/** # Stencils accesses for automatic boundary conditions This file defines the `ast_stencil()` function which returns an [AST](README) containing code obtained by transforming the input point function or foreach loop into a simplified version containing only calls to functions recording stencil read/write accesses to different fields. This code is typically added by the [Basilisk C translator](translate.c#stencils) before each foreach loop body to detect which fields will be modified by the loop and which fields require updates to boundary conditions (to ensure consistent stencil accesses). */ #include #include #include "ast.h" #include "symbols.h" #if 0 // for debugging # define CHECK(x) ast_check_grammar(x, true, false) #else # define CHECK(x) (x) #endif bool ast_is_stencil_function (Ast * n) { Ast * identifier = ast_function_identifier (n); if (!identifier) return false; int len = strlen (ast_terminal (identifier)->start) - 9; return len > 0 && !strncmp (ast_terminal (identifier)->start, "_stencil_", 9); } static bool is_scalar (Ast * n, Stack * stack) { const char * typename = ast_typedef_name (ast_expression_type (n, stack, true)); return typename && (!strcmp (typename, "scalar") || !strcmp (typename, "vertex scalar")) && !ast_constant_postfix_expression (n, stack); } static Ast * is_point_function_call (Ast * n) { Ast * arguments = ast_child (n, sym_argument_expression_list); if (!arguments) return NULL; foreach_item (arguments, 2, argument) if (argument != ast_placeholder) { Ast * identifier = ast_is_identifier_expression (argument->child[0]); if (identifier) { if (!strcmp (ast_terminal(identifier)->start, "point")) return argument; } else if ((identifier = ast_function_call_identifier (ast_schema (ast_is_unary_expression (argument->child[0]), sym_unary_expression, 0, sym_postfix_expression, 0, sym_function_call))) && !strcmp (ast_terminal (identifier)->start, "neighborp")) return argument; } return NULL; } static bool is_field_access (Ast * n, Stack * stack) { switch (n->sym) { case sym_array_access: { if (is_scalar (n->child[0], stack)) return true; break; } case sym_function_call: { Ast * identifier = ast_function_call_identifier (n); AstTerminal * t; if (identifier && (t = ast_terminal (identifier)) && (!strcmp (t->start, "val") || !strcmp (t->start, "fine") || !strcmp (t->start, "coarse") || !strcmp (t->start, "neighbor") || !strcmp (t->start, "aparent") || !strcmp (t->start, "child") || !strcmp (t->start, "_assign") || !strcmp (t->start, "_overflow") || !strcmp (t->start, "r_assign"))) return true; if (is_point_function_call (n)) return true; break; } } return false; } static Ast * block_list_append (Ast * list, Ast * item) { return !list->child ? ast_new_children (list, item) : ast_new_children (ast_new (item, list->sym), list, item); } static Ast * get_local_variable_reference (Ast * n, Stack * stack, Ast * scope) { Ast * identifier = ast_child (ast_find (n, sym_postfix_expression, 0, sym_primary_expression), sym_IDENTIFIER); if (!identifier || ast_ancestor (identifier, 3)->sym == sym_function_call) return NULL; return ast_identifier_declaration_from_to (stack, ast_terminal (identifier)->start, NULL, scope); } static void set_conditionals (Ast * n, Stack * stack, void * scope) { switch (n->sym) { case sym_jump_statement: ast_erase (n); break; case sym_postfix_expression: if (n->child[1] && (n->child[1]->sym == sym_INC_OP || n->child[1]->sym == sym_DEC_OP) && !get_local_variable_reference (n, stack, scope)) { Ast * parent = n->parent; int index = ast_child_index (n); AstTerminal * t = ast_terminal_new (n, sym_ADD_ASSIGN, "+="); Ast * assign = NN (n, sym_assignment_expression, NN (n, sym_unary_expression, n->child[0]), NN (n, sym_assignment_operator, t), ast_placeholder); ast_erase (n->child[1]); ast_set_child (parent, index, assign); } break; case sym_assignment_expression: if (n->child[1] && n->child[2] != ast_placeholder && !get_local_variable_reference (n, stack, scope)) ast_erase (n->child[2]); break; } } static inline Ast * o_stencil (Ast * n) { return ast_attach (ast_new_unary_expression (n), NN (n, sym_postfix_expression, NN (n, sym_primary_expression, NB (n, sym_IDENTIFIER, "o_stencil")))); } /** Fix successive (symbolically) identical parent / child. */ void ast_shift_children (Ast * n) { while (n->child && !n->child[1] && n->child[0] != ast_placeholder && n->child[0]->sym == n->sym) { n->child = n->child[0]->child; for (Ast ** c = n->child; *c; c++) if (*c != ast_placeholder) (*c)->parent = n; } } static Ast * is_field (Ast * n, Stack * stack) { Ast * type = ast_expression_type (n, stack, true); const char * typename = ast_typedef_name (type); return typename && (!strcmp (typename, "scalar") || !strcmp (typename, "vertex scalar") || !strcmp (typename, "vector") || !strcmp (typename, "face vector") || !strcmp (typename, "tensor") || !strcmp (typename, "symmetric tensor")) ? type : NULL; } static bool has_field_arguments (Ast * function_call, Stack * stack) { Ast * identifier = ast_function_call_identifier (function_call); if (identifier && !strcmp (ast_terminal (identifier)->start, "neighborp")) return true; Ast * arguments = ast_child (function_call, sym_argument_expression_list); foreach_item (arguments, 2, argument) if (is_field (argument, stack)) return true; return false; } /** Clean up placeholders. */ void ast_cleanup (Ast * n, Stack * stack, Ast * scope, bool init_declarator) { if (!n->child) // terminals are clean return; int nc = 0, np = 0; for (Ast ** c = n->child; *c; c++) if (*c != ast_placeholder) nc++; else np++; if (!nc) { // all children are destroyed, destroy parent if (n->sym != sym_argument_expression_list) ast_erase (n); else { Ast * function_call = ast_parent (n, sym_function_call); if (!is_point_function_call (function_call) && is_field_access (function_call, stack)) ast_set_child (n, 0, NN (n, sym_argument_expression_list_item, o_stencil (function_call))); } return; } if (!np) { // clean ast_shift_children (n); switch (n->sym) { /** Remove function calls which do not reference fields. */ case sym_function_call: if (n->sym == sym_function_call && !is_point_function_call (n) && !is_field_access (n, stack) && !has_field_arguments (n, stack)) ast_erase (n); break; case sym_jump_statement: if (n->child[0]->sym == sym_RETURN) { if (scope->sym == sym_foreach_statement) { fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: error: cannot return from a foreach() loop\n", ast_terminal (n->child[0])->file, ast_terminal (n->child[0])->line); exit (1); } /** Remove return from compound statements. */ else if (scope->sym == sym_compound_statement) ast_erase (n); /** Remove values from return statements in point functions. */ else if (n->child[2] && scope->sym == sym_function_definition) { ast_erase (n->child[1]); n->child[1] = n->child[2]; n->child[2] = NULL; } } break; /** Remove empty expression statements. */ case sym_expression_statement: if (!n->child[1] && ast_ancestor (n, 2)->sym == sym_block_item) ast_erase (n); break; } return; } /** Fix placeholders. */ switch (n->sym) { case sym_selection_statement: if (n->child[0]->sym == sym_IF) { if (n->child[4] == ast_placeholder && (!n->child[5] || n->child[6] == ast_placeholder)) { ast_erase (n); return; } else if (n->child[2] == ast_placeholder) { Ast * list = ast_new (n, sym_block_item_list); int ns = 0; for (int i = 4; i <= 6 && n->child[i-1]; i += 2) if (n->child[i] != ast_placeholder) { Ast * item = NN (n, sym_block_item, n->child[i]); list = block_list_append (list, item); ns++; } if (!ns) { ast_erase (list); ast_erase (n); return; } ast_erase (n->child[1]); ast_erase (n->child[3]); if (n->child[5]) ast_erase (n->child[5]); n->sym = sym_statement; if (ns == 1) { ast_erase (n->child[0]); ast_set_child (n, 0, ast_schema (list, sym_block_item_list, 0, sym_block_item, 0, sym_statement)->child[0]); } else { Ast * open = ast_terminal_new_char (n, "{"); Ast * close = ast_terminal_new_char (n, "}"); ast_right_terminal(close)->line = ast_right_terminal(list)->line; ast_erase (n->child[0]); ast_set_child (n, 0, NN (n, sym_compound_statement, open, list, close)); } n->child[1] = NULL; stack_push (stack, &n); ast_traverse (n, stack, set_conditionals, n); ast_pop_scope (stack, n); return; } else if (n->child[4] != ast_placeholder && n->child[5] && n->child[6] == ast_placeholder) { // IF '(' expression_error ')' statement ELSE _placeholder_ ast_erase (n->child[5]); n->child[5] = NULL; return; } else if (n->child[4] == ast_placeholder) { n->child[4] = NN (n, sym_statement, NN (n, sym_expression_statement, NCB (n->child[5], ";"))); return; } else // fixme: deal with other cases assert (false); } // fixme: deal with other selection statements (switch etc.) assert (false); break; case sym_iteration_statement: case sym_for_declaration_statement: if (!ast_child (n, sym_statement)) { ast_erase (n); return; } break; case sym_forin_declaration_statement: case sym_foreach_inner_statement: ast_erase (n); break; case sym_argument_expression_list: { Ast * function_call = ast_parent (n, sym_function_call); if (is_point_function_call (function_call)) { // fixme: undefined function call argument } else if (is_field_access (function_call, stack)) { if (n->child[0] == ast_placeholder) { if (!n->child[1]) ast_set_child (n, 0, NN (n, sym_argument_expression_list_item, o_stencil (n))); else ast_set_child (n, 0, NN (n, sym_argument_expression_list, NN (n, sym_argument_expression_list_item, o_stencil (n->child[1])))); } if (n->child[1] && n->child[2] == ast_placeholder) ast_set_child (n, 2, NN (n, sym_argument_expression_list_item, o_stencil (n->child[1]))); } else ast_erase (n); return; } case sym_jump_statement: assert (n->child[0]->sym == sym_RETURN); n->child[1] = n->child[2]; n->child[2] = NULL; break; case sym_expression: { Ast * parent = n->parent; while (parent->sym == sym_expression) parent = parent->parent; if (is_field_access (parent, stack)) { assert (n->child[1]); if (n->child[0] == ast_placeholder) ast_set_child (n, 0, NN (n, sym_expression, o_stencil (n->child[1]))); if (n->child[2] == ast_placeholder) ast_set_child (n, 2, o_stencil (n->child[1])); return; } // fall through } case sym_init_declarator_list: { if (n->child[0] == ast_placeholder) { if (!n->child[2] || n->child[2] == ast_placeholder) { ast_erase (n); return; } n->child[0] = n->child[2]; } ast_erase (n->child[1]); n->child[1] = NULL; ast_shift_children (n); break; } case sym_block_item_list: if (n->child[0] == ast_placeholder) n->child[0] = n->child[1]; n->child[1] = NULL; ast_shift_children (n); break; case sym_array_access: if (!is_field_access (n, stack)) ast_erase (n); else { assert (n->child[2] == ast_placeholder); ast_set_child (n, 2, NN (n, sym_expression, o_stencil (n))); } break; case sym_function_call: if (n->child[0] != ast_placeholder) assert (!is_field_access (n, stack)); ast_erase (n); break; case sym_declarator: case sym_direct_declarator: case sym_declaration: case sym_labeled_statement: case sym_cast_expression: case sym_compound_statement: case sym_initializer: case sym_postfix_initializer: case sym_initializer_list: case sym_foreach_dimension_statement: case sym_postfix_expression: case sym_conditional_expression: case sym_relational_expression: case sym_equality_expression: case sym_and_expression: case sym_exclusive_or_expression: case sym_inclusive_or_expression: case sym_logical_and_expression: case sym_logical_or_expression: case sym_primary_expression: case sym_unary_expression: case sym_expression_statement: case sym_additive_expression: case sym_shift_expression: case sym_multiplicative_expression: assert (!is_field_access (n, stack)); ast_erase (n); return; case sym_foreach_statement: ast_erase (n); return; case sym_function_definition: // keep incomplete function definitions and foreach statements return; /** We need to keep incomplete init declarators for the undefined_variables() function below. */ case sym_init_declarator: if (init_declarator) ast_erase (n); break; case sym_assignment_expression: if (n->child[0] == ast_placeholder || init_declarator) { ast_erase (n); return; } /** Same as above for incomplete assignments. */ break; case sym_macro_statement: if (n->child[0] == ast_placeholder) { Ast * statement = ast_ancestor (n, 2); ast_set_child (statement, 0, n->child[1]); } else assert (false); break; default: #if 1 ast_print_tree (n, stderr, 0, 0, -1); abort(); #endif // ast_print (n, stderr, 0); ; } } /** ## First pass: move field accesses This pass move all field accesses into their own expression statement. It also records the type of access (assign or read). */ static Ast * move_field_access (Ast * parent, Ast * n, bool after, bool overflow) { Ast * assignment = ast_parent (n, sym_assignment_expression); Ast * op = ast_child (assignment, sym_assignment_operator); if (!op && ast_ancestor (assignment, 2)->sym == sym_expression_statement) return NULL; // already on its own in an expression statement Ast * item = ast_block_list_get_item (parent); Ast * postfix = n->parent; if (op || overflow) { Ast * assign = ast_attach (ast_new_unary_expression (parent), postfix); AstTerminal * func = NB(assign, sym_IDENTIFIER, op ? (op->child[0]->sym == token_symbol('=') ? "_assign" : "r_assign") : "_overflow"); postfix = NN(parent, sym_postfix_expression, NN(parent, sym_function_call, NN(parent, sym_postfix_expression, NN(parent, sym_primary_expression, func)), NCB(assign, "("), NN(parent, sym_argument_expression_list, NN(parent, sym_argument_expression_list_item, assign)), NCA(assign, ")"))); } Ast * assign = ast_attach (ast_new_unary_expression (parent), postfix); Ast * statement = NN(parent, sym_statement, NN(parent, sym_expression_statement, NN(parent, sym_expression, assign), NCA(assign, ";"))); if (after) return ast_block_list_append (item->parent, item->sym, statement); else return ast_block_list_insert_before2 (item, statement); } typedef struct { Ast * scope; bool parallel, overflow, nowarning; bool undefined; int index; } Undefined; /** Move field accesses into their own expression statement, before their parent statement or declaration. */ void move_field_accesses (Ast * n, Stack * stack, Undefined * u) { if (n == ast_placeholder) return; Ast * scope = ast_push_declarations (n, stack); switch (n->sym) { case sym_assignment_expression: { /** In assignment expressions the right-hand-side must be evaluated before the left-hand-side. */ Ast ** c; for (c = n->child; *c; c++); for (c--; c >= n->child; c--) move_field_accesses (*c, stack, u); break; } default: if (n->child) for (Ast ** c = n->child; *c; c++) move_field_accesses (*c, stack, u); } if (is_field_access (n, stack)) { Ast * parent = n->parent; while (parent && parent->sym != sym_statement && parent->sym != sym_declaration) parent = parent->parent; assert (parent); if (parent->sym == sym_statement) { switch (parent->child[0]->sym) { case sym_jump_statement: case sym_selection_statement: case sym_expression_statement: { move_field_access (parent, n, false, u->overflow); break; } default: // fixme: deal with other statements ast_print_tree (parent->child[0], stderr, 0, 0, 1); abort(); } } else { assert (parent->sym == sym_declaration); move_field_access (parent, n, true, u->overflow); } } else ast_cleanup (n, stack, u->scope, false); ast_pop_scope (stack, scope); } /** ## Second pass: propagate undefined values After field accesses have been moved, undefined values are left behind. If these values are assigned to variables, the corresponding variables also need to be undefined, as well as any reference to these variables. */ static inline void set_undefined (Ast * n, Ast * scope) { ast_terminal (n)->value = scope; } static inline bool is_undefined (Ast * n, Ast * scope) { return ast_terminal (n)->value == scope; } static