
    Spurious velocity at the intersections between non-periodic faces in a rotational stokes flow

    We compute here a rotational flow with \omega = [0,0,1]. The code generates a spurious u.z velocity at the intersections between the non-periodic faces when the grid is not initialiazed at the maximum level of refinement. The amplitude of the spurious u.z velocity is independent of the minimum and maximum refinement levels and is equal to |8|. This spurious velocity triggers mesh adaptation, unnecessarily increasing the cell load and therefore the computational time. This result can be reproduced for other rotation directions (x and y).

    We will solve the Navier-Stoles equations on an adaptive grid.

    #include "grid/octree.h"
    #include "navier-stokes/centered.h"
    #include "view.h"
    int lmin = 3; // Min mesh refinement level
    int lmax = 7; // Max mesh refinement level
    double cmax = 1e-2; // Refinement criteria for the velocity field
    int l, lm, lp;
    double uzavg, uzmin, uzmax;
    int main ()

    The domain is 128\times 128 \times 128.

      L0 = 128.;
      size (L0);
      origin (-L0/2., -L0/2., -L0/2.);

    We set front periodic boundary conditions.

      periodic (front);
      DT = 1e-1; // The characteristic time is *D^2/nu = 1*.

    We tune the Poisson solver. Note that the TOLERANCE of the multigrid solver is divided by \Delta t^2.

      stokes = true;
      TOLERANCE = 1e-4*sq (DT);

    We initialize the grid at different refinement levels.

      FILE * fp = fopen ("results.dat", "w");
      for (lm = lmin; lm < 5; lm++) {
        for (lp = 5; lp <= lmax; lp++) {
          for (l = lm; l <= lp; l++) {
    	N = 1 << l;
    	init_grid (N);
    	fprintf (fp, "%d %d %g %g %g %g\n",
    		 lm, lp, ((double) (l - lm)/(lp - lm)), uzavg, uzmin, uzmax);
    	fflush (fp);
      fclose (fp);

    Boundary conditions

    We apply rotational flow boundary conditions \omega \times x.

    u.n[left] = dirichlet (-y);
    u.t[left] = dirichlet (x);
    u.r[left] = dirichlet (0);
    /* uf.n[left] = dirichlet (-y); */
    /* uf.t[left] = dirichlet (x); */
    /* uf.r[left] = dirichlet (0); */
    p[left] = neumann (0);
    /* pf[left] = neumann (0); */
    u.n[right] = dirichlet (-y);
    u.t[right] = dirichlet (x);
    u.r[right] = dirichlet (0);
    /* uf.n[right] = dirichlet (-y); */
    /* uf.t[right] = dirichlet (x); */
    /* uf.r[right] = dirichlet (0); */
    p[right] = neumann (0);
    /* pf[right] = neumann (0); */
    u.n[bottom] = dirichlet (x);
    u.t[bottom] = dirichlet (0);
    u.r[bottom] = dirichlet (-y);
    /* uf.n[bottom] = dirichlet (x); */
    /* uf.t[bottom] = dirichlet (0); */
    /* uf.r[bottom] = dirichlet (-y); */
    p[bottom] = neumann (0);
    /* pf[bottom] = neumann (0); */
    u.n[top] = dirichlet (x);
    u.t[top] = dirichlet (0);
    u.r[top] = dirichlet (-y);
    /* uf.n[top] = dirichlet (x); */
    /* uf.t[top] = dirichlet (0); */
    /* uf.r[top] = dirichlet (-y); */
    p[top] = neumann (0);
    /* pf[top] = neumann (0); */

    Initial conditions

    event init (t = 0)
      foreach() {
        u.x[] = -y;
        u.y[] = x;
        u.z[] = 0.;
      boundary ((scalar *) {u});


    event movie (i++)
      if (lm == 3 && lp == 7 && l == 3) {
        clear ();
        view (fov = 30,
      	  tx = 0., ty = 0., bg = {1,1,1},
      	  width = 400, height = 400,
      	  camera = "iso");
        cells (n = {1,0,0}, alpha = -64);
        cells (n = {0,1,0}, alpha = -64);
        cells (n = {0,0,1}, alpha = -64);
        squares ("u.z", n = {1,0,0}, alpha = -64);
        squares ("u.z", n = {0,1,0}, alpha = -64);
        squares ("u.z", n = {0,0,1}, alpha = -64);
        save ("mesh-coarse.mp4", opt = " -r 1");
      if (lm == 3 && lp == 7 && l == 7) {
        clear ();
        view (fov = 30,
      	  tx = 0., ty = 0., bg = {1,1,1},
      	  width = 400, height = 400,
      	  camera = "iso");
        cells (n = {1,0,0}, alpha = -64);
        cells (n = {0,1,0}, alpha = -64);
        cells (n = {0,0,1}, alpha = -64);
        squares ("u.z", n = {1,0,0}, alpha = -64);
        squares ("u.z", n = {0,1,0}, alpha = -64);
        squares ("u.z", n = {0,0,1}, alpha = -64);
        save ("mesh-fine.mp4", opt = " -r 1");

    Adaptive mesh refinement

    event adapt (i++)
      adapt_wavelet ({u.x,u.y,u.z}, (double[]){cmax,cmax,1e-1}, maxlevel = (lp), minlevel = (lm));
    event stop (t = 0.7) {
      uzavg = normf(u.z).avg;
      uzmin = statsf(u.z).min;
      uzmax = statsf(u.z).max;
      return 1;


    We observe that when the mesh is initialized at the maximum level of refinement, there is no spurious u.z velocity.

    Time evolution of the initial coarse mesh

    Time evolution of the initial fine mesh

    set xlabel '(l-lm)/(lp-lm)'
    set ylabel 'u_z'
    plot 'results.dat' u 3:4 w p ps 1.5 lc rgb 'blue' t 'avg', 'results.dat' u 3:5 w p ps 1.5 lc rgb 'red' t 'min', 'results.dat' u 3:6 w p ps 1.5 lc rgb 'green' t 'max'
    Average, min and max values of u.z at the final time step as a function of the initial grid refinement level l (script)

    Average, min and max values of u.z at the final time step as a function of the initial grid refinement level l (script)
