Define LEVEL 6 1 1 GfsSimulation GfsBox GfsGEdge {} { Time { end = 10. } Refine LEVEL # The VOF for the interface VariableTracerVOF {} T # box size and density PhysicalParams {L=boxsize alpha = 1./(T*rho2 + (1. - T)*rho1)} # grid refinement AdaptVorticity { istep = 1 } { minlevel = 4 maxlevel = LEVEL cmax = 2e-2 } AdaptGradient { istep = 1 } { maxlevel = LEVEL cmax = 1e-2 } T # The viscosity SourceViscosity {} 1./1000. # We also need gravity Source {} V -1. # surface tension VariableCurvature {istep=1} K T SourceTension {istep=1} T sigma K # The initial condition Init {start=0} {U=u.cgd V=v.cgd} InitFraction {} T rayleigh_taylor_shape.gts # save interface displacement VariablePosition Y T y OutputScalarNorm { istep = 10 } { awk '{print $3, $9; fflush(stdout); }' > intevo } { v = (T > 0. && T < 1. ? -Y : 0.) } # visual outputs OutputTime { istep = 10 } stderr OutputSimulation { step = 1. } stdout } GfsBox { bottom=Boundary {BcDirichlet U 0.} top=Boundary {BcDirichlet U 0.} } 1 1 right