clear all; clf; format compact; warning('off') %{ # Cartesian ,UNStationnary, Uncompressible, Navier-Stokes with Jacobian resolution Coded by [stab2014/Luis.m]() and [stab2014/PaulValcke.m](), on the initial [NavierStokesStationnary]() code. The structure of the code is the same as StationnaryNS. We changed the expression of the function, the Jacobi and added an Euler March in Time (first order). If you want to understand the structure of the code, take a look at StationnaryNS, then take a look at the comment of the function and the jacobi # Comments We have no test for the moment, if you have any or experiment to compare, please contribute You can use this program into find stationnary solutions, it will slowly goes to the solution (if it exist). If you have a very complicate flow to calculate, it might be a good way. As the fluid is uncompressible, if it is laminar (then a stationnary solution exist), a Poiseuille flow will be instantly created in right conditions. A facingStep is a better test. %} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%PARAMETERS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %PHYSICAL PARAMETERS Re=2000; % reynolds number %GEOMETRIC PARAMETERS Lx = 2; Ly = 0.6; DiamInlet = 0.025; % Diameter of inlet tmax = 100; %WE ADD A MAXIMUM TIME %NUMERICAL PARAMETERS= Nx=200; % number of grid nodes in x Ny=100; %number of grid nodes in y dt = 0.1; %STEP BETWEEN TWO TIMES maxIter = 200; % Maximum number of iteration for Newton method. resSTOP = 1e-5; % Precision required to stop convergence %FIXED PARAMETERS OR INTERMEDIATE FORMULAS pts=5; % number of points in finite difference stencils alpha=1; % No Under-relaxation Uinlet = Re*1.79e-5/(1.225*DiamInlet); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%DIFFERENTIATION MATRIXES%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % DIFFERENTIATION [d.x,d.xx,d.wx,x]=dif1D('fd',0,Lx,Nx,pts); [d.y,d.yy,d.wy,y]=dif1D('fd',0,Ly,Ny,pts); [D,l,X,Y,Z,I,NN]=dif2D(d,x,y); % PLAN TRANSFORMATION %You can transform X and Y as done in geometry D=map2D(X,Y,D); D.lap=D.xx+D.yy; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%BOUNDARIES GESTION%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%% POSITIONS OF EVERY VECTORS u=(1:NN)'; v=u+NN; p=v+NN; II=speye(3*NN); %%%% EXAMPLE OF DIRICHLET ENTRY : POISEUILLE FLOW ON ONE PART OF ONE BOUNDARY OF THE DOMAIN %Here this over the height DiamInlet y_inlet_ind = find(Y(l.left)<=(Ly+DiamInlet)/2 &... Y(l.left)>=(Ly-DiamInlet)/2); y_inlet = Y(y_inlet_ind); % BOUNDARY POSITIONS dir=[l.ctl;l.ctr;l.cbl;l.cbr;l.left;;;]; % where to put Dirichlet on u and v dirInlet = y_inlet_ind; % Loc will be used to apply boundary condition to the function loc=[u(dir); v(dir); u(l.right); ... v(l.right)]; %MATRIX OF CONSTRAINTS C=[II([u(dir);v(dir)],:); % ... % Dirichlet on u,v D.x(l.right,:), Z(l.right,:), Z(l.right,:); ... % Neuman on u at outflow Z(l.right,:), D.x(l.right,:),Z(l.right,:)]; % ... % Neumann on v at outflow %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%INITIAL GUESS%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% U = 0*ones(NN,1); U(dirInlet) = 1.5.*Uinlet.*(1-((2.*(y_inlet-min(y_inlet)))./DiamInlet - 1).^2); %Initial condition on V V=zeros(NN,1); V(y_inlet_ind) = 0; %Initial condition on P P=ones(NN,1); %Initial Solution sol0=[U(:);V(:);P(:)]; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%RESOLUTION ALGORITHM%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % NEWTON ALGORITHM sol=sol0; solM=sol; solNm1 = sol0; % WE TAKE THE SOLUTION OF PREVIOUS EQUATION quit=0; count=0; for t = 0:dt:tmax fprintf('t=%g\n',t); while ~quit %%%% RELAXATION METHOD % PREVIOUS TERMS OF THE RESOLUTION UM = solNm1(u); VM = solNm1(v); PM = solNm1(p); % ACTUAL TERMES U=alpha.*sol(u) + (1-alpha).*solM(u); V=alpha.*sol(v) + (1-alpha).*solM(v); P=alpha.*sol(p) + (1-alpha).*solM(p); % DEFINITION OF THE DERIVATES Ux=D.x*U; Uy=D.y*U; Vx=D.x*V; Vy=D.y*V; Px=D.x*P; Py=D.y*P; %DEFINITION OF THE FUNCTIONS YOU WANT TO RESOLVE % Here we solve Navier stokes in 2D, (conservation of the impulsion on X,Y, % and conservation of mass). You just replace spatial operator with their % equivalent in matrixes, the temporal derivative is replaced by (U-UM)/dt. % Instead of a division by dt, because we integrate the equation, we % multiply everything by dt. f=[UM-U-(U.*Ux+V.*Uy+Px-(D.lap*U)/Re).*dt; ... VM-V-(U.*Vx+V.*Vy+Py-(D.lap*V)/Re).*dt; ... D.x*U+D.y*V]; %JACOBIAN OF THE EQUATIONS % We take the previous Jacobi, we just multiply it with dt (like f). We add % an Idendity because of the $\frac{d(U-Um)}{dU} (resp, $\frac{d(V-Vm)}{dV}) A=[-spd(ones(NN,1))+dt.*(-(spd(Ux)+spd(U)*D.x + spd(V)*D.y )+(D.lap)/Re), -spd(Uy).*dt, (-D.x).*dt; ... -spd(Vx).*dt, -spd(ones(NN,1))+dt.*(-(spd(Vy) + spd(V)*D.y + spd(U)*D.x )+(D.lap)/Re), (-D.y).*dt; ... D.x, D.y, Z]; %BOUNDARY CONDITIONS f(loc)=C*(sol-sol0); A(loc,:)=C; %CONVERGENCE TEST res=norm(f); disp([num2str(count) ' ' num2str(res)]); if (count>maxIter) || (res>1e5); disp('no convergence');break; end if res