##Definition of the Robin boundary condition The Robin boundary condition or mixed boundary condition is defined as follows : $$ \boldsymbol{u}_{t} = u_{S} - \lambda \frac{\partial{\boldsymbol{u}_{t}}}{\partial \boldsymbol{n}}$$ with $\boldsymbol{u}_{t}$ the tangential velocity at the boundary, $u_{S}$ the prescribe substrate velocity, $\lambda$ the slip length and $\boldsymbol{n}$ the inward normal to the surface. ##Patch The patch containing the addition of the **Robin boundary condition** in the list of pre-defined expressions (Dirichelet, Neumann) can be found [here](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1M6XbBgFFntZI8GWFe86w_NZUFoR454ry). To apply the patch : ~~~bash cd $BASILISK darcs apply "patchname" make clean make ~~~ ##Usage The Robin boundary condition takes the prescribed velocity and the slip length as inputs. For example, consider a moving plate with slip at the bottom of the domain : ~~~literatec u.t[bottom] = robin(U_plate,lambda) u.n[bottom] = dirichlet(0); ~~~ ##**Warning** *Currently working on this issue.* We define the homogeneous counterpart of the Robin boundary condition as $\boldsymbol{u}$ is solution of the [*Poisson problem*](http://basilisk.fr/src/poisson.h#homogeneous-boundary-conditions). The value of the slip length $\lambda$ of the robin homogeneous boundary condition, found in the file [common.h](http://basilisk.fr/src/common.h), has to be changed **manually**. For example, for $\lambda = 0.1$ : ~~~literatec u.t[bottom] = robin(U_plate,0.1) ~~~ Go to the robin_homogeneous line in the [common.h](http://basilisk.fr/src/common.h) file : ~~~bash cd $BASILISK vi +/robin_homogeneous common.h ~~~ Modify the value of ($\lambda$) so that it's equal to 0.1 : ~~~literatec @define robin_homogeneous() ( ((2.*(0.1)-Delta)/(2.*(0.1)+Delta))*val(_s,0,0,0) ) ~~~