%{ # What we do In this program, we compare the second derivative computed by multiplication twice by the first derivative matrix or once by the second derivative matrix. We use the program [diffmat.m](../diffmat.m) for the differentiation matrix.Please check it if you want to see the presentation of the differentiation matrix %} clear all; clf % parameters L=2*pi; % domain length N=15; % number of points % the grid x=linspace(0,L,N)'; h=x(2)-x(1); % the grid size % first derivative D=zeros(N,N); D(1,1:3)=[-3/2, 2, -1/2]/h; for ind=2:N-1 D(ind,ind-1:ind+1)=[-1/2, 0, 1/2]/h; end D(end,end-2:end)=[1/2, -2, 3/2]/h; % second derivative DD=zeros(N,N); DD(1,1:3)=[1, -2, 1]/h^2; for ind=2:N-1 DD(ind,ind-1:ind+1)=[1, -2, 1]/h^2; end DD(end,end-2:end)=[1, -2, 1]/h^2; %{ Now that the differentiation matrices are built and stored in D and DD.In the program below we compute the second derivative of cos(x) for the comparaison. %} % test of the derivatives f=cos(x); %initial function fpp=-sin(x)'; %second derivative plot(x,DD*cos(x),'m.--',x,D*D*cos(x),'b',x,-cos(x),'g.-'); legend('DD*cos(x)','D*D*cos(x)','real') xlabel('x');ylabel('y'); title('Comparison of the differentiation matrices DD and D times D of a cosinus'); set(gcf,'paperpositionmode','auto'); print('-djpeg','compare.jpg'); % save the figure %{ # test of the computation And here is the figure that is produced by the code: ![Comparison of the differentiation matrices DD and D times D of a cosinus](/sandbox/easystab/stab2014/compare1.png) %}