/** Page containing all diagnostics functions and events of the Krabbendijke case. Note that the imported output_silces.h can be found [here](http://basilisk.fr/sandbox/vheusinkveld/myfunctions/output/sliceOf3D.h) */ #include "utils.h" #if dimension == 3 #include "lambda2.h" #endif #include "output_slices.h" /** Define variables and structures to do: diagnostics, ouput data, output movies. */ struct sDiag dia; // Diagnostics struct sDiag { double Ekin; // Total kinetic energy double EkinOld; // Track changes in kin energy double WdoneOld; // Track changes in work done double rotVol; // Diagnosed rotor volum double bE; // Buoyancy energy double bEold; // Track changes in buoyancy energy double diss; // Diagnose dissipation }; struct sEquiDiag { int level; // Level for which diagnostics should be done int ii; // Keep track of how many additions are done double dtDiag; double startDiag; double endDiag; double dtOutput; }; // Create variables to make a folder structure struct sOutput { double dtDiag; double dtVisual; double dtSlices; double dtProfile; double startAve; double dtAve; char main_dir[12]; char dir[30]; char dir_profiles[60]; char dir_slices[60]; char dir_equifields[60]; char dir_strvel[60]; char dir_refvel[60]; char dir_diffbins[60]; char dir_dts[60]; int sim_i; }; struct sbViewSettings { double phi; // Phi for 3D bview movie double theta; // Theta for 3D bview movie double sphi; // Polar angle for sliced image RED double stheta; // Azimuthal angle for sliced image RED }; /** Initialize structures */ struct sOutput out = {.dtDiag = 1., .dtVisual=1., .dtSlices=5., .dtProfile=60., .main_dir="results", .sim_i=0}; struct sEquiDiag ediag = {.level = 5, .ii = 0, .startDiag = 0., .dtDiag = 0., .dtOutput = 0.}; struct sbViewSettings bvsets = {.phi=0., .theta=0., .sphi=0., .stheta=0.}; event init(i = 0){ bvsets.phi = 0.; bvsets.theta = -M_PI/6.; bvsets.sphi = 0.; bvsets.stheta = 0.; } /** Diagnosing: kinetic energy, diagnosed rotor volume, buoyancy energy, ammount of cells used.*/ event diagnostics (t+=out.dtDiag){ int n = 0.; scalar ekin[]; // Kinetic energy field double tempVol = 0.; // Temp volume double tempEkin = 0.; // Temp kinetic energy double tempDiss = 0.; // Temp dissipation double maxVel = 0.; // Maximum velocity in fan double bEnergy = 0.; // Buoyant energy /** Loop over cells to get diagnostics */ foreach(reduction(+:n) reduction(+:tempVol) reduction(+:tempEkin) reduction(max:maxVel) reduction(+:bEnergy) reduction(+:tempDiss)) { tempVol += dv()*fan[]; if(y + Delta/2. <= rot.y0){ bEnergy += dv()*y*(b[] - STRAT(y)); } foreach_dimension() { ekin[] += sq(u.x[]); } maxVel = max(maxVel, sq(ekin[])); ekin[] *= 0.5*rho[]*dv(); tempEkin += ekin[]; n++; } /** Assign values to respective global sturcture vars */ dia.diss = 1.*tempDiss; dia.bE = 1.*bEnergy; dia.rotVol = 1.*tempVol; dia.Ekin = 1.*tempEkin; if (pid() == 0){ /** Write away simulation data and case setup for main thread */ char nameOut[90]; char nameCase[90]; snprintf(nameOut, 90, "./%s/output", out.dir); snprintf(nameCase, 90, "./%s/case", out.dir); static FILE * fpout = fopen(nameOut, "w"); static FILE * fpca = fopen(nameCase, "w"); if(t==0.){ fprintf(fpca,"L0\tinversion\thubU\tTref\tLambda\txr\tyr\tzr\ttheta\tphit\tr\tW\tP\tcu\trampT\tmaxlvl\tminlvl\teps\n"); fprintf(fpca, "%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%d\t%d\t%g\n", L0,TREF/gCONST*STRAT(rot.y0), WIND(rot.y0),TREF, Lambda, rot.x0, rot.y0, rot.z0, rot.theta, rot.phit, rot.R, rot.W, rot.P, rot.cu, rot.rampT, maxlevel, minlevel, eps); fprintf(stderr,"n\tred\tEkin\tWork\tbE\n"); fprintf(fpout,"i\tt\tn\tred\tEkin\tWork\tbE\n"); } fprintf(fpout, "%d\t%g\t%d\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\n", i,t,n,(double)((1<<(maxlevel*3))/n),dia.Ekin,rot.Work, dia.bE); fprintf(stderr, "n=%d\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\n",n,(double)((1<<(maxlevel*dimension))/n),dia.Ekin,rot.Work,dia.bE); fflush(fpout); fflush(fpca); } dia.EkinOld = 1.