/** Note: This page is best viewed with the Firefox web browser. # A Single-Column model for the Atmospheric Diurnal Cycle We time integrate a 1D evolution equation for the vertical profiles of the horizontal velocity components ($u,v$) and the buoyancy ($b$), using an adaptive bitree grid, a generic timeloop iterator and the reaction-diffusion solver. */ #include "grid/bitree.h" #include "run.h" #include "diffusion.h" /** For the turbulent mixing we use the following mixing functions ($f(Ri)$), for stable (`fris`) and unstable (`friu`) stratifications, */ //#define fris(Ri) (sq((1 - (Ri/0.20)))*(Ri < 0.20)) // Critical Ri #define fris(x) (exp(-10.*x)) // Exponential //#define fris(x) (1./(1. + (10*x*(1.+8.*x)))) // Long Tail #define friu(Ri) (sqrt(1. - (18.*Ri))) // Holtslag en Boville 1992 // Note: no surface f(Ri) /** The thermodynamic variable is forced at the surface with the surface buoyancy flux ($B$) according to a a simple energy balance: $$B = Q* + G,$$ where $Q*$ in a prescribed netto radiation and $G$ is a 'feed back flux' that is dynamically evaluated as: $$G = -\Lambda \left( b_{surf} - b_{ref} \right),$$ with $b_{ref}$ a constant reference temperature/buoyancy scale and $\Lambda$ a coupling strength. The buoyancy at the surface ($b_{surf}$) is evaluated using the lowest two cell values for $b$ ($b_1, b_2$) and a sub-grid-scale model that assumes a logaritmic profile for $b(z)$. $$b_{surf} = \frac{b_2 - b_1*c}{1-c},$$ with, $$c = \frac{\mathrm{ln}\left(\frac{4\Delta}{z_{0,h}}\right)}{\mathrm{ln}\left(\frac{\Delta}{z_{0,h}}\right)}$$ that is the result from an integration exercise, assuming that the grid-cell size ($\Delta$) is much larger than the roughness length for heat ($z_{0,h}$); $\Delta \gg z_{0,h}$. The surface buoyancy can be evaluated from the lowest to cells according to a lookup table that stores the values for $c(\Delta)$. Furthermore, we `#define` macros to compute $G$(`GFLX`) and $Q*$(`Qn`), such that we can readily evaluate $B$. */ #define BSURF ((b[1] - b[]*c[level])/(1. - c[level])) #define GFLX (-Lambda*(BSURF - bo)) /** Prescribing, $$Q*= \mathrm{max}\left[ B_1\mathrm{sin}\left(\frac{2 \pi t}{T} \right), B_1 \right]$$. */ #define Qn (max(B0*sin(2.*M_PI*t/T), B1)) /** We declare fields for $u, v$ and $b$ as `u`, `v` and `b`, respectively and also set the value for $L_c = 1030$m and $T = 24\times3600$s. */ scalar u[], v[], b[]; double Lc = 1030.; double T = 24.*3600.; /** global parameters are declared for $\Lambda, B_0, B_1, N, U_{geo}, z_{0,m}$ and $z_{0,h}$. */ double Lambda, B0, B1, f, Nv, Ugeo, zom, zoh; /** The numerical values of which will be computed from the values of the dimensionless groups: */ double Pi1 = -6; double Pi2 = 2160.; double Pi3 = 10.; double Pi4 = 5366.; double Pi5; // This one will be varied double Pi6 = 5150.; double Pi7 = 1.; /** We initialize/declare some usefull variables for the `deep soil` buoyancy, the Von Karmann constant, a lookup table to help determine $b_{surf}$ and the surface friction velocity ($u*$), the Mixed-layer depth ($\mathcal{L}_c$), the number of averaging iterations (for the inversion data), the maximum level of refinement, a structure for the multigrid-solver details, the maximum windspeed, the inversion, $U$ at $\approx40$m and a file pointer for the output of the inversion strengths. */ double bo = 0., k = 0.4; double c[20], lut[20], Lmix; int ni, maxlevel = 9; mgstats mgb; double Umax, inv, u40; FILE * fpi; /** We set boundary conditions where `left` and `right` are to be interpreted as the surface and the domain top, respectively. */ b[left] = dirichlet (BSURF); b[right] = dirichlet (bo + sq(Nv)*x); u[left] = dirichlet (0.); v[left] = dirichlet (0.); int main(){ /** The file is opened and the parameter values are calculated from the dimensionless groups. */ fpi = fopen ("Inversions", "w"); Nv = Pi2/T; //Initial stratification strength f = Pi3/T; //Coriolis parameter B0 = sq(Lc*Nv)*M_PI/(2.