/** # .cgd read test file. This works in serial currently but not in parallel parallel compiling that doesn't work: qcc -g -O2 -fopenmp -Wall cgd_read_parallel_test.c -o cgd_read_parallel_test.exe -lm serial compiling that does qcc -g -O2 -Wall cgd_read_parallel_test.c -o cgd_read_parallel_test.exe -lm */ #include "saint-venant.h" #include "cgd_read.h" #include "input.h" /** We then define a few useful macros and constants. */ #define MAXLEVEL 8 #define MINLEVEL 4 #define ETAE 1e-2 // error on free surface elevation (1 cm) int main() { size (1.); origin (0.,0.); #if QUADTREE // 32^2 grid points to start with init_grid (1 << MINLEVEL); #else // Cartesian // 1024^2 grid points init_grid (1 << MAXLEVEL); #endif run(); } int adapt() { #if QUADTREE astats s = adapt_wavelet ({eta}, (double[]){ETAE}, MAXLEVEL, MINLEVEL); fprintf (stderr, "# refined %d cells, coarsened %d cells\n", s.nf, s.nc); return s.nf; #else // Cartesian return 0; #endif } event init (i = 0) { foreach(){ zb[]=-1.; h[] = max(0., - zb[]);} boundary ({h,zb}); /* Open the file. */ char *fname = "/data/basilisk_test/test.cgd"; FILE *fidin=fopen(fname,"r"); fprintf(stderr,"deformation\n"); deformation_cgd_read (x=0., y=0., fid = fidin, iterate = adapt ); fclose ( fidin ); } event logfile (i=0) { stats s = statsf (h); norm n = normf (u.x); if (i == 0) fprintf (stderr, "t i h.min h.max h.sum u.x.rms u.x.max dt\n"); fprintf (stderr, "%g %d %g %g %g %g %g %g\n", t, i, s.min, s.max, s.sum, n.rms, n.max, dt); } /** ## Adaptivity And finally we apply our *adapt()* function at every timestep. */ event do_adapt (i++) adapt();