%{ # Convergence study of the Poisson 2D equation Through this study, we are going to analyze the convergence of the poisson equation using two different methods of resolution: chebichev's differentiation matrices and finite difference differentiation matrices. %} clear all; clf %{ In the first stage, we declare all the requried parameters of this study. Note that this is a convergence analysis, so we need to make a loop through the number of grid points. However, as it is a 2D problem, our grid extends throughout both X and Y. We intend to make a single-variable analysis, so we impose a given aspect ratio between X and Y. The variable Nx, which will govern the loop, is a vector ranging all the cases to be stored. %} %%%% parameters and flags Nx=5:5:40; % gridpoints in x (admits a vector for convergence study) nNx = numel(Nx); % Number of cases for convergence study Aspect_Ratio = 1; % Aspect ratio of the grid Ny=round(Nx.*Aspect_Ratio); % gridpoints in y Lx=1; % domain size in x Ly=1; % domain size in y % Comparation vectors of the order of finite difference methods h1x = Lx./(Nx-1); h1y = Ly./(Ny-1); %{ The variables err and err_FD are used to store the residual of the norm of the error vector for each analysis case of the main loop. %} err = nan(1,nNx); % Preallocates err vectors err_FD = err; for n = 1:nNx % Grid for finite difference x_FD = (0:h1x(n):h1x(n)*(Nx(n)-1)); y_FD = (0:h1y(n):h1y(n)*(Ny(n)-1)); [X_FD,Y_FD]=meshgrid(x_FD,y_FD); %{ This code makes use of the functionality of dif1D and dif2D for creating the matrices of Finite Difference. Please note that the finite differences scheme used is $O(h^2)$. %} % differentiation [d.x,d.xx,d.wx]=dif1D('fd',0,Lx,Nx(n),5); [d.y,d.yy,d.wy]=dif1D('fd',0,Ly,Ny(n),5); D_FD=dif2D(d); %{ In this part we create the 1D chebichev and then 2D chebichev differentiation matrices. It is very important to note that using chebichev differentiation matrices involves changing the grid discretization. This has been taken into consideration, and the updated values of $x$ and $y$ corresponds to the new chebichev's discretization. %} %1D differentiation matrices Cheb scale=-2/Lx; [x,DM] = chebdif(Nx(n),2); dx=DM(:,:,1)*scale; dxx=DM(:,:,2)*scale^2; x=(x-1)/scale; scale=-2/Ly; [y,DM] = chebdif(Ny(n),2); dy=DM(:,:,1)*scale; dyy=DM(:,:,2)*scale^2; y=(y-1)/scale; % 2D differentiation matrices Cheb Dx=kron(dx,eye(Ny(n))); Dxx=kron(dxx,eye(Ny(n))); Dy=kron(eye(Nx(n)),dy); Dyy=kron(eye(Nx(n)),dyy); [X,Y]=meshgrid(x,y); %{ We impose the same boundary conditions for both finite difference and chebichev methods. We create two main matrices for solving the problem, one corresponding to the finite difference and the other for chebichev. %} % locations at the boundary dom=reshape(1:Nx(n)*Ny(n),Ny(n),Nx(n)); top=dom(1,1:end); top=top(:); bot=dom(end,1:end); bot=bot(:); left=dom(2:end-1,1); left=left(:); right=dom(2:end-1,end); right=right(:); % System matrix A=Dxx+Dyy; % Chebichev method A_FD=D_FD.xx+D_FD.yy; % Finite Difference method % Forcing k=2; l=1; b=-pi^2*(k^2+l^2)*sin(pi*k*X).*sin(pi*l*Y); b=b(:); b_FD=-pi^2*(k^2+l^2)*sin(pi*k*X_FD).*sin(pi*l*Y_FD); b_FD=b_FD(:); % boundary conditions II=eye(Nx(n)*Ny(n)); ZZ=zeros(Nx(n)*Ny(n),Nx(n)*Ny(n)); loc=[top; bot; left; right]; A(loc,:)=II(loc,:); A_FD(loc,:)=II(loc,:); b(loc)=0; b_FD(loc)=0; %{ Then we solve the linear systems, we calculate the norm of the residuals and store them for plotting. %} % solving the linear system f=A\b; f_FD=A_FD\b_FD; solexact=sin(pi*k*X).*sin(pi*l*Y); solexact_FD=sin(pi*k*X_FD).*sin(pi*l*Y_FD); err(n) = norm(solexact(:) - f,2); err_FD(n) = norm(solexact_FD(:) - f_FD,2); end %{ For checking purposes, we plot the last case of our main loop. Therefore we can see the huge difference in error, but also the zones where the biggest error occurs. %} % plotting the result subplot(2,2,1); mesh(X,Y,reshape(f,Ny(n),Nx(n))); xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); zlabel('f') title(sprintf('Poisson problem\nChebichev; Ntot = %d',Nx(n)*Ny(n))); subplot(2,2,2); mesh(X,Y,reshape(f,Ny(n),Nx(n))-solexact); xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); zlabel('f') title('error - Chebichev'); subplot(2,2,3); mesh(X_FD,Y_FD,reshape(f_FD,Ny(n),Nx(n))); xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); zlabel('f') title(sprintf('Poisson problem\nFinite Difference; Ntot = %d',Nx(n)*Ny(n))); subplot(2,2,4); mesh(X_FD,Y_FD,reshape(f_FD,Ny(n),Nx(n))-solexact_FD); xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); zlabel('f') title('error - Finite Difference'); namefig1 = 'Poisson_Conv_err'; set(gcf,'paperpositionmode','auto'); print('-dpng','-r100',namefig1); %{ ![Poisson 2D for 40 grid elements for X and 40 grid elements for Y](./Poisson_Conv_err.png) %} % Plots the convergence study if nNx > 1 ErrFig = figure('Name','Convergence Study'); plot(Nx.*Ny,err,'r.-'); hold on plot(Nx.*Ny,err_FD,'g.-'); hold off xlabel('Number of points'); ylabel('Norm of the error'); title('Convergence study'); set(gca,'YScale','log','XScale','log'); legend('Chebichev','Finite Difference O(h^2)','Location','East'); end namefig2 = 'Poisson_Conv_err_evol'; set(gcf,'paperpositionmode','auto'); print('-dpng','-r100',namefig2); %{ Additionnally, we represent the evolution of the error as a function of the number of gridpoints. We can see that the chebichev method reaches a minimum, and then the error starts growing. Therefore we can conclude that the machine tolerance has been reached, and further refinement of the grid results in higher errors. % 2D differentiation matrices Finite Difference Dxx_FD=kron(dxx_FD,eye(Ny(n))); Dyy_FD=kron(eye(Nx(n)),dyy_FD); %} %{ ![Poisson 2D evolution of the error comparison](./Poisson_Conv_err_evol.png) %}