Ast * get_variable_reference (Ast * n, Stack * stack, Ast * scope) { Ast * identifier = ast_find (n, sym_postfix_expression, 0, sym_primary_expression); if (identifier->child[0] == ast_placeholder) return NULL; identifier = ast_find (n, sym_postfix_expression, 0, sym_primary_expression, 0, sym_IDENTIFIER); if (!identifier || ast_ancestor (identifier, 3)->sym == sym_function_call) return NULL; Ast * ref = ast_identifier_declaration_from_to (stack, ast_terminal (identifier)->start, NULL, scope); if (!ref) { fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: error: undeclared identifier '%s'\n", ast_terminal (identifier)->file, ast_terminal (identifier)->line, ast_terminal (identifier)->start); exit (1); } return ref; } static void undefined_iterators (Ast * n, Stack * stack, void * data) { Undefined * undef = data; switch (n->sym) { case sym_postfix_expression: if (n->child[1] && (n->child[1]->sym == sym_INC_OP || n->child[1]->sym == sym_DEC_OP)) { Ast * ref = get_variable_reference (n, stack, NULL); if (!ref) return; set_undefined (ref, undef->scope); } break; case sym_assignment_expression: if (n->child[1]) { Ast * ref = get_variable_reference (n, stack, NULL); if (!ref) return; if (n->child[1]->child[0]->sym != token_symbol('=')) set_undefined (ref, undef->scope); } return; } } static Ast * is_undefined_parameter (const Ast * n) { if (n->sym == sym_IDENTIFIER) n = ast_parent (n, sym_parameter_declaration); Ast * identifier; if ((identifier = ast_schema (n, sym_parameter_declaration, 0, sym_declaration_specifiers, 0, sym_type_specifier, 0, sym_types, 0, sym_TYPEDEF_NAME)) && !strcmp (ast_terminal (identifier)->start, "_stencil_undefined")) return identifier; return NULL; } static bool is_local_declaration (Ast * n, Stack * stack, Ast * scope) { if (!strcmp (ast_terminal (n)->start, "point")) return true; Ast ** d; for (int i = 0; (d = stack_index (stack, i)); i++) if (*d == n) return true; else if (*d == scope) return false; return false; } static Ast * calling_foreach (Stack * stack) { Ast ** d; for (int i = 0; (d = stack_index (stack, i)); i++) if ((*d)->sym == sym_foreach_statement) return *d; assert (false); return NULL; } static void check_missing_reductions (Ast * n, Stack * stack, Ast * scope) { Ast * parameters = ast_schema (scope, sym_foreach_statement, 2, sym_foreach_parameters); foreach_item (parameters, 2, param) { Ast * identifier = ast_is_identifier_expression (param->child[0]); if (identifier && !strcmp (ast_terminal (identifier)->start, "serial")) return; Ast * list = ast_schema (param, sym_foreach_parameter, 0, sym_reduction_list); foreach_item (list, 1, reduction) { Ast * identifier = ast_schema (reduction, sym_reduction, 4, sym_reduction_array, 0, sym_generic_identifier, 0, sym_IDENTIFIER); if (!strcmp (ast_terminal (identifier)->start, ast_terminal (n)->start)) return; } } AstTerminal * t = ast_left_terminal (scope); if (scope->sym == sym_foreach_statement) fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: error: non-local variable '%s' is modified by " "this foreach loop:\n" "%s:%d: error: use a loop-local variable, a reduction operation\n" "%s:%d: error: or a serial loop to get rid of this error\n", t->file, t->line, ast_terminal (n)->start, t->file, t->line, t->file, t->line); else if (scope->sym == sym_function_definition) { AstTerminal * f = ast_left_terminal (calling_foreach (stack)); fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: error: non-local variable '%s' is modified by this " "point function\n" "%s:%d: error: use a local variable or\n" "%s:%d: error: a serial loop (here) to get rid of this error\n", t->file, t->line, ast_terminal (n)->start, t->file, t->line, f->file, f->line); } else assert (false); exit (1); } static bool is_point_variable (const Ast * ref) { Ast * identifier = ast_schema (ast_parent (ref, sym_function_definition), sym_function_definition, 0, sym_function_declaration, 1, sym_declarator, 0, sym_direct_declarator, 0, sym_direct_declarator, 0, sym_generic_identifier, 0, sym_IDENTIFIER); return identifier && !strcmp (ast_terminal (identifier)->start, "_Variables"); } static void undefined_variables (Ast * n, Stack * stack, void * data) { Undefined * undef = data; switch (n->sym) { case sym_IDENTIFIER: { /** Variable "point" is always defined. */ if (!strcmp (ast_terminal (n)->start, "point")) break; Ast * ref = ast_identifier_declaration (stack, ast_terminal (n)->start); if (ref && (is_point_variable (ref) || is_undefined_parameter (ref))) ref = NULL; /** Reset state when the variable is declared. */ if (ref == n) { set_undefined (ref, NULL); break; } /** Only consider variable identifiers i.e. not struct members and function identifiers. */ if (n->parent->sym != sym_primary_expression || ast_ancestor (n, 3)->sym == sym_function_call) break; /** If the variable is undeclared or marked as undefined, we remove it. */ if (!ref || is_undefined (ref, undef->scope)) { ast_erase (n); undef->undefined = true; return; } /** Check for global variables. */ if (!is_local_declaration (ref, stack, undef->scope)) { /** Check whether this is an (illegal parallel) `for (IDENTIFIER in ...)