/** # Multilayer Saint-Venant system with mass exchanges The [Saint-Venant system](saint-venant.h) is extended to multiple layers following [Audusse et al, 2011](references.bib#audusse2011) as $$ \partial_th + \partial_x\sum_{l=0}^{nl-1}h_lu_l = 0 $$ with $$ h_l = \mathrm{layer}_lh $$ with $\mathrm{layer}_l$ the relative thickness of the layers satisfying $$ \mathrm{layer}_l >= 0,\;\sum_{l=0}^{nl - 1}\mathrm{layer}_l = 1. $$ The momentum equation in each layer is thus $$ \partial_t(h\mathbf{u}_l) + \nabla\cdot\left(h\mathbf{u}_l\otimes\mathbf{u}_l + \frac{gh^2}{2}\mathbf{I}\right) = - gh\nabla z_b + \frac{1}{\mathrm{layer}_l}\left[\mathbf{u}_{l+1/2}G_{l+1/2} - \mathbf{u}_{l-1/2}G_{l-1/2} + \nu\left(\frac{u_{l+1} - u_l}{h_{l+1/2}} - \frac{u_{l} - u_{l-1}}{h_{l-1/2}}\right)\right] $$ where $G_{l+1/2}$ is the relative vertical transport velocity between layers and the second term corresponds to viscous friction between layers. These last two terms are the only difference with the [one layer system](saint-venant.h). The horizontal velocity in each layer is stored in *ul* and the vertical velocity between layers in *wl*. */ vector * ul = NULL; scalar * wl = NULL; double * layer; /** ## Viscous friction between layers Boundary conditions on the top and bottom layers need to be added to close the system for the viscous stresses. We chose to impose a Neumann condition on the top boundary i.e. $$ \partial_z u |_t = \dot{u}_t $$ and a Navier slip condition on the bottom i.e. $$ u|_b = u_b + \lambda_b \partial_z u|_b $$ By default the viscosity is zero and we impose free-slip on the top boundary and no-slip on the bottom boundary i.e. $\dot{u}_t = 0$, $\lambda_b = 0$, $u_b = 0$. */ double nu = 0.; (const) scalar lambda_b = zeroc, dut = zeroc, u_b = zeroc; /** For stability, we discretise the viscous friction term implicitly as $$ \frac{(hu_l)_{n + 1} - (hu_l)_{\star}}{\Delta t} = \frac{\nu}{\mathrm{layer}_l} \left( \frac{u_{l + 1} - u_l}{h_{l + 1 / 2}} - \frac{u_l - u_{l - 1}}{h_{l - 1 / 2}} \right)_{n + 1} $$ which can be expressed as the linear system $$ \mathbf{Mu}_{n + 1} = \mathrm{rhs} $$ where $\mathbf{M}$ is a [tridiagonal matrix](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tridiagonal\tmrsub{m}atrix). The lower, principal and upper diagonals are *a*, *b* and *c* respectively. */ void vertical_viscosity (Point point, double h, vector * ul, double dt) { if (nu == 0.) return; double a[nl], b[nl], c[nl], rhs[nl]; foreach_dimension() { /** The *rhs* of the tridiagonal system is $h_lu_l = h\mathrm{layer}_lu_l$. */ int l = 0; for (vector u in ul) rhs[l] = h*layer[l]*u.x[], l++; /** The lower, principal and upper diagonals $a$, $b$ and $c$ are given by $$ a_{l > 0} = - \left( \frac{\nu \Delta t}{h_{l - 1 / 2}} \right)_{n + 1} $$ $$ c_{l < \mathrm{nl} - 1} = - \left( \frac{\nu \Delta t}{h_{l + 1 / 2}} \right)_{n + 1} $$ $$ b_{0 < l < \mathrm{nl} - 1} = \mathrm{layer}_l h_{n + 1} - a_l - c_l $$ */ for (l = 1; l < nl - 1; l++) { a[l] = - 2.*nu*dt/(h*(layer[l-1] + layer[l])); c[l] = - 2.*nu*dt/(h*(layer[l] + layer[l+1])); b[l] = layer[l]*h - a[l] - c[l]; } /** For the top layer the boundary conditions give the (ghost) boundary value $$ u_{\mathrm{nl}} = u_{\mathrm{nl} - 1} + \dot{u}_t h_{\mathrm{nl} - 1}, $$ which gives the diagonal coefficient and right-hand-side $$ b_{\mathrm{nl} - 1} = \mathrm{layer}_{\mathrm{nl} - 1} h_{n + 1} - a_{\mathrm{nl} - 1} $$ $$ \mathrm{rhs}_{\mathrm{nl} - 1} = \mathrm{layer}_{\mathrm{nl} - 1} (hu_{\mathrm{nl} - 1})_{\star} + \nu \Delta t \dot{u}_t $$ */ a[nl-1] = - 2.