/** # Optically Thin Radiation Model We test the calculation of the radiation using the optically-thin model at different temperautres. We define variables that are necessary for the radiation model to compile. */ #define NGS 2 const char* gas_species[2] = {"CO2", "H2O"}; #include "common.h" #include "utils.h" #include "radiation.h" int main (void) { /** The properties for the radiation model are gathered in the following struct. */ OpticallyThinProperties otp; otp.T = 1400.; otp.P = 101325.; otp.xH2O = 0.21; otp.xCO2 = 0.1; /** We set the radiation model, which is set to no_radiation by default. */ divq_rad = optically_thin; /** We loop over different temperatures and compute the $\nabla\cdot\mathbf{q}_{rad}$ contribution. */ for (otp.T = 300.; otp.T <= 3000.; otp.T += 50.) { fprintf (stderr, "divq_rad = %f\n", divq_rad(&otp)); } }