/** # Conservation of water surface elevation When using the default adaptive reconstruction of variables, the [Saint-Venant solver](saint-venant.h) or the [layered solver](hydro.h) will conserve the water depth when cells are refined or coarsened. However, this will not necessarily ensure that the "lake-at-rest" condition (i.e. a constant water surface elevation) is also preserved. In what follows, we redefine the *prolongation()* and *restriction()* methods of the water depth $h$ so that the water surface elevation $\eta$ is conserved. We start with the reconstruction of fine "wet" cells: */ #if TREE static double default_sea_level = 0.; static void refine_elevation (Point point, scalar h) { // reconstruction of fine cells using elevation (rather than water depth) // (default refinement conserves mass but not lake-at-rest) if (h[] >= dry) { double eta = zb[] + h[]; // water surface elevation coord g; // gradient of eta if (gradient) foreach_dimension() g.x = gradient (zb[-1] + h[-1], eta, zb[1] + h[1])/4.; else foreach_dimension() g.x = (zb[1] - zb[-1])/(2.*Delta); // reconstruct water depth h from eta and zb foreach_child() { double etac = eta; foreach_dimension() etac += g.x*child.x; h[] = max(0., etac - zb[]); } } else { /** The "dry" case is a bit more complicated. We look in a 3x3 neighborhood of the coarse parent cell and compute a depth-weighted average of the "wet" surface elevation $\eta$. We need to do this because we cannot assume a priori that the surrounding wet cells are necessarily close to e.g. $\eta = 0$. */ double v = 0., eta = 0.; // water surface elevation // 3x3 neighbourhood foreach_neighbor(1) if (h[] >= dry) { eta += h[]*(zb[] + h[]); v += h[]; } if (v > 0.) eta /= v; // volume-averaged eta of neighbouring wet cells else /** If none of the surrounding cells is wet, we set a default sealevel. */ eta = default_sea_level; /** We then reconstruct the water depth in each child using $\eta$ (of the parent cell i.e. a first-order interpolation in contrast to the wet case above) and $z_b$ of the child cells. */ // reconstruct water depth h from eta and zb foreach_child() h[] = max(0., eta - zb[]); } } /** Cell restriction is simpler. We first compute the depth-weighted average of $\eta$ over all the children... */ static void restriction_elevation (Point point, scalar h) { double eta = 0., v = 0.; foreach_child() if (h[] > dry) { eta += h[]*(zb[] + h[]); v += h[]; } /** ... and use this in combination with $z_b$ (of the coarse cell) to compute the water depth $h$. */ if (v > 0.) h[] = max(0., eta/v - zb[]); else // dry cell h[] = 0.; } /** We also need to define a consistent prolongation function. For cells which are entirely surrounded by wet cells, we can use the standard linear refinement function, otherwise we use straight injection from the parent cell. */ static void prolongation_elevation (Point point, scalar h) { bool wet = true; foreach_neighbor(1) if (h[] <= dry) { wet = false; break; } if (wet) refine_linear (point, h); else { double hc = h[], zc = zb[]; foreach_child() { h[] = hc; zb[] = zc; } } } /** Finally we define a function which will be called by the user to apply these reconstructions. */ void conserve_elevation (void) { h.refine = refine_elevation; h.prolongation = prolongation_elevation; h.restriction = restriction_elevation; h.dirty = true; } #else // Cartesian void conserve_elevation (void) {} #endif