%{ # Solving a linear differential equation : comparison between finite-differences and chebychev discretizations. The code solves the differential equation with boundary conditions: $$ \frac{d^2 F}{d x^2} = 1 ; \quad F(0) = 0 ; \quad \left.\frac{dF}{dx}\right|_L = 1. $$ Whose theoretical solution is : $F(x) = x^2/2 + (1-L) x$. This code is an improvement of the previous code [differential_equation_chebychev.m](http://basilisk.fr/sandbox/easystab/differential_equation_chebychev.m), but uses dif1D.m to build the matrices. In addition it also demonstrate the way to compute an integral of a function using the "weight" vector. %} clear all; clf % parameters L=2*pi; % domain length N=25; % number of points %{ ## Solution with finite elements %} %% building the differentiation matrices with dif1D: [dxfd,dxxfd,wxfd,xfd]=dif1D('fds',0,L,N); Z=zeros(N,N); I=eye(N); %% I build the linear differential equation Afd=dxxfd; %% boundary conditions Afd([1,N],:)=[I(1,:); dxfd(N,:)]; b=1*ones(N,1); b([1,N])=[0,1]; %% solve the system f=Afd\b; %% plotting the results and comparing with theory subplot(1,2,1) plot(xfd,f,'g-+',xfd,xfd.^2/2+(1-L)*xfd,'r-'); xlabel('x');ylabel('f'); legend('numerical','theory') xlim([0,L]); grid on title('Finite Differences'); %{ ## Solution with Chebychev %} %% building the differentiation matrices with dif1D: [dxcheb,dxxcheb,wxcheb,xcheb]=dif1D('cheb',0,L,N); Acheb=dxxcheb; %% boundary conditions are treated exactly in the same way Acheb([1,N],:)=[I(1,:); dxcheb(N,:)]; b=1*ones(N,1); b([1,N])=[0,1]; %% solving the problem g=Acheb\b; %% plotting the Chebychev differentiation way subplot(1,2,2) plot(xcheb,g,'b-+',xcheb,xcheb.^2/2+(1-L)*xcheb,'r-'); xlabel('x');ylabel('f'); legend('numerical','theory') xlim([0,L]); grid on title('Chebychev'); set(gcf,'paperpositionmode','auto') print('-dsvg','fd_vs_cheb.svg'); % save the figure %{ # Solving a linear differential equation : comparison between finite-differences and chebychev discretizations. The code solves the differential equation with boundary conditions: $$ \frac{d^2 F}{d x^2} = 1 ; \quad F(0) = 0 ; \quad \left.\frac{dF}{dx}\right|_L = 1. $$ Whose theoretical solution is : $F(x) = x^2/2 + (1-L) x$. This code is an improvement of the previous code [differential_equation_chebychev.m](http://basilisk.fr/sandbox/easystab/differential_equation_chebychev.m), but uses dif1D.m to build the matrices. In addition it also demonstrate the way to compute an integral of a function using the "weight" vector. %} clear all; clf % parameters L=2*pi; % domain length N=25; % number of points %{ ## Solution with finite elements %} %% building the differentiation matrices with dif1D: [dxfd,dxxfd,wxfd,xfd]=dif1D('fds',0,L,N); Z=zeros(N,N); I=eye(N); %% I build the linear differential equation Afd=dxxfd; %% boundary conditions Afd([1,N],:)=[I(1,:); dxfd(N,:)]; b=1*ones(N,1); b([1,N])=[0,1]; %% solve the system f=Afd\b; %% plotting the results and comparing with theory subplot(1,2,1) plot(xfd,f,'g-+',xfd,xfd.^2/2+(1-L)*xfd,'r-'); xlabel('x');ylabel('f'); legend('numerical','theory') xlim([0,L]); grid on title('Finite Differences'); %{ ## Solution with Chebychev %} %% building the differentiation matrices with dif1D: [dxcheb,dxxcheb,wxcheb,xcheb]=dif1D('cheb',0,L,N); Acheb=dxxcheb; %% boundary conditions are treated exactly in the same way Acheb([1,N],:)=[I(1,:); dxcheb(N,:)]; b=1*ones(N,1); b([1,N])=[0,1]; %% solving the problem g=Acheb\b; %% plotting the Chebychev differentiation way subplot(1,2,2) plot(xcheb,g,'b-+',xcheb,xcheb.^2/2+(1-L)*xcheb,'r-'); xlabel('x');ylabel('f'); legend('numerical','theory') xlim([0,L]); grid on title('Chebychev'); set(gcf,'paperpositionmode','auto') print('-dsvg','fd_vs_cheb.svg'); % save the figure %{ ![**Figure :** The results. Note that the Chebyshev disctetization results in a clustering of the point along the boundaries of the interval. ](differential_equation_fd_cheb/fd_vs_cheb.svg) %} %% plotting the Error figure; plot(xfd,abs(f-(xfd.^2/2+(1-L)*xfd)),'g+',xcheb,abs(g-(xcheb.^2/2+(1-L)*xcheb)),'r+'); set(gcf,'paperpositionmode','auto') print('-dsvg','Error.svg'); % save the figure %{ ![**Figure :** Error obtained with the two methods ](differential_equation_fd_cheb/Error.svg) %} %{ ## Computing an integral We want to compute the integral $I = \int_0^L f(x) dx$ where $f(x)$ is the solution of the previous problem. Theoretical solution is $I = L^3/6+(1-L)*L^2/2$ %} disp(' Computing the integral :') Itheo = L^3/6+(1-L)*L^2/2 Ifd = wxfd*f Icheb = wxcheb*g