# Homogeneity * Have grids that have smallest element first * Have fddif and chebdif give grids in the same order # Fluid * Optimal transient growth in 1D and for venturi.m * Use eigenmodes as initial condition in Gerris/Basilisk * Rayleigh-Plateau instability * Validate viscous Rayleigh-Taylor on lubrication model * Feedback control? * Capillary venturi in 2D (based first on [free_surface_2D.m]()) # Elasticity * Elastic beam buckling instability * Instability of beam on soft substrate # Collaborations * Boundary layers with Pyl * Couette with two capillary surfaces with François * vortices with Arnaud * Nonlinear shape of a 2D and 3D beam (continuation) with Sebastien # Gerris/Basilisk * Make an initial condition of Gerris based on an eigenmode or steady state, also with free surfaces * Get differentiation matrices from Basilisk # Functionalities * Run the code as preview * edit files with two vertical columns