i]/(double)maxval; else s[] = 0.; } free (a); } } static void next_char (FILE * fp, int target) { int c = fgetc(fp), para = 0; while (c != EOF && (c != target || para > 0)) { if (c == '{') para++; if (c == '}') para--; c = fgetc(fp); } if (c != target) { fprintf (stderr, "input_gfs(): error: expecting '%c'\n", target); exit (1); } } static int next_string (FILE * fp, const char * target) { int slen = strlen (target), para = 0; char s[slen + 1]; s[slen] = '\0'; int len = 0, c = fgetc (fp); while (c != EOF && len < slen) { if (c == '{') para++; if (c == '}') para--; s[len++] = c; c = fgetc (fp); } while (c != EOF && para >= 0) { if (!strcmp (s, target) && para == 0) break; if (c == '{') para++; if (c == '}') para--; for (int i = 0; i < slen - 1; i++) s[i] = s[i+1]; s[slen - 1] = c; c = fgetc (fp); } if (strcmp (s, target)) c = -1; return c; } /** # *input_gfs()*: Gerris simulation format The function reads simulation data in the format used in [Gerris](http://gerris.dalembert.upmc.fr) simulation files. This is the reciprocal function of [*output_gfs()*](output.h#output_gfs). The arguments and their default values are: *fp* : a file pointer. Default is *file* or stdin. *list* : a list of scalar fields to read. Default is *all*. *file* : the name of the file to read from (mutually exclusive with *fp*). */ trace void input_gfs (FILE * fp = stdin, scalar * list = NULL, char * file = NULL) { not_mpi_compatible(); if (file && !(fp = fopen (file, "r"))) { perror (file); exit (1); } bool input_all = (list == all); if (!list) list = all; #if TREE init_grid (1); #endif next_char (fp, '{'); char * s = qmalloc (1, char); int len = 0; int c = fgetc(fp); while (c != EOF && c != '}') { s[len++] = c; qrealloc (s, len + 1, char); s[len] = '\0'; c = fgetc(fp); } if (c != '}') { fprintf (stderr, "input_gfs(): error: expecting '}'\n"); exit (1); } char * s1 = strstr (s, "variables"); if (!s1) { fprintf (stderr, "input_gfs(): error: expecting 'variables'\n"); exit (1); } s1 = strstr (s1, "="); if (!s1) { fprintf (stderr, "input_gfs(): error: expecting '='\n"); exit (1); } s1++; while (strchr (" \t", *s1)) s1++; scalar * input = NULL; s1 = strtok (s1, ", \t"); while (s1) { char * name = replace (s1, '_', '.', false); bool found = false; for (scalar s in list) if (!is_constant(s) && s.name && !strcmp (s.name, name)) { input = list_append (input, s); found = true; break; } if (!found) { if (input_all) { scalar s = new scalar; free (s.name); s.name = strdup (name); input = list_append (input, s); } else input = list_append (input, (scalar){INT_MAX}); } free (name); s1 = strtok (NULL, ", \t"); } free (s); next_char (fp, '{'); double t1 = 0.; if (next_string (fp, "Time") >= 0) { next_char (fp, '{'); next_char (fp, 't'); next_char (fp, '='); if (fscanf (fp, "%lf", &t1) != 1) { fprintf (stderr, "input_gfs(): error: expecting 't'\n"); exit (1); } next_char (fp, '}'); next_char (fp, '}'); } if (next_string (fp, "Box") < 0) { fprintf (stderr, "input_gfs(): error: expecting 'GfsBox'\n"); exit (1); } next_char (fp, '{'); next_char (fp, '{'); next_char (fp, '\n'); scalar * listm = {cm,fm}; scalar * listr = !is_constant(cm) ? listm : NULL; NOT_UNUSED (listr); foreach_cell() { unsigned flags; if (fread (&flags, sizeof (unsigned), 1, fp) != 1) { fprintf (stderr, "input_gfs(): error: expecting 'flags'\n"); exit (1); } if (!(flags & (1 << 4)) && is_leaf(cell)) refine_cell (point, listr, 0, NULL); double a; if (fread (&a, sizeof (double), 1, fp) != 1 || a != -1) { fprintf (stderr, "input_gfs(): error: expecting '-1'\n"); exit (1); } for (scalar s in input) { if (fread (&a, sizeof (double), 1, fp) != 1) { fprintf (stderr, "input_gfs(): error: expecting a scalar\n"); exit (1); } if (s.i != INT_MAX) { if (s.v.x.i >= 0) { // this is a vector component, we need to rotate from // Z-ordering (Gerris) to N-ordering (Basilisk) #if dimension >= 2 if (s.v.x.i == s.i) { s = s.v.y; s[] = a; } else if (s.v.y.i == s.i) { s = s.v.x; s[] = - a; } #endif #if dimension >= 3 else s[] = a; #endif } else s[] = a; } } if (is_leaf(cell)) continue; } for (scalar s in listm) if (!is_constant(s)) s.dirty = true; for (scalar s in input) if (!is_constant(s)) s.dirty = true; free (input); if (file) fclose (fp); // the events are advanced to catch up with the time while (t < t1 && events (false)) t = tnext; events (false); } #define valgrd(v,i,j) ((v)[(j) + 1 + ((i) + 1)*(nx + 2)]) static void bc_grd (double * v, int nx, int ny, bool periodic[2]) { if (periodic[0]) for (int i = 0; i < ny; i++) { valgrd(v,i,-1) = valgrd(v,i,nx - 1); valgrd(v,i,nx) = valgrd(v,i,0); } else for (int i = 0; i < ny; i++) { valgrd(v,i,-1) = valgrd(v,i,0); valgrd(v,i,nx) = valgrd(v,i,nx - 1); } if (periodic[1]) for (int j = -1; j <= nx; j++) { valgrd(v,-1,j) = valgrd(v,ny - 1,j); valgrd(v,ny,j) = valgrd(v,0,j); } else for (int j = -1; j <= nx; j++) { valgrd(v,-1,j) = valgrd(v,0,j); valgrd(v,ny,j) = valgrd(v,ny - 1,j); } } /** # *input_grd()*: Raster format (Esri grid) This function reads a scalar field from a [Raster file](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esri_grid). This is the reciprocal function of [*output_grd()*](output.h#output_grd). The arguments and their default values are: *s* : the scalar where the data will be stored. No default value. You must specify this parameter *fp* : a file pointer. Default is *file* or stdin. *file* : the name of the file to read from (mutually exclusive with *fp*). *nodatavalue* : the value of the NoDataValue. Default is the same as that defined in the raster file. *linear* : if true, the raster data is bilinearly interpolated. Default is false. *periodic* : if true, the x-axis and/or y-axis are treated as periodic. Default is the same as the domain periodicity. *smooth* : the number of Laplacian smoothing passes applied to the data before interpolation. Default is zero. */ void input_grd (scalar s, FILE * fp = stdin, const char * file = NULL, double nodatavalue = 0.12345678, bool linear = false, bool periodic[2] = {Period.x, Period.y}, int smooth = 0) { scalar input = s; if (file && !(fp = fopen (file, "r"))) { perror (file); exit (1); } // Variables for the Raster data double DeltaGRD; int nx, ny; double XG0, YG0, ndv; // header char waste[100]; if (fscanf (fp, "%s %d", waste, &nx) != 2) { fprintf (stderr, "input_grd(): error reading 'nx'\n"); if (file) fclose (fp); return; } if (fscanf (fp, "%s %d", waste, &ny) != 2) { fprintf (stderr, "input_grd(): error reading 'ny'\n"); if (file) fclose (fp); return; } if (fscanf (fp, "%s %lf", waste, &XG0) != 2) { fprintf (stderr, "input_grd(): error reading 'XG0'\n"); if (file) fclose (fp); return; } if (fscanf (fp, "%s %lf", waste, &YG0) != 2) { fprintf (stderr, "input_grd(): error reading 'YG0'\n"); if (file) fclose (fp); return; } if (fscanf (fp, "%s %lf", waste, &DeltaGRD) != 2) { fprintf (stderr, "input_grd(): error reading 'DeltaGRD'\n"); if (file) fclose (fp); return; } if (fscanf (fp, "%s %lf", waste, &ndv) != 2) { fprintf (stderr, "input_grd(): error reading 'ndv'\n"); if (file) fclose (fp); return; } // default value of NoData value if (nodatavalue == 0.12345678) nodatavalue = ndv; // read the data double * value = qmalloc ((nx + 2)*(ny + 2), double); for (int i = ny - 1; i >= 0; i--) for (int j = 0 ; j < nx; j++) { if (fscanf (fp, "%lf ", &valgrd(value,i,j)) != 1) { fprintf (stderr, "input_grd(): error reading value %d,%d\n", i, j); if (file) fclose (fp); free (value); return; } } bc_grd (value, nx, ny, periodic); // Laplacian smoothing if (smooth > 0) { double * smoothed = qmalloc ((nx + 2)*(ny + 2), double); for (int s = 0; s < smooth; s++) { for (int i = 0; i < ny; i++) for (int j = 0 ; j < nx; j++) { int n = 0; valgrd(smoothed, i, j) = 0.; for (int k = -1; k <= 1; k++) for (int l = -1; l <= 1; l++) if ((l != 0 || k != 0) && valgrd(value, i + k, j + l) != ndv) valgrd(smoothed, i, j) += valgrd(value, i + k, j + l), n++; if (n == 0) valgrd(smoothed, i, j) = ndv; else valgrd(smoothed, i, j) /= n; } swap (double *, value, smoothed); bc_grd (value, nx, ny, periodic); } free (smoothed); } bool warning = false; foreach (serial) { if (periodic[0]) { while (x < XG0) x += nx*DeltaGRD; while (x > XG0 + nx*DeltaGRD) x -= nx*DeltaGRD; } if (periodic[1]) { while (y < YG0) y += ny*DeltaGRD; while (y > YG0 + ny*DeltaGRD) y -= ny*DeltaGRD; } // Test if we are on the ring of data around the raster grid int j1 = (x - XG0)/DeltaGRD; int i1 = (y - YG0)/DeltaGRD; if (i1 >= -1 && i1 < ny && j1 >= -1 && j1 < nx) { if (linear && valgrd(value,i1,j1) != ndv && valgrd(value,i1,j1 + 1) != ndv && valgrd(value,i1 + 1,j1) != ndv && valgrd(value,i1 + 1,j1 + 1) != ndv) { // bi-linear interpolation double dx = x - (j1*DeltaGRD + XG0); double dy = y - (i1*DeltaGRD + YG0); input[] = (valgrd(value,i1,j1) + dx*(valgrd(value,i1,j1 + 1) - valgrd(value,i1,j1))/DeltaGRD + dy*(valgrd(value,i1 + 1,j1) - valgrd(value,i1,j1))/DeltaGRD + dx*dy*(valgrd(value,i1,j1) + valgrd(value,i1 + 1,j1 + 1) - valgrd(value,i1 + 1,j1) - valgrd(value,i1,j1 + 1)) /sq(DeltaGRD)); } else input[] = valgrd(value, i1, j1); } else { input[] = nodatavalue; warning = true; } } free (value); if (warning) fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: warning: raster data is not covering all the simulation area\n", __FILE__, LINENO); if (file) fclose (fp); }