/** # BGUM 2019 basic tutorial If you found this page looking for _the_ tutorial, follow [this link](/Tutorial). The last day of [BGUM 2019](/BGUM2019) was dedicated to doing tutorials. During the basic beginners-tutorial session we aimed to create a simple diffusion problem. Piece by piece, we coded and discussed some considerations for the following example: * [A simple diffusion problem in Basilisk. (including some discussion)](diff.c) Then we extended this code to run with a space-varyimg diffusivity and employed an adaptive grid for the computations: * [An extended simple diffusion problem.](diff_v.c) We also discussed some general concepts regarding the various grids types in Baslisk. * [As also presented here](/sandbox/Antoonvh/The_Tree-Grid_Structure_in_Basilisk) Due to a lack of time we did not do the following exersizes: * [Implement "our own" diffusion solver](diffusion2.h) * [Test this new solver formulation](diff2.c) ## Repeated message: It is wise to learn from *all* of the [examples](/src/examples/README) and read the documentation that comes along with the [solver and functions](/src/README) that you `#include`.