/** # TO DO * The gradient use for high-order reconstruction are not defined in a well-balanced way. * This artery module is only valid for 1D grid. * This artery module has not been tested with multigrid. * Implement a generic pressure ($a^m$ - $a^n$) * Implement a viscous term $f_r$ */ /** # A solver for the 1D blood flow equations One-dimensional (1D) blood flow models have been successfully used to describe the flow of blood in large arteries of the systemic circulation. They are valuable and efficient tools to capture pulse wave propagation in large arterial networks and obtain satisfactory evaluations of average quantities such as the flow rate $q$, the cross-sectional area $a$ or the pressure $p$. The 1D blood equations are: $$ \left\{ \begin{aligned} & \partial_t a + \partial_x q = 0 \\ & \partial_t q +\partial_x (q^2/a) = - a/\rho\partial_x p - f_r, \end{aligned} \right. $$ where $a$ is the cross-sectional area of the artery, $q$ is the flow rate, $p$ is the pressure, $\rho$ is the blood density and $f_r$ is the viscous friction term, defined as: $$ f_r = \phi \nu q/a, $$ with $\nu$ the dynamic viscosity of blood. We typically set $\phi = 8\pi$. To close the 1D system of equations, we introduce the following pressure law, describing the elastic behavior of the arterial wall: $$ p = p_0 + k [\sqrt{a} - \sqrt{a_0}], $$ where $a_0$ is the cross-sectional area at rest of the artery, $k$ is the arterial wall rigidity and $p_0$ is the pressure applied on the exterior of the artery. ## Variables and parameters The primary fields are the arterial cross-sectional area $a$ and the flow rate $q$. The secondary fields are the vessel properties and correspond to the cross-sectional area at rest $a_0$ and the wall rigidity $k$. The order of the declaration of these fields is important as it conditions the order in which the variables will be refined. */ scalar k[], a0[], a[], q[]; /** The following parameters are used to define the zero and to characterize algorithm convergence. Their values should not be modified. */ double dry = 1e-30; double epsilon = 1.e-14; int maxit = 100; /** ## Flux As the flux can be different for arteries and veins depending on the chosen pressure-area relationship, the user must define a function which, given the left and right states of each field, provides the solution to the homogeneous Riemann problem (without viscous or viscoelastic terms). In case of varying geometrical and mechanical properties, this flux function must involve a well-balancing reconstruction procedure and a well-balanced approximation of the topography source term. */ void (* riemann) (double km, double kp, double a0m, double a0p, double am, double ap, double qm, double qp, double Delta, double * fal, double * far, double * fql, double * fqr, double * dtmax) = NULL; /** ## Time-integration The time-integration is performed using the generic [predictor-corrector](predictor-corrector.h) scheme. */ #include "predictor-corrector.h" /** This generic time-integration scheme needs to know which fields are updated. This list will be updated in the *defaults* event below. */ scalar * evolving; /** It also requires a function to compute the derivatives of the conserved variables. Note that contrary to the [saint-venant](saint-venant.h) solver, we do not need to overload the *advance* function. */ double update_artery (scalar * evolving, scalar * updates, double dtmax); /** #### Initialisation and cleanup We use the defaults event defined in [predictor-corrector](predictor-corrector.h) to setup the initial conditions. */ event defaults (i = 0) { evolving = list_concat ({a}, {q}); foreach() for (scalar s in evolving) s[] = 0.; boundary (evolving); update = update_artery; #if TREE for (scalar s in {k, a0, a, q}) { s.refine = s.prolongation = refine_linear; s.restriction = restriction_volume_average; } /** We also define special restriction and prolongation for *eta*. */ #endif } /** At the end of the simulation we need to free any memory allocated in the *defaults* event. */ event cleanup (i = end, last) { free (evolving); } /** The event below will be executed after all the other initial events to take into account user-defined field initialisations. */ event init (i = 0) { boundary (all); } /** #### Update function used in [predictor-corrector](predictor-corrector.h) */ double update_artery (scalar * evolving, scalar * updates, double dtmax) { /** We first recover the currently evolving cross-sectional area and flow rate. */ scalar a = evolving[0], q = evolving[1]; /** The variables *Fa* and *Fq* will contain the fluxes for $a$ and $q$ respectively. The index $l$ and $r$ respectively correspond to the left and right of each mesh face. */ face vector Fal[], Far[], Fql[], Fqr[]; /** The gradients, used for high order spatial reconstruction of the conserved fields, are stored in locally-allocated fields. First-order reconstruction is used for the gradient fields. */ vector gk[], ga0[], ga[], gq[]; for (scalar s in {gk, ga0, ga, gq}) { #if TREE s.prolongation = refine_linear; #endif } gradients ({k, a0, a, q}, {gk, ga0, ga, gq}); /** We are ready to compute the fluxes through each face of the domain. */ foreach_face (reduction (min:dtmax)) { /** We use the central values of each scalar/vector quantity and the gradients to compute the left and right states of each field at each mesh face. The index $m$ and $p$ correspond respectively to the left and right of each mesh face. */ double dx = Delta/2.; double kp = k[] - dx*gk.x[]; double a0p = a0[] - dx*ga0.x[]; double ap = a[] - dx*ga.x[]; double qp = q[] - dx*gq.x[]; double km = k[-1] + dx*gk.x[-1]; double a0m = a0[-1] + dx*ga0.x[-1]; double am = a[-1] + dx*ga.x[-1]; double qm = q[-1] + dx*gq.x[-1]; /** We then call the generic Riemann solver and store the computed fluxes in temporary fields. */ double fal, far, fql, fqr; riemann (km, kp, a0m, a0p, am, ap, qm, qp, Delta*cm[]/fm.x[], &fal, &far, &fql, &fqr, &dtmax); foreach_dimension() { Fal.x[] = fm.x[]*fal; Far.x[] = fm.x[]*far; Fql.x[] = fm.x[]*fql; Fqr.x[] = fm.x[]*fqr; } } /** We also compute the boundary fluxes. */ boundary_flux ({Fal, Far, Fql, Fqr}); /** The update for each scalar quantity is the divergence of the fluxes. */ scalar da = updates[0], dq = updates[1]; foreach() { da[] = 0.; dq[] = 0.; foreach_dimension() { da[] += (Far.x[] - Fal.x[1])/(cm[]*Delta); dq[] += (Fqr.x[] - Fql.x[1])/(cm[]*Delta); } } return dtmax; } /** ## HLL fluxes #### Help functions for the HLL GLU flux */ double get_asr(double alpha, double asl) { return (1. - (1. - alpha)*asl)/alpha; } double phi1(double kl, double kr, double alpha, double asl) { double asr = get_asr (alpha, asl); return kr*sqrt(asr) - kl*sqrt(asl); } double dphi1(double kl, double kr, double alpha, double asl) { double asr = get_asr (alpha, asl); return 0.5*(kr/sqrt(asr)*(1. - 1./alpha) - kl/sqrt(asl)); } double phi2(double kl, double kr, double alpha, double beta, double asl) { double asr = get_asr (alpha, asl); if (fabs(beta) < dry ) return phi1 (kl, kr, alpha, asl); else return 0.5*beta*(1./(asr*asr) - 1./(asl*asl)) + phi1 (kl, kr, alpha, asl); } double dphi2(double kl, double kr, double alpha, double beta, double asl) { double asr = get_asr (alpha, asl); if (fabs(beta) < dry ) return dphi1 (kl, kr, alpha, asl); else return - beta*((1. - 1./alpha)*pow(asr, -3.) - pow(asl, -3.)) + dphi1 (kl, kr, alpha, asl); } /** Newton-Raphson algorithm coupled to a bisection algorithm */ double newtonraphsonbisection(double (*phi) (double, double, double, double, double), double (*dphi) (double, double, double, double, double), double x1, double x2, double kl, double kr, double alpha, double beta, double scm) { double x = 0.5*(x1 + x2); double fx = phi(kl,kr,alpha,beta,x) - scm; double f1 = phi(kl,kr,alpha,beta,x1) - scm; double f2 = phi(kl,kr,alpha,beta,x2) - scm; if (fabs(f1) <= dry) return x1; else if (fabs(f2) <= dry) return x2; else if (fabs(fx) <= dry) return x; double dx = x2 - x1, dxo = dx; double dfx = dphi(kl,kr,alpha,beta,x); int it = 0; while (fabs(dx) > epsilon && it < maxit) { it ++; if ( f1 > 0. || f2 < 0. ) printf("Error: f1>0 or f2<0"); dfx = dphi(kl,kr,alpha,beta,x); dxo = dx; if (((x - x2)*dfx - fx)*((x - x1)*dfx -fx) > 0. || fabs(2.*fx) >fabs(dxo*dfx)) { dx = 0.5*(x2 - x1); x = x1 + dx; } else { dx = fx / dfx; x = x - dx; } fx = phi(kl,kr,alpha,beta,x) - scm; if (fx < 0.) { x1 = x; f1 = fx; } else if (fx > 0.) { x2 = x; f2 = fx; } } return x; } double solve_reduced_bernoulli(double kl, double kr, double alpha, double dp0sa) { double x2 = 0., x1 = 1./(1.-alpha); if (-dp0sa > kl/sqrt(1.-alpha)) return x1; else if (-dp0sa < -kr/sqrt(alpha)) return x2 ; else { if (kr - kl < dp0sa) x1 = 1.; else if (kr - kl > dp0sa) x2 = 1.; else return 1.; return newtonraphsonbisection (phi2, dphi2, x1, x2, kl, kr, alpha, 0., dp0sa); } } double solve_full_bernoulli(double kl, double kr, double alpha, double beta, double dp0sa) { double x1 = 0., x2 = 0.; double acl = pow(2.*beta/kl, 0.4); double acr = pow(2.*beta/kr, 0.4); if (1. < alpha*acr + (1.-alpha)*acl) { x1 = max((1. - alpha*acr)/(1.-alpha), dry); x2 = min(1. / (1.-alpha) - dry, acl); } else { x2 = acl; x1 = (1. - alpha*acr)/(1.-alpha); } if (phi2(kl,kr,alpha,beta,x2) < dp0sa) return x2; else if (phi2(kl,kr,alpha,beta,x1) > dp0sa) return x1; else { if (kr - kl < dp0sa) x1 = 1.; else if (kr - kl > dp0sa) x2 = 1.; else return 1.; return newtonraphsonbisection (phi2, dphi2, x1, x2, kl, kr, alpha, beta, dp0sa); } } /** #### High-order variable reconstruction */ double order1 (double s0, double s1, double s2) { return generic_limiter(0., 0.); } /** #### HLL fluxes for the conservative system of equations The user can choose among three pre-defined well-balanced Riemann solvers. These are based on the HLL flux for the homogeneous conservative blood flow equations. */ void hll(double k, double al, double ar, double ql, double qr, double Delta, double * fal, double * far, double * fql, double * fqr, double * dtmax) { double ul = ql/al; double ur = qr/ar; double cl = sqrt(0.5*k*sqrt(al)); double cr = sqrt(0.5*k*sqrt(ar)); double SL = min(ul - cl, ur - cr); double SR = max(ul + cl, ur + cr); double fa = 0., fq = 0.; if (0. <= SL) { fa = al*ul; fq = al*(ul*ul + k*sqrt(al)/3.); } else if (0. >= SR) { fa = ar*ur; fq = ar*(ur*ur + k*sqrt(ar)/3.); } else { double fal = al*ul; double fql = al*(ul*ul + k*sqrt(al)/3.); double far = ar*ur; double fqr = ar*(ur*ur + k*sqrt(ar)/3.); fa = (SR*fal - SL*far + SL*SR*(ar - al))/(SR - SL); fq = (SR*fql - SL*fqr + SL*SR*(qr - ql))/(SR - SL); } *fal = fa; *far = fa; *fql = fq; *fqr = fq; double a = max(fabs(SL), fabs(SR)); if (a > dry) { double dt = CFL*Delta/a; if (dt < *dtmax) *dtmax = dt; } } /** Next we define the hll flux combined with the hydrostatic reconstruction. This scheme preserves the following