*dia.Ekin; dia.WdoneOld = 1.*rot.Work; dia.bEold = 1.*dia.bE; } #if dimension == 3 /** diagnose velocity of the passing wind machine*/ event refvelocity(t+=1) { if(pid() == 0) { char nameRefvel[90]; snprintf(nameRefvel, 90, "%st=%05g", out.dir_refvel, t); FILE * fpstr = fopen(nameRefvel, "w"); fprintf(fpstr, "x,v,vx,vy,vz\n"); double length = 300.; int ntot = 300.; double vels1[ntot]; double xf0 = rot.x0 - length/2*cos(M_PI/6); double yf0 = 3; double zf0 = rot.z0 + length/2*sin(M_PI/6); for(int n = 0; n < ntot; n++) { double dist = length*n/ntot; double xx = xf0 + dist*cos(-M_PI/6); double yy = yf0; double zz = zf0 + dist*sin(-M_PI/6); double valx1 = interpolate(u.x, xx, yy, zz); double valy1 = interpolate(u.y, xx, yy, zz); double valz1 = interpolate(u.z, xx, yy, zz); vels1[n] = sqrt(sq(valx1) + sq(valy1) + sq(valz1)); fprintf(fpstr, "%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g\n", xx, zz, vels1[n], valx1, valy1, valz1); } fclose(fpstr); } } /** 'DTS' measurments*/ event dts_meas(t += 1) { if(pid() == 0) { char nameDtshorS[90]; snprintf(nameDtshorS, 90, "%shorS_t=%05g", out.dir_dts, t); FILE * fpstrhorS = fopen(nameDtshorS, "w"); fprintf(fpstrhorS, "x,y,z,b\n"); double lengthhorS = 600.; int ntothorS = 600; double xf0S = rot.x0 - lengthhorS/2*cos(M_PI/6); double yf0S = 1; double zf0S = rot.z0 + lengthhorS/2*sin(M_PI/6); for(int n = 0; n <= ntothorS; n++) { double dist = lengthhorS*n/ntothorS; double xx = xf0S + dist*cos(-M_PI/6); double yy = yf0S; double zz = zf0S + dist*sin(-M_PI/6); double valb = interpolate(b, xx, yy, zz); fprintf(fpstrhorS, "%g,%g,%g,%g\n", xx, yy, zz, valb); } fclose(fpstrhorS); char nameDtshorL[90]; snprintf(nameDtshorL, 90, "%shorL_t=%05g", out.dir_dts, t); FILE * fpstrhorL = fopen(nameDtshorL, "w"); fprintf(fpstrhorL, "x,y,z,b\n"); double lengthhorL = 600.; int ntothorL = 600; double xf0L = rot.x0 - lengthhorL/2*cos(120*M_PI/180); double yf0L = 1; double zf0L = rot.z0 + lengthhorL/2*sin(120*M_PI/180); for(int n = 0; n <= ntothorL; n++) { double dist = lengthhorL*n/ntothorL; double xx = xf0L + dist*cos(-120*M_PI/180); double yy = yf0L; double zz = zf0L + dist*sin(-120*M_PI/180); double valb = interpolate(b, xx, yy, zz); fprintf(fpstrhorL, "%g,%g,%g,%g\n", xx, yy, zz, valb); } fclose(fpstrhorL); char nameDtsver[90]; snprintf(nameDtsver, 90, "%sverS_t=%05g", out.dir_dts, t); FILE * fpstrver = fopen(nameDtsver, "w"); fprintf(fpstrver, "x,y,z,b\n"); double lengthver = 20.; int ntotver = 160; for(int n = 0; n <= ntotver; n++) { double dist = lengthver*n/ntotver; double xx = rot.x0 + 30*cos(-M_PI/6); double yy = dist; double zz = rot.z0 + 30*sin(-M_PI/6); double valb = interpolate(b, xx, yy, zz); fprintf(fpstrver, "%g,%g,%g,%g\n", xx, yy, zz, valb); } fclose(fpstrver); } } #endif /** Ouputting movies in 2- or 3-D*/ #if dimension == 2 event movies(t += 0.5) { vertex scalar omega[]; // Vorticity scalar lev[]; // Grid depth scalar ekinRho[]; // Kinetic energy foreach() { omega[] = ((u.y[1,0] - u.y[-1,0]) - (u.x[0,1] - u.x[0,-1]))/(2*Delta); // Curl(u) ekinRho[] = 0.5*rho[]*(sq(u.x[]) + sq(u.y[])); lev[] = level; } boundary ({b, lev, omega, ekinRho}); output_ppm (b, file = "ppm2mp4 ./results/buoyancy.mp4", n = 1<