/** # Soluble gas diffusing from a rising bubble This is the example discussed in section 2.4.2 of [Farsoiya et al., 2020](#farsoiya2020). The four cases illustrated below are considered. The left-half of each figure is the vertical velocity component and the right-half the tracer concentration when close to the stationary regime.
![](axi_rising_bubble_periodic/final-1.png){ width="200px" } ![](axi_rising_bubble_periodic/final-2.png){ width="200px" } ![](axi_rising_bubble_periodic/final-3.png){ width="200px" } ![](axi_rising_bubble_periodic/final-4.png){ width="200px" }
Case 1
Case 2
Case 3
Case 4
The Sherwood number characterises the gas diffusion from the bubble to the liquid. The computed Sherwood number is compared to the theory of [Levich, 1962](#levich1962). ~~~gnuplot Sherwood number vs time alpha_c = 1.0/30 r0 = 1. sherwood(D) = (ci = $2/$5, \ co = $3/$6, \ area = $7, \ dtr = (tr - $2)/0.01, \ tr = $2, \ Sh = dtr/area/(ci*alpha_c - co)*2.*r0/D) # Levich formula to calculate transfer rate using terminal velocity levich(ut, D) = 2.*sqrt(D*ut/2./r0/pi)*2.*r0/D # get the rise velocity averaged for the last steps array ut[4] array et[4] = [ 140, 250, 250, 150 ] do for [i in "1 2 3 4"] { stats 'log' index 'case '.i u 1:4 every ::et[1] nooutput ut[i] = STATS_mean_y } array D[4] = [ 0.4472, 0.5029, 0.17416, 0.08944 ] tr = 0. set key center right set xlabel 't U/d_0' set ylabel 'Sh' set xrange [0.01:4] set yrange [0:14] plot for [i = 1:4] \ 'log' index 'case '.i u ($1*ut[i]/2./r0):(sherwood(D[i])) w l t 'Axi Case '.i lt i, \ for [i = 1:4] levich(ut[i], D[i]) w l t '' lt i dt 2 ~~~ ## References ~~~bib @article{farsoiya2020, title = {Bubble mediated gas transfer of diluted component in turbulence}, author = {P. K. Farsoiya and S. Popinet and L. Deike}, journal = {Journal of Fluid Mechanics}, year = {2021}, note = {in Press}, url = {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-03227997/document} } @article{levich1962, title={Physicochemical hydrodynamics}, author={Levich, Veniamin Grigorʹevich}, year={1962}, publisher={Prentice-Hall Inc.} } ~~~ */ #include "axi.h" #include "navier-stokes/centered.h" #include "two-phase.h" #include "navier-stokes/conserving.h" #include "tension.h" //#include "reduced.h" #include "henry.h" #include "view.h" // #include "navier-stokes/perfs.h" scalar c[], * stracers = {c}; double bubble_radius = 1.; double box_size = 20.; double conc_liq1 = 0, conc_gas1 = 1.; double end_time[4] = {7.5,3,3,2}; double gravity = 0; int MAXLEVEL, dcase = 1; int main (int argc, char **argv) { size (box_size); periodic(right); MAXLEVEL = 9; #if !TREE N = 1 << MAXLEVEL; #endif rho1 = 1.; rho2 = 0.01; c.alpha = 1./30.; TOLERANCE = 1e-4; for (dcase = 1; dcase <= 4; dcase++) { switch (dcase) { case 1: c.D1 = 0.4472; f.sigma = 10.0; gravity = 2.5; break; case 2: c.D1 = 0.5029; f.sigma = 10.0; gravity = 7.8125; break; case 3: c.D1 = 0.17416; f.sigma = 1.0; gravity = 10.0; break; case 4: c.D1 = 0.08944; f.sigma = 10.0; gravity = 7.8125; break; default: fprintf (stderr, "Error: must specify case\n"); exit (1); } mu1 = c.D1; mu2 = c.D1/20.; c.D2 = c.D1*100.; fprintf (stderr, "\n\n# case %d\n", dcase); run(); } } event init (t = 0) { #if TREE refine (sq(2.*bubble_radius) - sq(x - box_size*0.2) - sq(y) > 0 && level < MAXLEVEL); #endif fraction (f, - (sq(bubble_radius) - sq(x - box_size*0.2) - sq(y))); foreach() c[] = conc_liq1*f[] + conc_gas1*(1. - f[]); } event acceleration (i++) { face vector av = a; foreach_face(x) av.x[] += gravity*(-1. + alphav.x[]*rho1/max(y,1e-20)); boundary ((scalar *){av}); } #if TREE event adapt (i++) { adapt_wavelet ({f, c, u}, (double[]){0.01,0.01,0.01,0.01,0.01}, maxlevel = MAXLEVEL); } #endif event extract (t = 0; t += 0.01; t <= end_time[dcase-1]) { double yb = 0., vb = 0., vbx = 0., area = 0., ci = 0., co = 0.; foreach (reduction(+:yb) reduction(+:vb) reduction(+:vbx) reduction(+:ci) reduction(+:co) reduction(+:area)) { double dvb = (1. - f[])*dv(); vb += dvb; // volume of the bubble yb += x*dvb; // location of the bubble vbx += u.x[]*dvb; // bubble velocity ci += c[]*(1. - f[])/(f[]*c.alpha + (1. - f[]))*dv(); co += c[]*f[]*c.alpha/(f[]*c.alpha + (1. - f[]))*dv(); if (f[] > 1e-6 && f[] < 1. - 1e-6) { coord n = interface_normal (point, f), p; double alpha = plane_alpha (f[], n); // area of the bubble interface area += y*pow(Delta, dimension - 1)*plane_area_center (n, alpha, &p); } } if (i == 0) fprintf (stderr, "t ci co vbx vb vbo area dt\n"); fprintf (stderr,"%e %.12e %.12e %.12e %.12e %.12e %.12e %e\n", t, ci*2.*pi, co*2.*pi, vbx/vb, 2.*pi*vb, 2.*pi*statsf(f).sum, 2.*pi*area, dt); } event pictures (t = end) { char name[80]; #if 0 sprintf (name, "dump-%d", dcase); dump (name); #endif double ty[] = { - 0.6, - 0.5, - 0.5, - 0.5}; view (fov = 9, quat = {0.707,0.707,0,0}, ty = ty[dcase - 1], width = 400, height = 800); squares ("c", spread = -1, linear = true, map = cool_warm); draw_vof ("f"); mirror ({0,1}) { squares ("u.x", spread = -1, linear = true, map = cool_warm); draw_vof ("f"); } sprintf (name, "final-%d.png", dcase); save (name); }