equilibrium states: $$ \left\{ \begin{aligned} & q/a = \mathrm{cst} \\ & p = \mathrm{cst}. \end{aligned} \right. $$ */ void hll_hr(double km, double kp, double a0m, double a0p, double am, double ap, double qm, double qp, double Delta, double * fal, double * far, double * fql, double * fqr, double * dtmax) { double zl = km*sqrt(a0m), zr = kp*sqrt(a0p), zlr = min(zl, zr); double klr = max(km, kp); double al = pow(max(0., zlr + km*sqrt(am) - zl)/klr, 2.); double ql = qm/am*al; double ar = pow(max(0., zlr + kp*sqrt(ap) - zr)/klr, 2.); double qr = qp/ap*ar; hll(klr, al, ar, ql, qr, Delta, fal, far, fql, fqr, dtmax); *fql += - (klr*al*sqrt(al)/3. - km*am*sqrt(am)/3.); *fqr += - (klr*ar*sqrt(ar)/3. - kp*ap*sqrt(ap)/3.); } /** We then introduce the hll flux combined with the low-Shapiro hydrostatic reconstruction. This scheme preserves the following equilibrium states: $$ \left\{ \begin{aligned} & q = \mathrm{cst} \\ & p = \mathrm{cst}. \end{aligned} \right. $$ */ void hll_hrls(double km, double kp, double a0m, double a0p, double am, double ap, double qm, double qp, double Delta, double * fal, double * far, double * fql, double * fqr, double * dtmax) { double zl = km*sqrt(a0m), zr = kp*sqrt(a0p), zlr = min(zl, zr); double klr = max(km, kp); double al = pow(max(0., zlr + km*sqrt(am) - zl)/klr, 2.); double ql = qm; double ar = pow(max(0., zlr + kp*sqrt(ap) - zr)/klr, 2.); double qr = qp; hll(klr, al, ar, ql, qr, Delta, fal, far, fql, fqr, dtmax); *fql += - (klr*al*sqrt(al)/3. - km*am*sqrt(am)/3.); *fqr += - (klr*ar*sqrt(ar)/3. - kp*ap*sqrt(ap)/3.); } /** Finally, we introduce the GLU hll flux. This scheme preserves exactly the following equilibrium states: $$ \left\{ \begin{aligned} & q = \mathrm{cst} \\ & p = \mathrm{cst}, \end{aligned} \right. $$ and provides a very accurate estimation of the following equilibrium states: $$ \left\{ \begin{aligned} & q = \mathrm{cst} \\ & \frac{1}{2}\rho u^2 + p = \mathrm{cst}. \end{aligned} \right. $$ */ void hll_glu(double kl, double kr, double a0l, double a0r, double al, double ar, double ql, double qr, double Delta, double * fal, double * far, double * fql, double * fqr, double * dtmax) { double ul = ql/al, ur = qr/ar; double cl = sqrt(0.5*kl*sqrt(al)); double cr = sqrt(0.5*kr*sqrt(ar)); double SL = min(0., min(ul - cl, ur - cr)); double SR = max(0., max(ul + cl, ur + cr)); double ahll = ((SR*ar - SL*al) - (qr - ql))/(SR-SL); double qhll = ((SR*qr - SL*ql) - (ar*(ur*ur + kr*sqrt(ar)/3.) - al*(ul*ul + kl*sqrt(al)/3.)))/(SR-SL); double dp = kr*sqrt(ar) - kl*sqrt(al); double dp0 = kr*sqrt(a0r) - kl*sqrt(a0l); //double as = 2.*al*ar/(al + ar); double as = (al + ar + sqrt(al*ar))/3.; double dxs = (kr*ar*sqrt(ar) - kl*al*sqrt(al))/3. - as*(dp - dp0); double qs = qhll + dxs/(SR-SL); double asl = 0., asr = 0.; double SLasl = 0., SRasr = 0.; if (fabs(ahll) <= dry) { qs = 0.; SLasl = 0.; SRasr = 0.; } else { if (fabs(SL) <= dry) { SLasl = 0.; SRasr = (SR-SL)*ahll; } else if (fabs(SR) <= dry) { SLasl = - (SR - SL)*ahll; SRasr = 0.; } else { double alpha = SR/(SR - SL); double beta = qs*qs/pow(ahll, 5./2.); double dp0sa = dp0/sqrt(ahll); if (fabs(qs) <= dry) { asl = solve_reduced_bernoulli (kl, kr, alpha, dp0sa); } else { asl = solve_full_bernoulli (kl, kr, alpha, beta, dp0sa); } asr = get_asr (alpha, asl); SLasl = SL*asl*ahll; SRasr = SR*asr*ahll; } *fal = ql + (SLasl - SL*al); *fql = al*(ul*ul + kl*sqrt(al)/3.) + SL*(qs - ql); *far = qr + (SRasr - SR*ar); *fqr = ar*(ur*ur + kr*sqrt(ar)/3.) + SR*(qs - qr); double a = max(fabs(SL), fabs(SR)); if (a > dry) { double dt = CFL*Delta/a; if (dt < *dtmax) *dtmax = dt; } } }