/** # Cavity created by blowing on a free surface ![Animation of free surface, vertical velocity (left), horizontal velocity (right).](blow/movie.mp4)(width=604,height=333) ~~~gnuplot Minimum height as a function of time plot 'log' u 1:4 w l t '' ~~~ */ #include "axi.h" #include "navier-stokes/centered.h" #include "two-phase.h" #include "navier-stokes/conserving.h" #include "reduced.h" #include "curvature.h" // for position() #include "view.h" #include "navier-stokes/perfs.h" u.n[top] = neumann(0); p[top] = dirichlet(0); u.n[right] = dirichlet (- 40.*(y < 0.1)); #define MAXLEVEL 7 int main() { size (5.); origin (-L0/2.); rho2 = 0.001; mu1 = 0.01; mu2 = rho2*mu1/rho1; G.x = -1; N = 1 << MAXLEVEL; run(); } event init (i = 0) { foreach() f[] = x < 0; boundary ({f}); } event logfile (i++) { double ke = 0., pe = 0.; foreach(reduction(+:ke) reduction(+:pe)) { double r = rho(f[]); ke += r*sq(norm(u))/2.*dv(); pe += r*G.x*x*dv(); } scalar X[]; position (f, X, (coord){1.,0.}); fprintf (stderr, "%g %g %g %g\n", t, ke, pe, statsf(X).min); } event outputs (i += 100) { dump(); } event movie (t += 0.03; t <= 5.) { view (fov = 21.0715, quat = {0,0,-0.707,0.707}, tx = -0.000575189, ty = 0.0132879, bg = {1,1,1}, width = 1208, height = 666, samples = 4); box (notics = true); draw_vof ("f", filled = 0, fc = {1,1,1}); squares ("u.x", linear = true); mirror (n = {0,1}) { draw_vof ("f", filled = -1, fc = {1,1,1}); squares ("u.y", linear = true); box (notics = true); } save ("movie.mp4"); } #if TREE event adapt (i++) { adapt_wavelet ({f,u}, (double[]){0.01,1e-2,1e-2}, MAXLEVEL); } #endif