
    Flow past a sphere with DLMFD

    Flow past a sphere with DLMFD

    # define LEVEL 6
    # include "grid/octree.h"
    # define DLM_Moving_particle 0
    # define adaptive 1
    # define NPARTICLES 1
    # if adaptive
    # define MAXLEVEL (LEVEL + 1)
    # endif

    Physical parameters

    # define diam (1.) 
    # define Um 1
    # define rhoval 1
    # define Re 50
    # define fs_density_ratio  2. // fluid solid density ratio
    # define Ld_ratio 8. // box size-particle diameter ratio
    # define Ldomain (Ld_ratio*diam)
    # define rhosolid (fs_density_ratio*rhoval) //particle density
    # define tval (Um*rhoval*diam)/Re

    Output and numerical parameters

    # define Tc (diam/Um) // caracteristic time scale
    # define mydt (Tc/100) // maximum time-step (the time step is also adaptive in time but it won't exceed this value)
    # define maxtime (2.)
    # define tsave (Tc/200.)

    We include the ficitious-domain implementation

    # include "DLMFD_reverse_Uzawa.h"
    # include "view.h"
    # include "lambda2.h"
    double deltau;
    scalar un[];
    int main() {		
      L0 = Ldomain;
      // set time step
      DT = mydt;
      /* initialize grid */
      init_grid(1 << LEVEL);
      /* left boundary */
      u.n[left] = dirichlet(Um); 
      u.r[left] = dirichlet(0.); 
      u.t[left] = dirichlet(0.); 
      /* right boundary */
      u.n[right] = neumann(0.);   
      u.r[right] = dirichlet(0.);
      u.t[right] = dirichlet(0.);
      /* top boundary */
      u.n[top] = dirichlet(0.);
      u.r[top] = dirichlet(Um);  
      u.t[top] = dirichlet(0.);  
      /* bottom boundary */
      u.n[bottom] = dirichlet(0.); 
      u.r[bottom] = dirichlet(Um);  
      u.t[bottom] = dirichlet(0.);
      /* front boundary */
      u.n[front] = dirichlet(0.);  
      u.r[front] = dirichlet(0.);   
      u.t[front] = dirichlet(Um);   
      /* back boundary */
      u.n[back] = dirichlet(0.);  
      u.r[back] = dirichlet(0.);  
      u.t[back] = dirichlet(Um);   
      p[left]    = neumann(0.);
      p[right]   = dirichlet(0.);
      /* Convergence criteria */
       TOLERANCE = 1e-3; 
    event init (i = 0) {
      /* set origin */
      origin (0, 0, 0);
      /* set dynamic viscosity */
      const face vector muc[] = {tval,tval,tval};
      mu = muc;
      /* set density of the flow */ 
      const scalar rhoc[] = rhoval;
      rho = rhoc;
      /* We set the initially horizontal velocity to unity everywhere.  */
        u.x[] = Um;
        un[] = u.x[];
      /* initial condition: particles position */
      particle * p = particles;
      init_file_pointers (pdata, fdata, 0);
      for (int k = 0; k < NPARTICLES; k++) {
        GeomParameter gp = {0}; = L0/4; = L0/2; = L0/2;
        gp.radius = diam/2;
        p[k].g = gp;
        /* particle id */
        p[k].pnum = k;
        /* density rho_s of the particle */
        p[k].rho_s = rhosolid;
        /* Volume or surface of the particle (circle of sphere) */
        p[k].Vp = 4*pi*pow(gp.radius,3)/3;
        /* total weight of the particle */
        p[k].M = rhosolid*(p[k].Vp);
    #if DLM_Moving_particle
        /* The inertia tensor is: */
        /* When in doupt check */
        /* Ip[0] = Ixx */
        /* Ip[1] = Iyy */
        /* Ip[2] = Izz */
        /* Ip[3] = Ixy */
        /* Ip[4] = Ixz */
        /* Ip[5] = Iyz */
        /* For a solid disk: */
        p[k].Ip[0] = 2*(p[k].M)*sq(gp.radius)/5;
        p[k].Ip[1] = p[k].Ip[0];
        p[k].Ip[2] = p[k].Ip[0]; 
        p[k].Ip[3] = 0.;
        p[k].Ip[4] = 0.;
        p[k].Ip[5] = 0.;
        /* initial condition: particle's velocity */
        coord c;
          c.x = 0;
        p[k].U = c;
    #if ROTATION
        p[k].w = c;
       p[k].wished_ratio = 0.1;
       p[k].en = 1;
       p[k].vzero = 1;
       compute_wo (p);

    We log the number of iterations of the multigrid solver for pressure and viscosity.

    event logfile (i++) {
      deltau = change (u.x, un);
      fprintf (stderr, "%d %g %d %d %g \n", i, t, mgp.i, mgu.i, deltau);
    #if DLM_alpha_coupling
    event viscous_term (i++) {
      foreach() {
          u.x[] += dt*DLM_lambda.x[]/(rho[]*dv());
    event adapt (i++) {
      particle * pp = particles;
      int totalcell = totalcells ();
      if (pid() == 0) {
        printf ("total cells = %d\n", totalcell);
        printf ("starting dlmfd subproblem \n");
      DLMFD_subproblem (pp, i, rhoval);
      /* Save forces acting on particles before the adapting the mesh */
      sumLambda (pp, fdata, t, dt, flagfield, DLM_lambda, index_lambda, rhoval);
      /* Free particle structures (we dont need them anymore) */
      free_particles (pp, NPARTICLES);
      /* Save particles trajectories */
      particle_data (pp, t, i, pdata);
    #if adaptive
    #if DLM_Moving_particle  
      astats s = adapt_wavelet ((scalar *){flagfield_mailleur, u}, (double[]){1e-4, 0.01,0.01,0.01}, maxlevel = MAXLEVEL);
      fprintf (ferr, "# refined %d cells, coarsened %d cells\n",,;
    #elif DLM_Moving_particle == 0
      astats s = adapt_wavelet ((scalar *){flagfield, u}, (double[]){1e-4,1e-2,1e-2,1e-2}, maxlevel = MAXLEVEL);
      fprintf (ferr, "# refined %d cells, coarsened %d cells\n",,;
    event output_data (t+=maxtime/50; t < maxtime) {
      /* char name[80] = "flowsphere"; */
      /* scalar * list = {p, flagfield}; */
      /* vector * vlist = {u, index_lambda}; */
      /* save_data (list, vlist, i, t, name); */
      view (fov = 39.6758, quat = {-0.200394,0.310041,0.0701111,0.926715}, tx = -0.0703854, ty = -0.0351928, bg = {0.3,0.4,0.6}, width = 600, height = 600, samples = 1);
      stats statsvelox;
      statsvelox = statsf (u.x);
      clear ();
      box ();
      cells (n = {0,0,1}, alpha = L0/2);
      squares ("u.x", n = {0,0,1}, alpha = L0/2, map = cool_warm, min = statsvelox.min, max = statsvelox.max);
      squares ("u.x", n = {0,1,0}, alpha = L0/2, map = cool_warm, min = statsvelox.min, max = statsvelox.max);
      cells (n = {0,1,0}, alpha = L0/2);
      scalar l2[];
      lambda2 (u, l2);
      isosurface ("l2", -0.0002);
      save ("movie.mp4");
    event lastdump (t = maxtime) {
      dump (file = "dump");


    Lambda_2 criterion and streamwise velocity u.x