` construct. */ if (undef->parallel) { Ast * assignment = ast_parent (n, sym_assignment_expression); if (ast_is_identifier_expression (assignment)) { while (assignment->parent->sym == sym_expression) assignment = assignment->parent; if (ast_schema (assignment->parent, sym_forin_statement, 2, sym_expression)) check_missing_reductions (ref, stack, undef->scope); } } } break; } case sym_init_declarator: { if (n->child[1] && n->child[2] == ast_placeholder) { Ast * ref = ast_find (n->child[0], sym_direct_declarator, 0, sym_generic_identifier, 0, sym_IDENTIFIER); if (ref) set_undefined (ref, undef->scope); ast_erase (n->child[1]); n->child[1] = NULL; } break; } /** Incremented non-local variables must be removed. */ case sym_postfix_expression: { Ast * ref; if (n->child[1] && n->child[0] != ast_placeholder && (n->child[1]->sym == sym_INC_OP || n->child[1]->sym == sym_DEC_OP) && (ref = get_variable_reference (n, stack, NULL)) && !is_local_declaration (ref, stack, undef->scope)) { if (undef->parallel) check_missing_reductions (ref, stack, undef->scope); set_undefined (ref, undef->scope); ast_erase (n); undef->undefined = true; return; } break; } case sym_assignment_expression: if (n->child[1] && n->child[0] != ast_placeholder) { Ast * ref = get_variable_reference (n, stack, NULL); if (!ref) return; bool local = is_local_declaration (ref, stack, undef->scope); if (!local || n->child[2] == ast_placeholder) { if (!local && undef->parallel) check_missing_reductions (ref, stack, undef->scope); set_undefined (ref, undef->scope); ast_erase (n); undef->undefined = true; return; } else if (is_undefined (ref, undef->scope) && n->child[1]->child[0]->sym == token_symbol('=')) set_undefined (ref, NULL); } break; /** Point function calls which take the address of a variable as argument: we assume the point function modifies the variable. */ case sym_function_call: if (is_point_function_call (n)) { Ast * arguments = ast_child (n, sym_argument_expression_list); foreach_item (arguments, 2, argument) if (ast_schema (argument, sym_argument_expression_list_item, 0, sym_assignment_expression, 0, sym_conditional_expression) && ast_find (argument, sym_unary_expression, 0, sym_unary_operator, 0, token_symbol ('&'))) { Ast * ref = get_variable_reference (argument, stack, NULL); if (!ref) break; #if 0 // we assume non-local variables are not modified if (undef->parallel && !is_local_declaration (ref, stack, undef->scope)) check_missing_reductions (ref, stack, undef->scope); #endif set_undefined (ref, undef->scope); ast_erase (argument); undef->undefined = true; } } break; /** For loops where the condition is undefined. We need to set all the corresponding iterative variables to undefined. */ case sym_expression: if ((n->parent->sym == sym_for_declaration_statement || n->parent->sym == sym_iteration_statement) && n->parent->child[3] == ast_placeholder) ast_traverse (n, stack, undefined_iterators, undef); break; /** Cleanup of incomplete for loops. */ case sym_for_declaration_statement: case sym_iteration_statement: { Ast ** c; for (c = n->child; *c; c++) if (*c == ast_placeholder) break; if (!*c) break; Ast * statement = ast_child (n, sym_statement); for (c = n->child; *c; c++) if (*c != ast_placeholder && *c != statement) ast_erase (*c); if (n->sym == sym_for_declaration_statement) n = n->parent; if (statement) ast_set_child (n->parent, ast_child_index (n), statement->child[0]); break; } } ast_cleanup (n, stack, undef->scope, false); } /** ## Third pass: point function calls Point functions calls need to be replaced by their `ast_stencil()` transform. Return a previously defined stencil function matching *function_definition* or NULL if none can be found. */ static Ast * get_stencil_function (Ast * function_definition) { Ast * identifier = ast_function_identifier (function_definition); if (!identifier) return NULL; char * stencil_name = NULL; str_append (stencil_name, "_stencil_", ast_terminal (identifier)->start); Ast * stencil; if (((stencil = ast_schema (ast_ancestor (function_definition, 3), sym_translation_unit, 1, sym_external_declaration, 0, sym_function_definition)) || ((stencil = ast_schema (ast_ancestor (function_definition, 4), sym_translation_unit, 1, sym_external_declaration, 0, sym_external_foreach_dimension)) && (stencil = ast_child (stencil, sym_function_definition)))) && (identifier = ast_function_identifier (stencil)) && !strcmp (ast_terminal (identifier)->start, stencil_name)) { free (stencil_name); return stencil; } free (stencil_name); return NULL; } /** Returns a function declaration or NULL, taking into account potential x,y,z name rotations. */ static Ast * identifier_function_declaration (Stack * stack, char * name, Ast * from, Ast * to) { Ast * n = ast_identifier_declaration_from_to (stack, name, from, to); int len; if (!n && (len = strlen(name)) > 2 && name[len - 2] == '_' && strchr ("xyz", name[len - 1])) { char o = name[len - 1], c = 'x'; while (!n && c <= 'z') { name[len - 1] = c++; n = ast_identifier_declaration_from_to (stack, name, from, to); } name[len - 1] = o; } return n; } Ast * ast_get_function_definition (Stack * stack, Ast * identifier, Ast * declaration) { if (!identifier) return NULL; declaration = identifier_function_declaration (stack, ast_terminal (identifier)->start, declaration, NULL); Ast * function_definition = declaration; while (function_definition && function_definition->sym != sym_declaration && function_definition->sym != sym_function_definition) function_definition = function_definition->parent; if (!function_definition) return NULL; if (function_definition->sym == sym_function_definition) return function_definition; if (!ast_schema (function_definition, sym_declaration, 1, sym_init_declarator_list, 0, sym_init_declarator, 0, sym_declarator, 0, sym_direct_declarator, 0, sym_direct_declarator, 0, sym_generic_identifier, 0, sym_IDENTIFIER)) return NULL; return ast_get_function_definition (stack, identifier, declaration); } static void append_function_declaration (Ast * parent, Ast * declaration) { if (parent->parent->sym == sym_external_declaration) ast_block_list_append (ast_ancestor (parent, 2), sym_external_declaration, declaration); else if (parent->parent->sym == sym_external_foreach_dimension) { int index = ast_child_index (parent); parent->parent->child[index] = ast_placeholder; Ast * foreach_dimension = ast_copy (parent->parent); parent->parent->child[index] = parent; ast_set_child (foreach_dimension, index, declaration); ast_block_list_append (ast_ancestor (parent, 3), sym_external_declaration, foreach_dimension); } else assert (false); } static void default_stencil (Ast * n, Stack * stack, void * scope) { Ast * initializer = NN (n, sym_postfix_initializer, NCA (n, "{"), ast_placeholder, NCA (n, "}")); ast_replace_child (n, 0, NN (n, sym_postfix_expression, NN (n, sym_primary_expression, NB (n, sym_IDENTIFIER, "default_stencil")))); Ast * arguments = ast_child (n, sym_argument_expression_list); Ast * list = ast_new (n, sym_initializer_list); Ast * args = NN (n, sym_argument_expression_list, NN (n, sym_argument_expression_list_item, ast_attach (ast_new_unary_expression (n), NN (n, sym_postfix_expression, NN (n, sym_primary_expression, NB (n, sym_IDENTIFIER, "point")))))); ast_set_child (n, 2, args); args = ast_list_append (args, sym_argument_expression_list_item, initializer); ast_set_child (initializer, 1, list); foreach_item (arguments, 2, argument) if (argument != ast_placeholder && is_field (argument, stack)) { if (!list->child) ast_attach (list, NN (list, sym_initializer, argument->child[0])); else list = ast_list_append (list, sym_initializer, argument->child[0]); } ast_destroy (arguments); if (!list->child) { // no field arguments list->child = allocate (ast_get_root(n)->alloc, sizeof (Ast *)); list->child[0] = NULL; ast_destroy (n); } } static Ast * null_expression (Ast * n) { return ast_attach (ast_new_unary_expression (n), NN (n, sym_postfix_expression, NN (n, sym_primary_expression, NA (n, sym_IDENTIFIER, "NULL")))); } static void set_undefined_parameter (Ast * parameter) { AstTerminal * pointer = NCB (parameter->child[1], "*"); Ast * undefined = NN (parameter, sym_declaration_specifiers, NN (parameter, sym_type_specifier, NN (parameter, sym_types, NB (parameter->child[1], sym_TYPEDEF_NAME, "_stencil_undefined")))); ast_erase (parameter->child[0]); ast_set_child (parameter, 0, undefined); ast_replace_child (parameter, 1, NN (parameter, sym_declarator, NN (parameter, sym_pointer, pointer), NN (parameter, sym_direct_declarator, NN (parameter, sym_generic_identifier, ast_find (parameter->child[1], sym_direct_declarator, 0, sym_generic_identifier, 0, sym_IDENTIFIER))))); ast_flatten (parameter, ast_left_terminal (parameter)); } /** This function sets undefined point function parameters based on undefined function call arguments. */ static void set_undefined_parameters (Ast * point_function, const Ast * function_call) { Ast * arguments = ast_schema (function_call, sym_function_call, 2, sym_argument_expression_list); Ast * parameters = ast_find (point_function, sym_direct_declarator, 2, sym_parameter_type_list, 0, sym_parameter_list); Ast * parameter = parameters ? (parameters->child[1] ? parameters->child[2] : parameters->child[0]) : NULL; foreach_item (arguments, 2, argument) { if (!parameter) { fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: error: too many arguments in function call\n", ast_left_terminal (function_call)->file, ast_left_terminal (function_call)->line); exit (1); } if (argument == ast_placeholder) set_undefined_parameter (parameter); parameters = parameters && parameters != ast_placeholder && parameters->child[1] ? parameters->child[0] : NULL; parameter = parameters ? (parameters->child[1] ? parameters->child[2] : parameters->child[0]) : NULL; arguments = _list; } } static void point_function_calls (Ast * n, Stack * stack, void * data) { Undefined * undef = data; ast_cleanup (n, stack, undef->scope, false); if (n->sym != sym_function_call || !is_point_function_call (n)) return; Ast * identifier = ast_function_call_identifier (n); if (!identifier) { if (!undef->nowarning) fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: warning: stencils: " "cannot analyze point function pointers\n", ast_left_terminal (n)->file, ast_left_terminal (n)->line); default_stencil (n, stack, undef->scope); return; } Ast * function_declaration = NULL; Ast * function_definition = ast_get_function_definition (stack, identifier, NULL); if (function_definition) { function_declaration = identifier_function_declaration (stack, ast_terminal (identifier)->start, NULL, NULL); while (function_declaration && function_declaration->sym != sym_declaration && function_declaration->sym != sym_function_definition) function_declaration = function_declaration->parent; if (function_declaration->sym != sym_declaration) function_declaration = NULL; } else { if (!undef->nowarning) fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: warning: stencils: point function '%s' is not defined\n", ast_left_terminal (n)->file, ast_left_terminal (n)->line, ast_terminal (identifier)->start); default_stencil (n, stack, undef->scope); return; } assert (!ast_is_stencil_function (function_definition)); str_prepend (ast_terminal (identifier)->start, "_stencil_"); if (function_definition == undef->scope) return; // recursive function call /** Look for a previously-defined stencil function. */ Ast * stencil = get_stencil_function (function_definition); if (!stencil) { /** We need to create the new stencil function. */ Ast * new_stencil = ast_copy (function_definition); set_undefined_parameters (new_stencil, n); stencil = ast_stencil (new_stencil, undef->parallel, undef->overflow, undef->nowarning); if (!stencil) { ast_destroy (new_stencil); ast_erase (n); return; } else { Ast * m = function_definition; AstTerminal * t = ast_terminal_new (m, sym_VOID, "void"); str_append (t->before, " "); Ast * specifiers = NN (m, sym_declaration_specifiers, NN (m, sym_storage_class_specifier, ast_terminal_new (m, sym_STATIC, "static")), NN (m, sym_declaration_specifiers, NN (m, sym_type_specifier, NN (m, sym_types, t)))); ast_replace_child (ast_schema (stencil, sym_function_definition, 0, sym_function_declaration), 0, specifiers); str_prepend (ast_terminal (ast_function_identifier (stencil))->start, "_stencil_"); append_function_declaration (function_definition, stencil); /** We also create the corresponding declaration if necessary. */ if (function_declaration) { Ast * semicolumn = ast_terminal_new_char ((Ast *) ast_right_terminal (stencil->child[0]), ";"); Ast * specifiers = ast_copy (ast_schema (stencil, sym_function_definition, 0, sym_function_declaration, 0, sym_declaration_specifiers)); Ast * declarator = ast_copy (ast_schema (stencil, sym_function_definition, 0, sym_function_declaration, 1, sym_declarator)); Ast * declaration = NN (n, sym_declaration, specifiers, NN (n, sym_init_declarator_list, NN (n, sym_init_declarator, declarator)), semicolumn); append_function_declaration (function_declaration, declaration); } } } /** We check that the undefined function call arguments match undefined function parameters. */ Ast * arguments = ast_schema (n, sym_function_call, 2, sym_argument_expression_list); Ast * parameters = ast_find (stencil, sym_direct_declarator, 2, sym_parameter_type_list, 0, sym_parameter_list); Ast * parameter = parameters ? (parameters->child[1] ? parameters->child[2] : parameters->child[0]) : NULL; foreach_item (arguments, 2, argument) { if (!parameter) { fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: error: too many arguments in function call\n", ast_left_terminal (n)->file, ast_left_terminal (n)->line); exit (1); } if (argument == ast_placeholder) { /** We check that the undefined argument corresponds with an undefined parameter. */ if (!is_undefined_parameter (parameter)) { fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: error: stencils: not expecting an undefined " "argument for '%s'\n", ast_left_terminal (n)->file, ast_left_terminal (n)->line, ast_terminal (ast_find (parameter->child[1], sym_IDENTIFIER))->start); exit (1); } /** We replace the undefined argument with a NULL value. */ int index = arguments->child[1] ? 2 : 0; ast_replace_child (arguments, index, NN (n, sym_argument_expression_list_item, null_expression (n))); } /** If the parameter is undefined we replace the argument with a NULL value. */ else if (is_undefined_parameter (parameter)) ast_replace_child (argument, 0, null_expression (argument)); parameters = parameters && parameters != ast_placeholder && parameters->child[1] ? parameters->child[0] : NULL; parameter = parameters ? (parameters->child[1] ? parameters->child[2] : parameters->child[0]) : NULL; arguments = _list; } } /** ## Fourth pass: cleanup of unused and undefined variables Mostly to avoid compiler warnings. */ Ast * ast_scope_parent (Ast * n, int sym, int scope) { n = n->parent; while (n && n->sym != scope) { if (n->sym == sym) return n; n = n->parent; } return NULL; } static inline void initialize (Ast * n) { #if 0 fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: initialize %s\n", ast_terminal (n)->file, ast_terminal (n)->line, ast_terminal (n)->start); #endif ast_terminal (n)->value = n; } static inline bool is_initialized (Ast * n) { return ast_terminal (n)->value == n; } static inline void declare (Ast * n, Ast * scope) { #if 0 fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: declare %s\n", ast_terminal (n)->file, ast_terminal (n)->line, ast_terminal (n)->start); #endif ast_terminal (n)->value = scope; } static inline bool is_declared (Ast * n, Ast * scope) { return ast_terminal (n)->value == scope; } static inline void use (Ast * n) { ast_terminal (n)->value = NULL; } static void mark_unused (Ast * n, Stack * stack, void * scope) { switch (n->sym) { case