*T); //B_0 B1 = B0/Pi1; //B_1 Lambda = sqrt(B0*T)/Pi4; //Lambda zom = Lc / Pi6; //z_0,m zoh = zom * Pi7; //z_0,h L0 = 3.*Lc; //Domain size /** We vary the value of $\Pi_5$ from 1 to 8 in 57 runs and compute the value of $U_{geo}$ accordingly. */ for (Pi5 = 1.; Pi5 <= 8; Pi5 += 0.125){ Ugeo = Pi5*pow(B0*Lc, 1./3.); init_grid (128); run(); } } /** This event initializes the setup. */ event init (t = 0){ /** First, the inversion-strength data is reset. */ ni = 0; inv = Umax = u40 = 0.; /** For accurate time integration we *initially* set a small timestep (1 second) and only allow a small tolerance on the residual for the Poisson problem. The timestep will be adaptive, the `TOLERANCE` remains small. */ DT = T/(3600.*24.); TOLERANCE = 1E-4; /** Solution fields are initialized after the near-surface grid is refined to the maximum resolution. */ refine(x < (Lc/10.) && level < maxlevel); foreach(){ u[] = Ugeo; v[] = 0.; b[] = bo + sq(Nv)*x; } /** For the computations of $b_{surf}$(`c`) and the friction velocity $u*$ (`lut`), we create lookup tables for the various possible grid resolutions thay *may* be used at the surface. */ for (int j = 1; j <= maxlevel; j++){ double d = (L0/((double)(1 << j)))/zoh; double d2 = (L0/((double)(1 << j)))/zom; c[j] = (log(4.*d) - 1.)/(log(d) - 1.); lut[j] = sq(k/(log(d2) - 1.)); } } /** ## Time integration We time integrate the evolution equation of the atmospheric profiles: */ event diff (i++){ /** We allocate temporary fields to store the tendency terms and the diffusivity. */ scalar rx[],ry[],rb[]; face vector kh[]; double B = 0; double ws = 0; /** The momentum is forced with a height-and-time constant horizontal pressure gradient ($-\nabla P$) and is affected by back ground rotation according to the Coriolis Parameter ($f$). Introducing, $$\overrightarrow{U_{geo}} = \frac{\overrightarrow{k}}{\rho f}\times \nabla P$$, that is known as the geostrophic wind. */ foreach(){ rx[] = f*v[]; ry[] = f*(Ugeo - u[]); rb[] = 0.; /** In the bottom cell, we add the tendency due to the buoyancy flux. */ if (x < Delta){ B = (Qn + GFLX); rb[] += B / Delta; /** For the momentum flux at the surface, we use a robust law-off-the-wall in the lowest grid cell ($z+z_0 < \Delta$). $$u(z) = \frac{u*}{\kappa}\mathrm{ln}\left(\frac{z}{z_{0.m}}\right)$$ with $u*$ the friction velocity, $\kappa=0.4$ the Von Karmann constant, $\mathrm{ln}(x)$ is natural logarithm of a dummy variable $x$ and $z_{0,m}$ the roughness length for momentum. We can express a tendency in the lowest cell $[u]$ due to the surface friction: $$u*^2 = \frac{u}{\|u\|} \left( \frac{uk}{\mathrm{ln} \left(\frac{\Delta}{z_{0,m}} \right)} \right)^2.