%{ # Wave-like pertubations WITH No-Slip CONDITIONS This code is adapted from wave_like.m from the easystab project. Modified by D. Fabre to experiment the following things : - Psi formulation compared to u-v-p formulation, - noslip conditions versus no-slip conditions. %} %{ # Main program : %} clear all; clf; % parameters N=50; % number of gridpoints L=1; % Fluid height in y rho=1; % fluid density mu=1; % fuid viscosity alpha=4 ; % wavenumber in x g=1; % gravity [D,DD,wy,y]=dif1D('cheb',0,L,N,3); u=1:N; v=u+N; p=v+N; % validation figure(1); alphavec=linspace(0.01,10,100); xi = @(lambda,alpha)(sqrt(-alpha^2-lambda)); Fs = @(lambda,alpha)(cosh(alpha*.5)*(-xi(lambda,alpha)*sin(xi(lambda,alpha)*.5)))-alpha*sinh(alpha*.5)*cos(xi(lambda,alpha)*.5); Fa = @(lambda,alpha)(sinh(alpha*.5)*(xi(lambda,alpha)*cos(xi(lambda,alpha)*.5)))-alpha*cosh(alpha*.5)*sin(xi(lambda,alpha)*.5); stheos(1)=fzero(@(lambda)(Fs(lambda,alphavec(1))),-40); stheoa(1)=fzero(@(lambda)(Fa(lambda,alphavec(1))),-80); for ind=2:length(alphavec) stheos(ind)=fzero(@(lambda)(Fs(lambda,alphavec(ind))),stheos(ind-1)); stheoa(ind)=fzero(@(lambda)(Fa(lambda,alphavec(ind))),stheoa(ind-1)) end plot(alphavec,stheos,'r-','DisplayName', 'theory'); hold on plot(alphavec,stheoa,'r-','DisplayName', 'theory'); hold on for alpha = 1:10 [s,U] = Wavelike_UVP_noslip(mu,alpha,L,rho,N); [spsi,Upsi] = Wavelike_psi_noslip(mu,alpha,L,rho,N); plot(alpha,s(1:4),'b*','DisplayName', 'UVP'); plot(alpha,spsi(1:4),'go','DisplayName', 'Psi') end xlabel('alpha');ylabel('exponential growth rate'); title('validation') hr = findobj('Color','r'); hb = findobj('Color','b'); hg = findobj('Color','g'); hv = [hr(1) hb(1) hg(1)]; legend(hv); %legend('analytical','UVP','psi'); grid on set(gcf,'paperpositionmode','auto'); print('-dpng','-r100','wave_like_UVP_Psi_noslip.png'); % show the velocity field of the first three eigenvectors figure(2); Lx=2*pi/alpha; x=linspace(0,Lx,20); for ind=1:4 subplot(2,2,ind); q=U(:,ind); qphys=2*real(q*exp(i*alpha*x)); quiver(x,y(1:2:N),qphys(u(1:2:N),:),qphys(v(1:2:N),:)); axis equal; axis([0,Lx,0,L]);xlabel('x');ylabel('y'); title(['mode' num2str(ind)]); end set(gcf,'paperpositionmode','auto'); print('-dpng','-r100','wave_like_Modes_noslip.png'); %{ ![The figure](wave_like_UVP_PSI_noslip.png) Here are the eigenvalues, compared to the theory. ![The figure](wave_like_UVP_Modes_noslip.png) On the figure, we show the velocity field for the four least stable eigenmodes. All off course have the same wavelength $2\pi/\alpha$ in $x$, but we see that as we go to more decaying modes, they have more and more oscillations in the wall-normal direction. The first mode corresponds to two counter-rotating vortices occupying the whole height between the walls. The second mode is four counter-rotating vortices, since now from $y=0$ to $L$, space is made for two vortices, and so on for the following modes. %} %{ # Function for U-V-P formulation : %} function [s,U] = Wavelike_UVP_noslip(mu,alpha,L,rho,N); % 1D differentiation matrices [D,DD,wy,y]=dif1D('cheb',0,L,N,3); I=eye(N); Z=zeros(N,N); % renaming the matrices dy=D; dyy=DD; dx=i*alpha*I; dxx=-alpha^2*I; Delta=dxx+dyy; % location vectors u=1:N; v=u+N; p=v+N; % System matrices A=[mu*Delta, Z, -dx; ... Z, mu*Delta, -dy; ... dx, dy, Z]; E=[rho*I, Z, Z; ... Z, rho*I, Z; ... Z, Z, Z]; % boundary conditions loc=[u(1),u(N),v(1),v(N)]; II=eye(3*N); DD=blkdiag(dy,dy,dy); C=[II([u(1),u(N)],:); II([v(1),v(N)],:)]; E(loc,:)=0; A(loc,:)=C; % compute eigenmodes [U,S]=eig(A,E); s=diag(S); [t,o]=sort(-real(s)); s=s(o); U=U(:,o); rem=abs(s)>1000; s(rem)=[]; U(:,rem)=[]; end %{ # Function for Psi formulation (Orr-Sommerfeld) : %} function [s,U] = Wavelike_psi_noslip(mu,alpha,L,rho,N); % differentiation matrices [y,DM] = chebdif(N,4); y = L*y/2; d.y=2/L*DM(:,:,1); d.yy=(2/L)^2*DM(:,:,2); d.yyyy=(2/L)^4*DM(:,:,4); I=eye(N);Z=zeros(N,N); d.x=i*alpha*I; % base flow and derivatives u0=0; up=0; upp=0; % laplacian k2=alpha^2; lap=(d.yy-k2*I); lap2=(d.yyyy-2*k2*d.yy+k2^2*I); % system matrices LOS=mu*lap2; A=[LOS]; E=[lap]; % boundary conditions psi=1:N;% location vectors loc=[1,2,N-1,N]; C=[I([1,N],:) ; d.y([1,N],:) ]; A(loc,:)=C; E(loc,:)=0; % computing eigenmodes [U,S]=eig(A,E); s=diag(S); [t,o]=sort(-real(s)); s=s(o); U=U(:,o); rem=abs(s)>1000; s(rem)=[]; U(:,rem)=[]; end