sym_IDENTIFIER: { if (ast_ancestor (n, 3)->sym == sym_function_call || ast_parent (n, sym_forin_arguments)) return; if (ast_ancestor (n, 2)->sym == sym_direct_declarator) { if (ast_scope_parent (n, sym_struct_declarator, sym_declaration)) return; Ast * parent; if (ast_ancestor (n, 4)->sym == sym_forin_declaration_statement || ast_parent (n, sym_function_declaration) || ((parent = ast_scope_parent (n, sym_init_declarator, sym_declaration)) && parent->child[1])) initialize (n); else declare (n, scope); return; } if (n->parent->sym != sym_primary_expression) return; Ast * ref = ast_identifier_declaration_from_to (stack, ast_terminal (n)->start, NULL, scope); if (ref) { Ast * expr = ast_scope_parent (n, sym_expression, sym_statement); if (expr) { while (expr->parent->sym == sym_expression) expr = expr->parent; if (expr->parent->sym == sym_forin_statement) { initialize (ref); return; } } Ast * assign = ast_parent (n, sym_assignment_expression); if (ast_schema (assign, sym_assignment_expression, 1, sym_assignment_operator, 0, token_symbol ('='))) { if (is_declared (ref, scope)) initialize (ref); return; } if (is_declared (ref, scope)) // declared but not initialized ast_erase (n); else { #if 0 fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: use %s\n", ast_terminal (n)->file, ast_terminal (n)->line, ast_terminal (n)->start); #endif use (ref); } } break; } } } static void remove_undefined (Ast * n, Stack * stack, void * scope) { Ast * ref; if (n->sym == sym_IDENTIFIER && ast_ancestor (n, 3)->sym != sym_function_call && ast_ancestor (n, 2)->sym != sym_direct_declarator && n->parent->sym == sym_primary_expression && !ast_parent (n, sym_forin_arguments) && strcmp (ast_terminal (n)->start, "point") && (ref = ast_identifier_declaration (stack, ast_terminal (n)->start)) && (is_declared (ref, scope) || is_initialized (ref))) { #if 0 fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: '%s' undefined %d %d\n", ast_terminal (n)->file, ast_terminal (n)->line, ast_terminal (n)->start, is_declared (ref, scope), is_initialized (ref)); #endif ast_erase (n); } else ast_cleanup (n, stack, scope, true); } static void remove_unused (Ast * n, Stack * stack, void * data) { Undefined * undef = data; if (n->sym == sym_IDENTIFIER && (is_declared (n, undef->scope) || is_initialized (n))) { Ast * decl = ast_parent (n, sym_function_declaration); if (!decl || decl->parent != undef->scope) { #if 0 fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: '%s' unused %d %d\n", ast_terminal (n)->file, ast_terminal (n)->line, ast_terminal (n)->start, is_declared (n, undef->scope), is_initialized (n)); #endif ast_erase (n); undef->undefined = true; } else { // (unused) Point function parameters Ast * parameter = ast_parent (n, sym_parameter_declaration); if (!parameter) { // the function name use (n); return; } Ast * name; if (!strcmp (ast_terminal (n)->start, "point") && (name = ast_schema (ast_ancestor (n, 4), sym_parameter_declaration, 0, sym_declaration_specifiers, 0, sym_type_specifier, 0, sym_types, 0, sym_TYPEDEF_NAME)) && !strcmp (ast_terminal (name)->start, "Point")) { // 'Point point' parameter use (n); return; } #if 0 fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: '%s' parameter unused %d %d\n", ast_terminal (n)->file, ast_terminal (n)->line, ast_terminal (n)->start, is_declared (n, undef->scope), is_initialized (n)); #endif /** We replace the unused parameter with an undefined type. */ set_undefined_parameter (parameter); } } else ast_cleanup (n, stack, undef->scope, true); } static bool is_serial (Ast * foreach) { Ast * parameters = ast_schema (foreach, sym_foreach_statement, 2, sym_foreach_parameters); foreach_item (parameters, 2, param) { Ast * identifier = ast_is_identifier_expression (param->child[0]); if (identifier && !strcmp (ast_terminal (identifier)->start, "serial")) return true; } return false; } /** ## The `ast_stencil()` function The parameters are the input foreach loop or point function and the tuning options. The function may return a NULL pointer, for example when the loop body does not contain any field access. */ Ast * ast_stencil (Ast * n, bool parallel, bool overflow, bool nowarning) { assert (n->sym == sym_foreach_statement || n->sym == sym_function_definition); AstRoot * root = ast_get_root (n); Stack * stack = root->stack; stack_push (stack, &n); if (parallel && is_serial (n)) parallel = false; Undefined u = {n, parallel, overflow, nowarning}; move_field_accesses (n, stack, &u); Ast * m = n->sym == sym_foreach_statement ? ast_child (n, sym_statement) : n; do { u.undefined = false; ast_traverse (m, stack, undefined_variables, &u); } while (u.undefined); ast_traverse (m, stack, point_function_calls, &u); Ast * statement = (n->sym == sym_foreach_statement ? ast_child (n, sym_statement) : ast_child (n, sym_compound_statement)); do { ast_traverse (n, stack, mark_unused, n); ast_traverse (statement, stack, remove_undefined, n); u.undefined = false; ast_traverse (n, stack, remove_unused, &u); } while (u.undefined); ast_pop_scope (stack, n); if (n->sym == sym_foreach_statement && !ast_child (n, sym_statement)) return NULL; if (n->sym == sym_function_definition && !ast_child (n, sym_compound_statement)) return NULL; return CHECK (n); }