*nu*dt/(h*(layer[nl-2] + layer[nl-1])); b[nl-1] = layer[nl-1]*h - a[nl-1]; rhs[nl-1] += nu*dt*dut[]; /** For the bottom layer, the boundary conditions give the (ghost) boundary value $u_{- 1}$ $$ u_{- 1} = \frac{2 h_0}{2 \lambda_b + h_0} u_b + \frac{2 \lambda_b - h_0}{2 \lambda_b + h_0} u_0, $$ which gives the diagonal coefficient and right-hand-side $$ b_0 = \mathrm{layer}_0 h_{n + 1} - c_0 + \frac{2 \nu \Delta t}{2 \lambda_b + h_0} $$ $$ \mathrm{rhs}_0 = \mathrm{layer}_0 (hu_0)_{\star} + \frac{2 \nu \Delta t}{2 \lambda_b + h_0} u_b $$ */ c[0] = - 2.*dt*nu/(h*(layer[0] + layer[1])); b[0] = layer[0]*h - c[0] + 2.*nu*dt/(2.*lambda_b[] + h*layer[0]); rhs[0] += 2.*nu*dt/(2.*lambda_b[] + h*layer[0])*u_b[]; /** We can now solve the tridiagonal system using the [Thomas algorithm](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tridiagonal_matrix_algorithm). */ for (l = 1; l < nl; l++) { b[l] -= a[l]*c[l-1]/b[l-1]; rhs[l] -= a[l]*rhs[l-1]/b[l-1]; } vector u = ul[nl-1]; u.x[] = a[nl-1] = rhs[nl-1]/b[nl-1]; for (l = nl - 2; l >= 0; l--) { u = ul[l]; u.x[] = a[l] = (rhs[l] - c[l]*a[l+1])/b[l]; } } } /** ## Fluxes between layers The relative vertical velocity between layers $l$ and $l+1$ is defined as (eq. (2.22) of [Audusse et al, 2011](references.bib#audusse2011)) $$ G_{l+1/2} = \sum_{j=0}^{l}(\mathrm{div}_j + \mathrm{layer}_j\mathrm{dh}) $$ with $$ \mathrm{div}_l = \nabla\cdot(h_l\mathbf{u}_l) $$ $$ \mathrm{dh} = - \sum_{l=0}^{nl-1} \mathrm{div}_l $$ */ void vertical_fluxes (vector * evolving, vector * updates, scalar * divl, scalar dh) { foreach() { double Gi = 0., sumjl = 0.; for (int l = 0; l < nl - 1; l++) { scalar div = divl[l]; Gi += div[] + layer[l]*dh[]; sumjl += layer[l]; scalar w = div; w[] = dh[]*sumjl - Gi; foreach_dimension() { /** To compute the vertical advection term, we need an estimate of the velocity at $l+1/2$. This is obtained using simple upwinding according to the sign of the interface velocity $\mathrm{Gi} = G_{l+1/2}$ and the values of the velocity in the $l$ and $l+1$ layers. Note that the inequality of upwinding is consistent with equs. (5.110) of [Audusse et al, 2011](references.bib#audusse2011) and (77) of [Audusse et al, 2011b](references.bib#audusse2011b) but not with eq. (2.23) of [Audusse et al, 2011](references.bib#audusse2011). */ scalar ub = evolving[l].x, ut = evolving[l + 1].x; double ui = Gi < 0. ? ub[] : ut[]; /** The flux at $l+1/2$ is then added to the updates of the bottom layer and substracted from the updates of the top layer. */ double flux = Gi*ui; scalar du_b = updates[l].x, du_t = updates[l + 1].x; du_b[] += flux/layer[l]; du_t[] -= flux/layer[l + 1]; /** To compute the vertical velocity we use the definition of the mass flux term (eq. 2.13 of [Audusse et al, 2011](references.bib#audusse2011)): $$ \mathrm{w}(\mathbf{x},z_{l+1/2}) = \partial_t z_{l+1/2} - G_{l+1/2} + \mathbf{u}_{l+1/2} \cdot \nabla z_{l+1/2} $$ We can write the vertical position of the interface as: $$ z_{l+1/2} = z_{b} + \sum_{j=0}^{l} h_{j} $$ so that the vertical velocity is: $$ \mathrm{w}(\mathbf{x},z_{l+1/2}) = \mathrm{dh}\sum_{j=0}^{l}\mathrm{layer}_{j} - G_{l+1/2} + \mathbf{u}_{l+1/2} \cdot \left[\nabla z_{b} + \nabla h \sum_{j=0}^{l}\mathrm{layer}_{j}\right] $$ */ w[] += ui*((zb[1] - zb[-1]) + (h[1] - h[-1])*sumjl)/(2.*Delta); } } } }