/** # Bénard–von Kármán Vortex Street for flow around a cylinder at Re=160 An example of 2D viscous flow around a simple solid boundary. Fluid is injected to the left of a channel bounded by solid walls with a slip boundary condition. A passive tracer is injected in the bottom half of the inlet. ![Animation of the vorticity field.](karman/vort.mp4)(loop) ![Animation of the tracer field.](karman/f.mp4)(loop) We use the centered Navier-Stokes solver, with embedded boundaries and advect the passive tracer *f*. */ #include "embed.h" #include "navier-stokes/centered.h" // #include "navier-stokes/perfs.h" #include "tracer.h" scalar f[]; scalar * tracers = {f}; double Reynolds = 160.; int maxlevel = 9; face vector muv[]; /** The domain is eight units long, centered vertically. */ int main() { L0 = 8. [1]; origin (-0.5, -L0/2.); N = 512; mu = muv; /** When using bview we can interactively control the Reynolds number and maximum level of refinement. */ display_control (Reynolds, 10, 1000); display_control (maxlevel, 6, 12); run(); } /** We set a constant viscosity based on the Reynolds number, the cylinder diameter $D$ and the inflow velocity $U0$. */ double D = 0.125, U0 = 1.; event properties (i++) { foreach_face() muv.x[] = fm.x[]*D*U0/Reynolds; } /** The fluid is injected on the left boundary with velocity $U0$. The tracer is injected in the lower-half of the left boundary. An outflow condition is used on the right boundary. */ u.n[left] = dirichlet(U0); p[left] = neumann(0.); pf[left] = neumann(0.); f[left] = dirichlet(y < 0); u.n[right] = neumann(0.); p[right] = dirichlet(0.); pf[right] = dirichlet(0.); /** The top and bottom walls are free-slip and the cylinder is no-slip. */ u.n[embed] = fabs(y) > 0.25 ? neumann(0.) : dirichlet(0.); u.t[embed] = fabs(y) > 0.25 ? neumann(0.) : dirichlet(0.); event init (t = 0) { /** The domain is the intersection of a channel of width unity and a circle of diameter 0.125. */ solid (cs, fs, intersection (intersection (0.5 - y, 0.5 + y), sqrt(sq(x) + sq(y)) - D/2.)); /** We set the initial velocity field. */ foreach() u.x[] = cs[] ? U0 : 0.; } /** We check the number of iterations of the Poisson and viscous problems. */ event logfile (i++) fprintf (stderr, "%d %g %d %d\n", i, t, mgp.i, mgu.i); /** We produce animations of the vorticity and tracer fields... */ event movies (i += 4; t <= 15.) { scalar omega[], m[]; vorticity (u, omega); foreach() m[] = cs[] - 0.5; output_ppm (omega, file = "vort.mp4", box = {{-0.5,-0.5},{7.5,0.5}}, min = -10, max = 10, linear = true, mask = m); output_ppm (f, file = "f.mp4", box = {{-0.5,-0.5},{7.5,0.5}}, linear = false, min = 0, max = 1, mask = m); } /** We adapt according to the error on the embedded geometry, velocity and tracer fields. */ event adapt (i++) { adapt_wavelet ({cs,u,f}, (double[]){1e-2,3e-2,3e-2,3e-2}, maxlevel, 4); } /** ## See also * [Same example with Gerris](http://gerris.dalembert.upmc.fr/gerris/examples/examples/cylinder.html) */