/** ![At a cloud interface evaporation occurs due to mixing of moisture and temperature. Image via [`wideopen spaces`](https://cdn0.wideopenspaces.com/).](https://cdn0.wideopenspaces.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/bigstock-Cumulonimbus-71055340.jpg) # Subsiding Shells at the edge of a cumulus-cloud's updraft It is well known that mixing at a cumulus cloud's interface can cause a so-called subsiding shell. Nair et al. (2019) propose a scenario to study these physics in an idealized setting. We follow their setup for the flow configuration.

Volumetric rendering of the cloud (liquid water field) (via surfdrive)

*/ #include "navier-stokes/centered.h" #include "tracer.h" #include "diffusion.h" #include "fractions.h" //For the heavyside function; /** A sequence of `DEFINE`s is used to compute the cloud-liquid water content as a function of pressure and temperature. Note that there is no field dedicated to store the liquid water specific humidity, its prognostic. */ double Rv = 461.5; //in J/kg/K double Rd = 287.; //in J/kg/K double L = 2500000.; //in J/kg double cpd = 1004.; //in J/Kg/Kq #define P00 100000. //A constant reference pressure double P0 = 101780., Pe = 7500; //Surface pressure and 1/e length scale #ifndef RHO0 #define RHO0 1.3 //Base density in kg/m^3 #endif #define pres (P0*(exp(-1500./Pe))) #define EXNER (pow(pres/P00, Rd/cpd)) #define TK1 (thl[]*EXNER) #define ES (610.78*exp(17.27*(TK1 - 273.16)/(TK1 - 35.86))) #define QSL (Rd/Rv*(ES/(pres - (1. - Rd/Rv)*ES))) #define QSAT (QSL*((1. + ((sq(L)/(Rv*cpd*sq(TK1)))*qt[]))/(1 + ((sq(L)/(Rv*cpd*sq(TK1)))*QSL)))) #define QC (max(qt[] - QSAT, 0)) /** The virtual potential temperature in a cell ($\theta_v$,`THV`) can be computed from $\theta_l$, $q_c$ and $q_t$. */ #define THETA (thl[] + L*QC/(cpd*EXNER)) #define THV (THETA*(1. - (1. - Rv/Rd)*(qt[] - qt0) - Rv/Rd*QC)) /** The virtual potential temperature is related to the buoyancy, */ double g_acc = 9.81; #define B_CENTERED (g_acc*((THV - T_ref)/T_ref)) /** ## The scenario The case is defined by in-cloud and environment variables: */ double T_ref = 294., qt0 = 0.004; double qtc = 0.009, thvc = 289; double Lc = 2, wc = 1; scalar qt[], thl[], * tracers = {qt, thl}; scalar H[]; //Heavyside function face vector av[]; double tau; int main() { H.prolongation = H.refine = fraction_refine; //Heavyside fraction periodic (bottom); L0 = 30; a = av; tau = Lc/wc; const face vector muc[] = {1./1000., 1./1000., 1./1000.}; mu = muc; N = 128; run(); } event init (t = 0) { fraction (H, Lc - x); //heavyside fraction foreach() { thl[] = thvc*H[] + T_ref*(1 - H[]); qt[] = qtc*H[] + qt0*(1 - H[]); u.y[] = wc*H[]; u.x[] = 0.001*noise(); } TOLERANCE = 1e-4; } /** The temperature and humidity are subject to diffusion and a in-cloud forcing. */ event tracer_diffusion(i++) { diffusion (thl, dt, mu); diffusion (qt, dt, mu); foreach() { thl[] += H[]*dt * (thvc - thl[])/tau; qt[] += H[]*dt * (qtc - qt[] )/tau; } } /** The effects of gravity are including via the prognostic buoyancy field. Further, the velocity in the cloud is subject to a forcing. */ event acceleration (i++) { scalar b[]; foreach() b[] = B_CENTERED; boundary ({b, H}); foreach_face(y) av.y[] = ((b[] + b[0,-1])/2. + (wc - (u.y[] + u.y[0,-1])/2.)/tau * (H[] + H[0,-1])/2.); } /** ## Grid Adaptation In order to focus the computational resources, we adaptively refine and coarsen the grid based on the discrete representation of the temperature, humidity and velocity-component fields. */ #if (dimension == 2) event adapt (i++) { adapt_wavelet ({thl, qt, u}, (double[]){6./10., 0.005/10., wc/10., wc/10., wc/10.}, 9); } #else event adapt (i++) { adapt_wavelet ({thl, qt, u}, (double[]){1., 0.01/10., wc/8., wc/8., wc/8.}, 8); } #endif /** ## Results We output a movie: ![Looks OK](subsiding-shell/sss.mp4) movie generation code: */ #if (dimension == 2) #include "view.h" void cloud (double cmap[NCMAP][3]) { for (int i = 0; i < NCMAP; i++) { cmap[i][0]= 0.2 + 0.8 * (double)i/(double)NCMAP; cmap[i][1]= 0.2 + 0.8 * (double)i/(double)NCMAP; cmap[i][2]= 0.9 + 0.1 * (double)i/(double)NCMAP; } } event movie (t += 0.5) { scalar b[], ql[]; foreach() { b[] = B_CENTERED; ql[] = QC; } boundary ({ql, b}); view (fov = 40, width = 900, height = 900); squares ("b", min = -0.05, max = 0.05, linear = true); begin_mirror ({-1,0}); cells(); end_mirror(); translate (y = -L0) { squares ("u.y", min = -wc, max = wc, linear = true); begin_mirror ({-1,0}); squares ("ql", map = cloud, min = 0, max = 0.002, linear = true); end_mirror(); } draw_string ("Buoyancy", 2); draw_string ("Grid Cells", 1); draw_string ("Vertical velocity", 3); draw_string ("Liquid water", 0); save ("sss.mp4"); } event stop (t = 120); #else //dimension == 3 ? use bwatch... #include "bwatch.h" event bwatcher (t += .25) { static FILE * fp = popen ("ppm2mp4 shell.mp4", "w"); scalar ql[]; foreach() ql[] = QC; boundary ({ql}); watch (fov = 1.2*L0, O = {50, 10, 60}, poi = {-1, 15, 15}, nx = 1024, ny = (24*40)); lattice (width = 0.04, alpha = 0.1); volume (ql, sc = 0.0025, shading = 1, cols = true, min = -0.1, max = 0.1, mval = 0.0001); store (fp); plain(); } event stop (t = 250); #endif /** ## Reference: Nair, V., T. Heus, and M. van Reeuwijk, *Dynamics of Subsiding Shells In Actively Growing Clouds With Vertical Updrafts.* J. Atmos. Sci., [https://doi.org/10.1175/JAS-D-19-0018.1](https://doi.org/10.1175/JAS-D-19-0018.1) */