$$ The corresponding prefactors are already computed and stored in the `lut` array. */ rx[] += -sign(u[])*lut[level]*sq(u[])/Delta; ry[] += -sign(v[])*lut[level]*sq(v[])/Delta; } } /** The local eddy diffusivity ($K$) is written as, $$K = lV_*$$ where $l$ is the mixing length, $$l = \mathrm{min} \left[ kz, 70m \right],$$ with $k= 0.4$ the Von Karman constant. $V_*$ is the mixing velocity scale due to shear *and* convection, inspired by Troen en Mahrt (1986) we write, $$V_* = \sqrt{w_c^2 + \left(lSf(Ri))^2}$$ with w_c the vertical velocity variance for convection ($B>0$ and $z < \mathcal{L}_c$), $$w_c =3 w_d z/h \left( 1-z/\mathcal{L}_c \right) ^ 2,$$ with $w_d$ the Deardorf velocity scale, $$w_d = (B\mathcal{L}_c)^{1/3},$$ and $\mathcal{L}_c$ the height of the well mixed layer, $$\mathcal{L}_c =\sqrt{\frac{2\int b - N^2z \mathrm{d}z}{N^2}}$$ for which we followed the works of Van Heerwaarden, Mellado etc. Noting that $w_c = 0$ for the times with $Q*(t) < 0$ and heights $z > \mathrm{L}_c$. The term $lSf(Ri)$ is computed conforming to the definitions in Van Hooft et al. (2018b). */ Lmix = 0.; foreach() Lmix += (b[] - x*sq(Nv)) * Delta; if (Lmix > 0.) Lmix = sqrt (Lmix*2./sq(Nv)); if (B > 0 && Lmix > 0) ws = pow(B*Lmix, 1./3.); foreach_face(){ double sqd = (sq((u[] - u[-1])/(Delta)) + sq((v[] - v[-1])/(Delta))); double Ri = ((b[] - b[-1])/(Delta))/(sqd + 0.00001); double fRi; if (Ri < 0) fRi = friu(Ri); else fRi = fris(Ri); double l = min(k*x, (70./1030.)*Lc); // The mixing length double fraction = 0; if (Qn > 0) fraction = 3.*(x/Lmix * sq(1. - x/Lmix))*(x < Lmix); double Vs = sqrt(fraction*sq(ws) + sq(l)*sqd*sq(fRi)); kh.x[] = l*Vs; } boundary(all); dt = dtnext(DT); /** Now we have all the ingredients for the reaction-diffusion problem. */ int n = 0; mgb = diffusion (u, dt, kh, r = rx); n += mgb.i; mgb = diffusion (v, dt, kh, r = ry); n += mgb.i; mgb = diffusion (b, dt, kh, r = rb); n += mgb.i; /** Based on the convergence properties we adapt the timestep. */ if (n > 10) //Quickly reduce the timestep if things get rough DT = max (DT/(1+((double)n/10.)), T/(24.*3600.)); if (n < 5) //Slowly increase the timestep when time integration is easy. DT = min (DT*(1+((double)n/100.)), 20.*T/(24.*3600.)); } /** The grid is adapted based on the wavelet-estimated error for the discretized representation of the solution field. The criteria are chosen to be $\zeta_{u,v} = U_{geo}/20$ and $\zeta_b = b_{c,\Lambda}/50$. These values work well enough. */ event adapt (i++){ double ue = Ugeo/20.; double be = sq(Nv)*Lc/50.; adapt_wavelet({u,v,b}, (double[]){ue, ue, be}, maxlevel); } /** ## Output Output consists of instantanious porofiles that are outputted 15 times per phyisical hour. */ event profile(t += T/(24*15)){ char fname[99]; sprintf (fname, "ProfsPi5%g", Pi5); static FILE * fp = fopen (fname, "w"); foreach(){ if (x < Delta) fprintf (fp, "0 0 0 %g \n", BSURF); fprintf (fp, "%g %g %g %g \n", x, u[], v[], b[]); } } /** We also monitor the occurance of a low level jet. The numerical values are not very robust for the various mixing function ($f(\mathrm{Ri})$) formulations, and hence not presented in the associated work. */ double xuvb[4][1000] = {0}; double trec = 0; event llj (t = T/2; i += 5){ bool new_record = false; foreach() if (sq(u[]) + sq(v[]) > sq(Umax)) new_record = true; if (new_record){ trec = t; int j = 0; foreach(){ xuvb[0][j] = x; xuvb[1][j] = u[]; xuvb[2][j] = v[]; xuvb[3][j++] = b[]; } xuvb[0][j] = -1.; } } /** Each timestep, we monitor the buoyancy difference (i.e. the inversion) between $z = 0$ and $z = L_c/20$ and the windspeed at that height. These are summed up over the 19th hour of simulation. */ event inversion (t = T*18./24.; t<= T*19./24.; i++){ double zp1 = 0.; double zp2 = Lc / 20; inv += interpolate (b, zp2) - interpolate (b, zp1); u40 += sqrt(sq(interpolate (u, zp2)) + sq(interpolate (v, zp2))); ni++; } /** Each ten timesteps we output some interesting solution diagnostics so that we can see how the solution has evolved over time. We output ($Q*(t), G(t), B(t), b_{surf}, b_{mix}$ and $\mathcal{L}_c$ to a file named: `timeseriesPi5` followed by a $\Pi_5$-value identifier. */ event timeseries (i += 10){ char fname[99]; sprintf (fname, "timeseriesPi5%g", Pi5); static FILE * fp = fopen (fname, "w"); double B, G, bs, bmix; Lmix = 0; foreach() Lmix += (b[] - x*sq(Nv)) * Delta; if (Lmix > 0.) Lmix = sqrt (Lmix*2./sq(Nv)); bmix = Lmix * sq(Nv); foreach_boundary (left){ G = GFLX; B = Qn + G; bs = BSURF; } if (i == 0) fprintf (fp, "t\tQn\tG\tB\tbs\tbmix\tLmix\n"); fprintf (fp, "%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\n", t, Qn, G, B, bs, bmix, Lmix); } /** ## The last event The `run()` stops once $t = T$ and then we output the (iteration) averaged inversion data and the low-level jet data. */ event stop (t = T){ int m = 0; char fname[99]; sprintf (fname, "Profjet%g",Pi5); static FILE * fpj = fopen (fname, "w"); while (xuvb[0][m] != -1.){ fprintf(fpj, "%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\n", xuvb[0][m], xuvb[1][m],xuvb[2][m], xuvb[3][m]); m++; } inv /= (double)ni; u40 /= (double)ni; fprintf (fpi, "%g\t%g\t%g\n", Pi5, inv, u40); } /** ## A movie On systems with `gnuplot` and `ffmpeg` installed, we can choose to generate animations of the simulation results: ![](lumpedscm/mov_scm.mp4)(width="800" height="400") */ #define GNUPLOT_AND_FFMPEG 1 //Switch for movie output #if GNUPLOT_AND_FFMPEG /** We initialize a pipeline for the plots that will later be turned into a movie. */ static FILE * gnuplotPipe; event init(t = 0){ gnuplotPipe = popen ("gnuplot", "w"); fprintf (gnuplotPipe, "set term pngcairo size 1200,600 enhanced font 'Times ,18'\n" "set yr [0: 1200]\n" "set ylabel 'height [m]'\n" "set grid\n" "set size square\n"); } /** We output 15 plots per physical hour. */ int frame = 0; event plot (t += T/(24*15)){ if (fabs(Pi5 - round(Pi5)) < 0.001){ fprintf (gnuplotPipe, "set output 'plot%d.png'\n", frame); fprintf (gnuplotPipe, "set multiplot layout 1,2 title 'Π_5 = %g," "time %.02d:%.02d' font 'Times ,25'\n", Pi5, (int)(t/(3600)), ((int)t%3600)/60); fprintf (gnuplotPipe, "set xr [-15: 20]\n" "set xlabel 'wind speed [m/s]'\n" "set key top left\n" ); fprintf (gnuplotPipe, "plot '-' w l lw 5 lt rgb'#11BB11' t 'u'," "'-' w l lw 5 lt rgb '#BB11BB' t 'v'\n"); foreach() fprintf (gnuplotPipe, "%g %g\n",u[], x); fprintf (gnuplotPipe, "e\n"); foreach() fprintf (gnuplotPipe, "%g %g\n",v[], x); fprintf (gnuplotPipe, "e\n"); fprintf (gnuplotPipe, "set xr [260 : 290]\n" "set key off\n" "set xlabel 'θ [K]'\n" ); fprintf (gnuplotPipe, "plot '-' w l lw 5 lt rgb '#CC1111'\n"); /** Note that the movie displays the potential temperature ($\theta$) rather than the buoyancy, using $\theta_{ref} = 270K$ and $g = 10 ms^{-2}$. */ foreach() fprintf (gnuplotPipe, "%g %g\n", b[]*27 + 270, x); fprintf (gnuplotPipe, "e\n" "unset multiplot\n"); fflush (gnuplotPipe); frame++; } } /** Finally, we render a `.mp4` movie from these plots and then remove the plots from the disk. */ event moviemaker(t = T){ if (fabs(Pi5 - 8.) < 0.0001){ system ("rm mov_scm.mp4"); system ("ffmpeg -r 25 -f image2 -i plot%d.png -c:v libx264 -vf format=yuv420p -y mov_scm.mp4"); system ("rm plot*"); } return 1; } #endif